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  1. guidedbyechoes

    There Is Always Sumpthing There To Remind Me

    I am trying to set up a 30 gallon long tank as a sump for a 55 gallon mbuna setup. I wanted to do so for obvious reasons more water volume, reffuge for hassled fish, and more filtration. I wanted to add some mosses to help combat the abundance that likes to grow on my glass. I was wondering what...
  2. guidedbyechoes


    I don't know who to contact about this but I'm being spammed by a member with no posts its another forum and they have sent me multiple PM's telling me to register at their forum. :angry:
  3. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    won't the scolofi look exactly like the cobalts? I was thinking of saulsi because the females are orange. Well I've only had one covered tank ever so as long as they aren't jumpers I should be fine.
  4. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    One last question. My tank is open do I need a top for it? I have egg crate but a canopy is a no go with my light.
  5. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    thanks kj. You been a big help :good:
  6. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    Well not really against blue but I wanted a different shade. Like a much lighter shade. But I didn't want any of them to be similar in color or patterning. You know more diversity. SO far I might do Afras, electric yellow labs, Maylandia callainos, and something from the psudeotrophous.
  7. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    yeah that was it pundamilia nyerie I beleive it was.
  8. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    hahah all the cool looking ones are jerks. Anything else with a non zebra look? Also is there a cichlid with the coloration of a frontosa but not the hump and larger size?
  9. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    I am in the US. I liked the red quite a bit. I also like the melanchromis auratus.
  10. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    I think I'll go with the afra instead they look quite similar. If you add the different coloration of the female it goes more variation. Lots of mbuna look similar. I also wanted something that wasn't yellow and blue with the zebra pattern.
  11. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    55 gal US WHat? I need 10 of the same species to have them? I think I'll look at something else then.
  12. guidedbyechoes

    Do I Need More Rock?

    Algea seems to be growing well! Should I add more rocks? I plan on keeping Yellow labs and demasoni. I want to add 2 more species but am unsure of which at the moment. I was also thinking of breaking up the rock on the lower left to fill in that gap.
  13. guidedbyechoes

    Sunpaq 48" Lighting --- 130 Total Watts With Two Lunar Lights

    I forgot to reply to this thread package 2 came about a week ago. Thanks again.
  14. guidedbyechoes

    Fish you'd like to see less of...

    I would like to see inches and feet written out instead of 1' and 1'' Thats a lot of difference if you aren't paying close attention.
  15. guidedbyechoes

    Safe Way To Slowly Change Ph

    Why is 6 the magic number? I planned on 4. What else likes higher heat range that won't become a snack?
  16. guidedbyechoes

    Safe Way To Slowly Change Ph

    I ment 3 peices of wood.
  17. guidedbyechoes

    Safe Way To Slowly Change Ph

    gonna add maybe 3.
  18. guidedbyechoes

    Safe Way To Slowly Change Ph

    I currently have gouramis and panda corys in my tank. I want to keep discus and blue rams as well. This will of course need the ph to be dropped from my current 7.5. I plan to add RO water to get the PH set for all fish. How long will it take and what tap to RO ratio will I need to do this...
  19. guidedbyechoes

    Marine Lights On A Tropical Setup

    As long as the white are near 10k kelvin yes. The blue won't do much for plants.
  20. guidedbyechoes

    Jebo Equipment?

    I own a light fixture from them and its usable, does anyone have any expirence with their other equipment? Skimmers? UV? so forth.
  21. guidedbyechoes

    Sunpaq 48" Lighting --- 130 Total Watts With Two Lunar Lights

    Package has arrived could not of asked for a better packing job. It had notes on operation that anyone with a 2 grade reading level could follow. I'm extremely happy about its arrival.
  22. guidedbyechoes

    55 Gallon Community Tank Idea

    I was thinking about adding schools of small fish instead of the larger ones. Zebra danios, harlequin rasbora, and tiger barbs caught my eye, cardinal tetra as well but I don't think they like similar water.
  23. guidedbyechoes

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    There are definately risk involved but if you are careful and do clean neat work(besides making sure power is off when you are working on the circuit) there shouldn't be anymore risk than working on a tube guitar amplifier. Which we have done. And the caps in there hold a charge for a long time.
  24. guidedbyechoes

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    aka not gone through the full what is it 5-10 years of training. He's got two.
  25. guidedbyechoes

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    There are leds in sunlight colors now? How do you factor in WPG for them? I have experience in wiring up leds if these are similar to the ones I used I might be able to make my own lights. If not I have a friend thats almost an electrician to help me.
  26. guidedbyechoes

    It's The Namesake!

  27. guidedbyechoes

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    couldn't you just run a fan over the tank in the summer?
  28. guidedbyechoes

    Carpet Plant

    yeah weak roots may not work well since I have bottom dwellers and a blue spot gourami that likes to test their reflexes every once in a while.
  29. guidedbyechoes

    Carpet Plant

    I had some micro swords in my first tank but I didn't have any co2 or ferts going but it stayed looking nice for at least 4 months. I made the mistake of remove them from the pot media dunno what its called and it just floated around the tank from then on. Until I removed it.
  30. guidedbyechoes

    Carpet Plant

    Sorry re edited it.
  31. guidedbyechoes

    Carpet Plant

    I want something just a little taller. Spread to much or just hard to clip.
  32. guidedbyechoes

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    I see, I was just wondering what type of light I would need to be the most efficient both space wise and consumption wise.
  33. guidedbyechoes

    Carpet Plant

    I need to find a foreground plant for a carpetting effects. I want something dense and around an 2 inches tall max. I have 4 wpg and CO2. Will dose ferts as needed.
  34. guidedbyechoes

    Online Store Name

    I have one more offering. No fish store. People will wonder what it is.
  35. guidedbyechoes

    Online Store Name

    Something fishy: fish supplies
  36. guidedbyechoes

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    I was lead to believe a 50 watt metal halide would produce more lumens than a t5 lets say power compact of the same wattage. SO I am misunderstanding somehow?
  37. guidedbyechoes

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    I was wondering how many watts of fluorescence would be equal to 50 watts of MH? I was wondering if one beat out the other over wattage consumed to lumens produced.
  38. guidedbyechoes

    55 Gallon Community Tank Idea

    Not a fan of livebearers, they are pretty but they are like bunnies that no one else wants.
  39. guidedbyechoes

    Can 3 Spot And Pearls Mate?

    The tank would have two female gouramis in it. The male would kill himself taking care of all the eggs.