Do I Need More Rock?


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI

Algea seems to be growing well! Should I add more rocks? I plan on keeping Yellow labs and demasoni. I want to add 2 more species but am unsure of which at the moment. I was also thinking of breaking up the rock on the lower left to fill in that gap.
As long as it would still be stable, a couple more rocks to make it higher would fine.

How many gallons is it?

Demasoni do best in groups of 10 or more w/only one male. If you get other spieces, make sure the others don't look anything like the demasoni. They get very territorial and may terrorize others that look similar.
As long as it would still be stable, a couple more rocks to make it higher would fine.

How many gallons is it?

Demasoni do best in groups of 10 or more w/only one male. If you get other spieces, make sure the others don't look anything like the demasoni. They get very territorial and may terrorize others that look similar.

55 gal US WHat? I need 10 of the same species to have them? I think I'll look at something else then.
That's just for Demasoni. That's supposedly because they are territorial and are prone to pick on fish that look like them (which includes their own kind). Having more gives more to pick on to disperse the aggressive nature.

btw, I think the gap looks fine.



"First and foremost, a minimum of twelve should be kept in any size tank to help disperse aggression. This not only keeps a single male from being dominant over all others, it helps females and sub-dominant males from being chased to exhaustion (and death) by getting "lost in the crowd". A small group of 5 or 6 simply will not work, as the dominant male will systematically kill off each tank mate until only he remains. Male to female ratio is unimportant when they're kept in groups of this size, which is a bonus, because accurately determining their gender can be a futile task. It's very important not to house these fish with similarly colored species (e.g., Cynotilapia afra or Metrialclima lombardoi). "
That's just for Demasoni. That's supposedly because they are territorial and are prone to pick on fish that look like them (which includes their own kind). Having more gives more to pick on to disperse the aggressive nature.

btw, I think the gap looks fine.



"First and foremost, a minimum of twelve should be kept in any size tank to help disperse aggression. This not only keeps a single male from being dominant over all others, it helps females and sub-dominant males from being chased to exhaustion (and death) by getting "lost in the crowd". A small group of 5 or 6 simply will not work, as the dominant male will systematically kill off each tank mate until only he remains. Male to female ratio is unimportant when they're kept in groups of this size, which is a bonus, because accurately determining their gender can be a futile task. It's very important not to house these fish with similarly colored species (e.g., Cynotilapia afra or Metrialclima lombardoi). "


I think I'll go with the afra instead they look quite similar. If you add the different coloration of the female it goes more variation. Lots of mbuna look similar. I also wanted something that wasn't yellow and blue with the zebra pattern.
Something not yellow, not blue, no zebra pattern:

Metriaclima Estherae

Metriaclima greshakei (Albino)

It depends on what you can get locally. However, if you're in the U.S. I know of quite a few sites that sell cichlids online.

btw I have Cynotilapia Afra Cobue and I really like them. My dominant male is developing nicely. They were all bought as juvies and he now has the orangeish on his head. I can't wait for him to develop more.


Something not yellow, not blue, no zebra pattern:

Metriaclima Estherae

Metriaclima greshakei (Albino)

It depends on what you can get locally. However, if you're in the U.S. I know of quite a few sites that sell cichlids online.

btw I have Cynotilapia Afra Cobue and I really like them. My dominant male is developing nicely. They were all bought as juvies and he now has the orangeish on his head. I can't wait for him to develop more.



I am in the US. I liked the red quite a bit. I also like the melanchromis auratus.

"M. auratus is definitely not for beginners, even though it is often purchased by unsuspecting and naïve admirers. The reason for being a difficult or problematic fish is due to the fact that it is far more aggressive than the majority of Mbuna. Adult males are perhaps the most aggressive of any Mbuna available, period. They are violently intolerant of male conspecifics (i.e., fish of similar appearance). Simply do not try and keep more than one of these males in anything less than 125 gallons. Males can be quite effective at laying claim to almost half of a 50-gallon aquarium, fighting anyone who trespasses, unless to spawn."

"M. auratus is definitely not for beginners, even though it is often purchased by unsuspecting and naïve admirers. The reason for being a difficult or problematic fish is due to the fact that it is far more aggressive than the majority of Mbuna. Adult males are perhaps the most aggressive of any Mbuna available, period. They are violently intolerant of male conspecifics (i.e., fish of similar appearance). Simply do not try and keep more than one of these males in anything less than 125 gallons. Males can be quite effective at laying claim to almost half of a 50-gallon aquarium, fighting anyone who trespasses, unless to spawn."

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

hahah all the cool looking ones are jerks. Anything else with a non zebra look? Also is there a cichlid with the coloration of a frontosa but not the hump and larger size?
the pundamilia types are really aggressive too. I have one species of them and have read on other sites that they think they are more aggressive than mbuna (they come from lake victoria). They might be alright. You never know until you try, unless tons of people advise against something, I guess.
the pundamilia types are really aggressive too. I have one species of them and have read on other sites that they think they are more aggressive than mbuna (they come from lake victoria). They might be alright. You never know until you try, unless tons of people advise against something, I guess.

yeah that was it pundamilia nyerie I beleive it was.
hahah all the cool looking ones are jerks.
bummer deal for others too :unsure:

Anything else with a non zebra look? Also is there a cichlid with the coloration of a frontosa but not the hump and larger size?
Not to my knowledge about the frontosa.

Melanochromis johannii Males are blue w/horizontal stripe and females are orange

Do you really want to stay away from blue cichlids?

yeah that was it pundamilia nyerie I beleive it was.
nyererei-these scientific names get quite the spelling don't they. And it's supposed to alleviate confusion :rolleyes:
hahah all the cool looking ones are jerks.
bummer deal for others too :unsure:

Anything else with a non zebra look? Also is there a cichlid with the coloration of a frontosa but not the hump and larger size?
Not to my knowledge about the frontosa.

Melanochromis johannii Males are blue w/horizontal stripe and females are orange

Do you really want to stay away from blue cichlids?

yeah that was it pundamilia nyerie I beleive it was.
nyererei-these scientific names get quite the spelling don't they. And it's supposed to alleviate confusion :rolleyes:

Well not really against blue but I wanted a different shade. Like a much lighter shade. But I didn't want any of them to be similar in color or patterning. You know more diversity.

SO far I might do Afras, electric yellow labs, Maylandia callainos, and something from the psudeotrophous.

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