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i already have wholesalers stuff, they said i didnt need one cos i wasnt actually selling fish just products
good luck with it all, i only know of 2 wholesalers in the UK who will trade to non licensed parties and both are very bad with their customer services and take up to 6 months to get products in at times and if you order goods they require payment up front, if they find that it is out of stock you do not get a credit note or a replacement of a similar item, they hold your funds until the goods finally arrive and then send them. This is why I dont use them.
I like 'Fishville' what jon suggested lol.. but if you aint seeling fish, no point. What about 'Fishless Aquatics' ? lol.. but no good if you deside to sell fish in future... Where in sheff this gunna be then ?
How about, :lol:

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