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  1. sawickib

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Yes, its a species of leaf fish, if you get the first part ill give it to you because hes not showing off his colors.    The other one is a bichir yes haha but which one?
  2. sawickib

    Tt's Axolotl Adventure

    A reputable dealer told me that you can have 2 per 10 gallons, and also i plan on feeding bloodworm/earthworm sticks because in florida earthworms arent all that natural haha
  3. sawickib

    My Fish Journal.

    OMG!!! Thats so cute! I wish i could get a shot like that of any of my fish! RGH beautiful newt!!!!!!!!
  4. sawickib

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Name this fish!
  5. sawickib

    Setting Up A 6Ft Bichir Tank

    O yea thanks ninj forgot about black substrate, it compliments upper jaw bichirs better.    About the ornate, i say this because they are generally more laid back, but tbh can be aggressive during feeding time to other bichirs, also they are a little less optimistic about taking down fish that...
  6. sawickib

    Setting Up A 6Ft Bichir Tank

    On top of what ninj said, i personally wouldnt get any lower jaw species as they get VERY large, look at your an entire arm and imagine a fish, thats how big lower jaws get and im not joking.  It will take up a lot of space, and lower jaws have been known to eat tank mates that are kind of on...
  7. sawickib

    Tt's Axolotl Adventure

    Gosh, i think these axolotls are becoming a disease haha, very nice tank!   What do you plan on using to keep their tank cold? A chiller or fans? I need a chiller so i can set up a 55 gallon for mine later but man are they expensive.   Also ive read that floating plants can make it difficult for...
  8. sawickib

    My New Axies!

    Yea, i just had to have them haha, keeping their water cold here in florida is going to be a little difficult. My dad didnt let me have another tank so i just set one up, nothing he could do about :P
  9. sawickib

    My New Axies!

    So heres the first one its a adult female gold axolotl, i believe it has the GFP gene as well, which just means she glows under a glow light. Her jaw is messed up, i dont know if it will heal but i just got her today so i plan on asking what happened to her.                 Heres her...
  10. sawickib

    180 Gallon Tank

    Heres one of my nandus nebulous.     Heres one of peacock eels. They are so spastic haha   Two of my teugs, i believe they are the same age, but as you can see how much one eats affect how much they grow.   My delhezi bichirs are slowly losing their black coloration on their body :( O well...
  11. sawickib

    Watch Dogs

    Ubisoft paired up with sega and gave me universe at war: earth assault, but the blasted thing doesnt work on any of my computers now a days.
  12. sawickib

    Hello! New On Tropical Fish Forums, Lover Of Fish For Years.

    Welcome to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here and learn a lot!
  13. sawickib

    Fish Id

    From your earlier photo, which i believe is this poor guy right here, it looks to be a baby bristle nose, i say this because of the small amount of white on the tips of the tail. It died most likely from starving to death. See how sunken in its tummy is? That is my guess for cause of death sorry...
  14. sawickib

    Howdo Fish Keepers

    Hi! Welcome to TFF! Would love to see some photos!
  15. sawickib

    Intentionally Overstocking Your Tank

    No, i completely agree the problems should be taken care of sooner rather than later, esp. when large catfish are involved. IME common plecos grow quite slow, but i also wouldnt advise a common pleco with cories, in fear of territorial problems. Then there is the case where the op is attached to...
  16. sawickib

    Watch Dogs

    I havent played xbox in a while but i usually just play on-line call-of-duty ghosts haha i also dont really plan on buying this game if im honest :P
  17. sawickib

    I Don't Like Your Tank

  18. sawickib

    Intentionally Overstocking Your Tank

    Hi, id just like to add ive had pearl gouramis with angelfish for a few months with no problems at all, but that all doesnt mean yours will not fight, so i would watch them. I believe the OP knows the potential length of the pleco, but i think he/she will be rehoming it when the time comes.   Id...
  19. sawickib

    I Don't Like Your Tank

    A lot of times, i click and see if i can help, tbh if its really long and not intriguing to me i dont read it. I do go pretty extensive if its the type of fish i like to keep haha   Usually, i think a lot of people would agree with me if they know me lol a lot of comments seem like im attacking...
  20. sawickib

    75 Gallon On A Budget

    O sorry i didnt know there was different sizes of pool filter sand, all the play sand and pool filter sand ive ever seen is 50lb bags. Also it didnt take me 45 minutes to clean my pool filter sand lol it did take that long for play sand IME though.    The silicone is a clear substance correct? ...
  21. sawickib

    Intentionally Overstocking Your Tank

    Your tank tbh doesnt seem very stocked, the 1" per gallon of adult fish is good for newbies but you usually learn whats wrong and right. Stocking usually comes down to parameters, temp, waste production, territory, etc.   Im sure you know you wont be able to keep a full grown common pleco in a...
  22. sawickib

    Please What Is My Fish

    Alright, so since you say it stays at the top of the tank my guess is glass catfish, wallagos are more lazy, but im not sure how babies act if im honest. How big are the arrowana and gar? The catfish may be a snack.   Id love to see photos of the arrowana and gars :D and maybe a few more clear...
  23. sawickib

    New To The Forum But Not New To The Hobby!

    So you dont feed any types of pellets? Ive seen some people use reptile bowls, which i guess work even if some of the color come off, because their amphibious? Also it looked like is was less easy for them to blow the worms around and you use a turkey baster to get them in the bowl. But the...
  24. sawickib I Have Another New Geophagus

    Thats good, glad hes eating. :)
  25. sawickib

    Please What Is My Fish

    Hmmm you could be right, it just seems a bit cloudy, but a wallago isnt a common aquarium fish, so id rather trust yours over mine haha, these glass fish need a group of 6 or more to feel safe btw :D
  26. sawickib

    Please What Is My Fish

    Welcome to TFF btw.   Please in the future do not buy fish you no nothing about.    This little guy is not a little guy at all. What you have there looks to be a very young Wallago leeri, which get huge, larger than 4ft, so i would either keep him for awhile and enjoy his fast growth and rehome...
  27. sawickib

    New To The Forum But Not New To The Hobby!

    I love the set-up im getting some as well and was wondering if its recommended to use the dish, ive seen a few tanks with those in them. Right now i have a 2 fan one just like yours almost haha how did you get it to stay on your plastic trim? Mines at the 68 range as well.   I plan to get 3-4 of...
  28. sawickib

    75 Gallon On A Budget

    Nice story haha, in regards to the broken plastic trim, you can buy some 100% silicone at your local home depot or lowes, and fill in the cracks, this silicone is the same stuff inside your tank and takes maybe 30+ minutes to dry. I did it on my 180 gallon, in a LOT of different places, the trim...
  29. sawickib

    What Is Going On. 3 Tanks-> All Sorts Of Fish Issues!

    Hi i didnt mean to insult you in anyway last night i apologize if you felt that way, i responded to your question at 12:30 last night and wanted to make sure to help you out. I just meant that these things dont normally happen in the ordinary maintained tank, im sorry i jumped to conclusions.   ...
  30. sawickib I Have Another New Geophagus

    It may just be because hes new and has to learn that the floating food is food, i havent had any of my geos do this before so theres no hints i can add, except for maybe putting in some flakes then putting in a LOT bloodworms so some get to the bottom so he can get some food, and then maybe he...
  31. sawickib

    Stocking 75 Gallon - Oscar Or No Oscar?

    A pair of angelfish male/female would be nice, or one severum, i personally like the super red severums.   The shark will become a problem for your bottom dwellers, i can guarantee you that he will become a tank and will not tolerate many bottom dweller.   You could just rehome the shark as it...
  32. sawickib

    What Is Going On. 3 Tanks-> All Sorts Of Fish Issues!

    O my goodness im sorry but you need a LOT of help on this thread, with all your tanks, first things first its terrible to use fish for cycling a fish tank. They go through terrible stress up until the point they die because they cant take it anymore. HERE is where you will learn the proper and...
  33. sawickib

    Stocking 75 Gallon - Oscar Or No Oscar?

    Alight im just going to be honest here ok, and give you different stockings.   Stock #1 One oscar / no other tank mates they produce a large bioload so frequent and large water changes is recommended, also decent filters they need almost no direction in a tank this size, due to needing swimming...
  34. sawickib

    New To The Forum But Not New To The Hobby!

    Welcome to TFF!!! Love the axies! What do you use to keep the tank cold?
  35. sawickib

    20 Gallon Long Chiller Help

    Yes, its the plastic ones on the side, so theres the plastic rim, and another plastic part that goes outward, all my tanks have the same type of lips and i dont want to destroy the plastic that much just to accommodate this chiller, but i do need it.
  36. sawickib

    Female Betta Ich

    I think your problem is you put 3 female bettas together, when you do betta sororities you usually do a densly planted 20 gallon PLUS with about 6 or more female bettas to spread aggression. Your females most likely are fighting and stressing eacother out as well as the fast moving gouramis who...
  37. sawickib

    20 Gallon Long Chiller Help

    Alright so i just a two fan chiller for my 20 gallon today, and it doesnt fit onto the tank... Here it is.   Theres actually black screws, but the problem is the lip of the side of the tank, so the fan cant...
  38. sawickib

    Bugs On Top Of Water?

    Those do kind of look like them, thanks star, so i guess i should not worry about them haha
  39. sawickib

    180 Gallon Tank

    New aquarium vids in HD!