My new babies


Feb 5, 2004
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Hi all. I haven't been hanging around here lately. Dunno why, just needed a time off from many things. I haven't bred my bettas either. I should do it soon, but it would require so much time :/

I've been writing articles about snails to two magazines and I bought apple snail egg clutches. The babies are now 9 to 6 days old and growing like weed. Pretty little things. Biggest ones are about 5-6 millimetres.



I'm in love :wub:
Oh so cool pics, what are they? scientific name? I love snails if you didn't know already!

Mine are Pomacea bridgesii but never seen that blue variety, very nice. The link you gave was cool, though can't get the blue variety round here (phoned my local suppliers) any chance of posting some to me? A damp bag with some soaked newspaper should do it. PM me if this is possible.


PM:d you with a bad typo =)

I hate the winter. I received some dead blue and ivory apple snail babies/clutches last week. Poor things froze to death :( They traveled from central Europe to Finland and didn't arrive before the weekend...

I am waiting for spring to get more snails and to send some of these to new homes.
They are like small blueberries with cute tentacles and endless tummies :lol:
What a lovely color those blues have! :wub: I haven't seen any of those round here lately... If I do, I'm getting all of them :p
what happens when those snails have babies and again and again? you will have 100000000 nice little baby snails lol, need to get a snail casteration center :rofl:
There's about 150 of them now =) But I am selling most of them when they are old enough. There's already a waiting list for them :D

Apple snails really do reproduce efficiently, one egg clutch can contain hundreds of eggs :crazy:
But the babies are sooo cute, who wouldn't want babies. Then you just have to get more tanks :lol:
if your selling some i would be happy to buy some blue :D unless i can find some in the lfs cheaper because i guess P=P to the uk is expensive
Weird, I thought I already wrote this, but well, maybe I didn't press the add reply buttom or something. I am getting demented :D

It looks like these two are talking to each other.


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