Search results

  1. R

    Heating Betta tanks and Betta stocking? has reasonable prices and cheap shipping prices. I don't remember the size (in centimetres) of the smallest heaters, but you can ask them, they speak good english. is another good place. Easiest is to buy bigger tank for the next betta...
  2. R

    My boys are getting a rowhouse

    Thanks :) I think it will be good since the boys can't see each other. I've used the same method before and it has proved succesful. The sand will be 0.1 - 0.6 mm sand blasting sand, the plants: Riccia sp. "Dwarf", Rotala wallichii, Cardamine lyrata, Eleocharis acicularis, Cladophora...
  3. R


    Emerald bettas are of species Betta smaragdina. They are more docile than the regular betta, B. splendens.
  4. R

    Betta Tank for 6 ..err make that 8 Betta Buddies

    Looks nice, I'm sure it will be great :) I wish I'd had the patience to drill holes, it would be so neat to use plexi. Good luck with it :thumbs:
  5. R

    My boys are getting a rowhouse

    Hi all, I wanted to show you my way of keeping my boys. The tank is almost ready, just needs to be cycled before my boys can move in :) I am so bad with this kind of things that I just used regular tank with stuff that don't even need to be attached anyway. I use filter foam plates as dividers...
  6. R

    dwarf puffers...

    Mine did sometimes sleep close to each other but not in a pile though. And they really are social and I think they are best kept in shoals. At least they really seem to enjoy it and swim around exploring things together. The olive one sounds like a male. Does it also have a dark line under...
  7. R

    Do you like Frogs?

    Frogs are fascinating. I already have designed a terrarium for a green tree frog or two. It will be right next to my large paludarium to add a rainforest kind of feeling to the room :thumbs: But I want girls, croaking male would drive me crazy :crazy:
  8. R

    The saddest look ever

    "A Fathead (genus Psychrolutes) trawled during the NORFANZ expedition at a depth between 1013m and 1340m, on the Norfolk Ridge, north-west of New Zealand, June 2003. Image taken by K. Parkinson. The scientists and crew on board the RV Tangaroa affectionately called this fish "Mr Blobby". Note...
  9. R

    What kind of snail is this? Pest?

    Yes, there's several species. Sometimes the snails keep their shells sideways, so they will look a bit like that. Does this look familiar? It' is propably Planorbis planorbis, grows to about 1-2 cm. This is Planorbarius corneus, great ramshorn snail, grows to about 2-3.5 cm. This is a...
  10. R

    What kind of snail is this? Pest?

    Those in my picture are propably Gyraulus albus, white ramshorn snails, but there are several species of ramshorns that look alike and are almost the same size (0.3-1 centimetres). Sometimes they are called "planorbids", Planorbidae being their family. They are small and sort of pretty, they...
  11. R

    Let's play a game

  12. R

    What kind of plants do apple snails hate?

    Looks more like Pomacea canaliculata to me. But we'd need to see the spire first to give 100% id. Here's more help to help identify them: - Apple snail species P. canaliculata is a plant terrorist :crazy:
  13. R

    A couple of new pics

    Nice tank, but I especially love the No fishing -sign. I have a fetish to those signs. I am thinking if I should get one. :look: Oh, and the fish are nice too and the sand is great :thumbs:
  14. R

    My new babies

    Np, it's good to be able to help =) This one lost it's bubble and hides it's head inside the shell :lol:
  15. R

    My new babies

    Thanks =) These dudes make the hardest work and spend their time doing all kinds of funny stuff. It's easy to photograph when they are always doing something interesting
  16. R

    My new babies

    Weird, I thought I already wrote this, but well, maybe I didn't press the add reply buttom or something. I am getting demented :D It looks like these two are talking to each other. "Sweet!" "Dude!"
  17. R

    My new babies

    For toggle and others: Reputable snail dealers, there's some from UK and US =)
  18. R

    My new babies

    There's about 150 of them now =) But I am selling most of them when they are old enough. There's already a waiting list for them :D Apple snails really do reproduce efficiently, one egg clutch can contain hundreds of eggs :crazy: But the babies are sooo cute, who wouldn't want babies. Then...
  19. R

    My new babies

    They are like small blueberries with cute tentacles and endless tummies :lol:
  20. R

    My new babies

    PM:d you with a bad typo =) I hate the winter. I received some dead blue and ivory apple snail babies/clutches last week. Poor things froze to death :( They traveled from central Europe to Finland and didn't arrive before the weekend... I am waiting for spring to get more snails and to send...
  21. R

    My new babies

    They are Pomacea bridgesii. There's several dfferent color types in my babies, blue, ivory, golden, purple and wild. And if you're not familiar with the color types, here you can find more information: Donya Quick's Apple Snail Research - Colors in Pomacea bridgesii I keep the tank next to my...
  22. R

    My new babies

    Hi all. I haven't been hanging around here lately. Dunno why, just needed a time off from many things. I haven't bred my bettas either. I should do it soon, but it would require so much time :/ I've been writing articles about snails to two magazines and I bought apple snail egg clutches. The...
  23. R

    What does your computer area look like?

    I don't have a desk, only a wooden chair :D Why? Well, there's no room for a desk. My stuff is in large, pileable moving boxes, I have two chairs, a laptop, a bed and lots and lots of tanks... :rolleyes:
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    Awwwwww. I can't stand it, they are too cute! :wub:
  25. R

    Apple Snail Eggs are Hatching

    I am sure everyone reading this thread knows this site since it's the best apple snail site there is: I recently got some egg clutches that were laid in tanks which had blues, ivories, purples, yellows and wilds. They have been hatching this week and the babies are growing...
  26. R

    Tsunamis overtakes 8 Countries

    Here in Finland most cities and towns cancelled the new years eve fireworks and donated the money to help tsunami victims. I hope there is enough donations and manpower to prevent further losses. I can't even start to understand the scale of destruction there. It has touched us all, I just...
  27. R

    My snails...

    Lymnaea peregra mating:
  28. R

    Rogues Gallery

    Sometimes I actually leave my room and aquariums and visit the real life. This time I was spotted in a party :blink:
  29. rairai.jpg


  30. R

    AGA's 2004 Aquascaping Contest

    It works again. :) This one looks really good. I would change some things, but the basic idea is awesome :wub:
  31. R

    AGA's 2004 Aquascaping Contest

    Won't help. The site is temporarily down because of too much traffic, I guess. You just have to wait awhile and it works again. It has happened before, it is really popular site. :)
  32. R

    AGA's 2004 Aquascaping Contest

    First of all, I'm not sure if this should be in the planted tanks section or in here. I posted it here so everyone could admire these amazing tanks instead of only the planted tank people seeing them. The results are in. :D AGA's 2004 Aquascaping Contest There's lots of breathtaking setups...
  33. R

    Rogues Gallery

    Aquascaper: Sweet pictures :wub: Here's me after a haircut. I decided to go back to the old and comfortable hairstyle of mine. I look a bit weirdish in this one:
  34. aapeli__.jpg


  35. R

    "How" do you fill up your aquarium?

    Same as JustinSane, surprise :D But I have a circulation pump to speed up the first part. I don't know what python is either. Is it some kind of vacuum cleaner?
  36. R

    Greetings earthlings

    Welcome. There's always room for another weird Finn with a jungle and apple tree sticks :lol: I'm sure you will find this place friendly and entertaining. The people here are great and there's a forum for everything you want to talk about. :thumbs:
  37. R

    Setting up a new tank, 500L

    Thank you Adrinal :) I didn't mention you because humans aren't my pets. But now when I think about it, a man with a collar around his neck would be kinda neat ;) But seriously. I am really happy to have such good friends here. You make my life happier. I hope I can do the same to you (the...
  38. R

    Setting up a new tank, 500L

    Hi again. It took about half an hour per week to do the water change and trim the plants, I used hose and a circulation pump to speed up the process. The plants on top of the tank are Ficus pumila and Epipremnum pinnatum, the first one can tolerate some of its leaves being underwater, but not...
  39. R

    Damn Nice Betta

    I think it's food. That's how my older babies always look after I've fed them :lol:
  40. R

    Floating Plants

    It's good to be usefull =) Salvinia is an interesting plant, it is a fern and it doesn't have roots. Salvinia has two normal leaves and third one that resembles roots. The hairs on the surface of the leaves are interesting too, here is a picture.