AGA's 2004 Aquascaping Contest


Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, I'm not sure if this should be in the planted tanks section or in here. I posted it here so everyone could admire these amazing tanks instead of only the planted tank people seeing them.

The results are in. :D
AGA's 2004 Aquascaping Contest

There's lots of breathtaking setups, lots of normal Amano-style and lots of different types of tanks. Many of those need lots of care and regular pruning, but there are also tanks that don't need that much.

Seeing all those different setups gave me some new ideas. :thumbs:
Takashi Amano seems to hate every tank, I loved them all, look at the v large aquatic gardens, simply great.

There were some pretty nice tanks, but I found the overall impression quite dull. There were just too many of these amano-style tanks with riccia, glossostigma, acicularis or hemianthus in some combination.

Mr. Amano's comments were quite stupid throughout the whole contest, he just focussed on minor details like "The driftwood should've been on the left instead of right" and left the rest of the tanks without any comments.

I have to say that he's comment on one of the tanks in the "biotope category" was somewhat ridiculous and offered a great laugh. He commented "The moss should've been tied down". I mean, who ties them in nature? :D :D

Then again the biotope category has been somewhat lousy in all AGA's contests, they're pretty much just some plants thrown in (Often from various continents) and then some fish roughly from the same area like "South America" and that's a good entry. :X
Agree about Takashi Amano's comments, the other judges seemed to have lots more constructive things to say.
Won't help. The site is temporarily down because of too much traffic, I guess. You just have to wait awhile and it works again. It has happened before, it is really popular site. :)
its hosted at the krib and that site is down too, imagine its temporary, give em an hour or so.

rain- said:
It works again. :)

This one looks really good. I would change some things, but the basic idea is awesome :wub:
Yeah, that one is lovely :wub:

Looks a lot bigger than 30gal. a truly unique design.

I wonder what that Cladophora - algae species is (Takashi Amano called it "moss", geez, he doesn't know anything :rofl: :p).
I know that there is atleast one Cladophora species growing native to finnish waters, C. glomerata and I know it's sessile, but I doubt that it would survive in tropical waters. Cladophora aegagropila is commonly found from pet stores but it would have to be attached -_-

*wants (pretty) algae* :D
modernhamlet said:
Definitely some great, some good, some average this year...

This one, however, really caught my eye.

That's simply amazing for a 1 gallon aquarium.
I liked that one

he seems to have got the scale perfectly to suggest a bigger tank in relation to the plants if you know what i mean.

what I *wasnt* impressed with was the stocking of some of those tanks...danios in a 1g?!

lots of beatiful tanks though :nod:

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