55 Gallon Community Tank Idea


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
I would like my tank to be heavily planted. Tall plants in back only. Not sure what plants to use as I want a carpet like plant in the front. But not overly bright that it washes out fish colors. I plan to run 2wpg. Flourite substrate, dosing of flourish and excel, then whatever else as needed. Hardscape will be plants and a few rocks. Ok now to the fun part!

3 spot gourami
6 panda corys

(want to add)
2 pearl gourami
5 boesman rainbow fish
10 harlequin rasbora

I'm running 2 filters one for 55 gallons and the other for 30 so it is well filtered. I don't want so much light as to need co2 because then the HOB would make it nearly impossible to keep the co2 from escaping. That should be close to stocked, I plan to add a few snails as well just because I like inverts. Any suggestions for plants. What I should add? What I shouldn't add? Substitutions?
You think 26 fish will be near stocked in a 55g tank? i dont.

especially if your over filtering and you are doing regular water changes, i think you can push it more than 26.
You think 26 fish will be near stocked in a 55g tank? i dont.

especially if your over filtering and you are doing regular water changes, i think you can push it more than 26.

if going by the inch per fish rule I am really close to stocked. When including the inverts I am stocked, maybe slightly overstocked. Can I get a second opinion?
You think 26 fish will be near stocked in a 55g tank? i dont.

especially if your over filtering and you are doing regular water changes, i think you can push it more than 26.

if going by the inch per fish rule I am really close to stocked. When including the inverts I am stocked, maybe slightly overstocked. Can I get a second opinion?

Id see how it goes for maybe 4 weeks, if your tests are spot on, add a couple more, 4 weeks then test, couple more. then id stop (maybe) hehe

ps, the corys are bottom dwellers and only 6 of them, in a tank that size, they wont even matter and with them been bottom dwellers, they are not taking the mid and top sections room

Maybe boost it to 15 pandas.
You think 26 fish will be near stocked in a 55g tank? i dont.

especially if your over filtering and you are doing regular water changes, i think you can push it more than 26.

if going by the inch per fish rule I am really close to stocked. When including the inverts I am stocked, maybe slightly overstocked. Can I get a second opinion?

Id see how it goes for maybe 4 weeks, if your tests are spot on, add a couple more, 4 weeks then test, couple more. then id stop (maybe) hehe

ps, the corys are bottom dwellers and only 6 of them, in a tank that size, they wont even matter and with them been bottom dwellers, they are not taking the mid and top sections room

Maybe boost it to 15 pandas.

Possibly, but I would be tempted to up it to 12 and add some shrimp. What does your tank(s) stocking consist of?
My stocklist are..

2ft tank, 2 swords, 5 platys, trio of bristlenose plecs thats spawn monthly (there is fry in there but i move them to the growout tank.)

all levels fine deaths in last 3 months on this tank =0 (waterchange 1 weekly-25%)

Over filtered 1 big spong filter running off powerhead and 2 small sponge filters on opposite side.

2ft tank, possibly close to 250 cherry shrimp, 20 BN fry, 1x2" BN.

all levels fine, deaths in last 3 months on this tank = 0 (although if any shrimp did die, i wouldnt notice due to mass amount).

Water change 25% weekly

3 ft growout tank, overstock rapidly - close to 150 fish in it all young (soon to be taken to lfs to sell) apart from 1 larg male BN and 1 big ghost shrimp.

all levels fine - overfiltered, deaths in last 3 months - 3, had a catfish in there for a couple of days that attacked a few.

Water change 25% weekly

28liter aqua start - 8 shrimp (cherry) 50 bN fry (fry soon to be moved when livebearers are took to lfs) deaths in last 3 months-0 im aware of

all levels fine - over filtered (2 x sponge filters)

Water change 25% weekly

2ft tank - goldfish - overfiltered, no reason for over filtering, not over stcoked but i like to overfilter all my tanks. 0-deaths

4ft tank, in the process of being set up, - extra growout tank for the BN's
My stocklist are..

2ft tank, 2 swords, 5 platys, trio of bristlenose plecs thats spawn monthly (there is fry in there but i move them to the growout tank.)

all levels fine deaths in last 3 months on this tank =0 (waterchange 1 weekly-25%)

Over filtered 1 big spong filter running off powerhead and 2 small sponge filters on opposite side.

2ft tank, possibly close to 250 cherry shrimp, 20 BN fry, 1x2" BN.

all levels fine, deaths in last 3 months on this tank = 0 (although if any shrimp did die, i wouldnt notice due to mass amount).

Water change 25% weekly

3 ft growout tank, overstock rapidly - close to 150 fish in it all young (soon to be taken to lfs to sell) apart from 1 larg male BN and 1 big ghost shrimp.

all levels fine - overfiltered, deaths in last 3 months - 3, had a catfish in there for a couple of days that attacked a few.

Water change 25% weekly

28liter aqua start - 8 shrimp (cherry) 50 bN fry (fry soon to be moved when livebearers are took to lfs) deaths in last 3 months-0 im aware of

all levels fine - over filtered (2 x sponge filters)

Water change 25% weekly

2ft tank - goldfish - overfiltered, no reason for over filtering, not over stcoked but i like to overfilter all my tanks. 0-deaths

4ft tank, in the process of being set up, - extra growout tank for the BN's

Ok I will take your advice, but I'll have to do it slowly so I make sure my middle area isn't too crowded. Because the corys like to play in the middle sometimes as well.
i just want to add, im not saying madly over stock your tank, obviously, doing that would cause problem...

What im getting at is, if you can find a balance point of where you can maximize your stock and keep levels spot on within the time range of your water changes, then there is no reason why you cant go up to that level.

this why i say, check your stats after adding more fish every other day or summat, and if all reading well up to your next waterchange, you know your stock level is good, i cant know how much you feed your fish etc and this plays a part in the tank also, so the only way to get to your max level (or to know what it is) is by slowly adding..

Once you have achieved your satisfied level, and the levels of the ammonia, nitrite are fine, your good.

If you do happen to add say 2 fish, and the ammonia and nitrite rise even the slightest, you know its to much..

what i would do is not add more big fish, i would add smaller ones that are compatable with your current fish.

Adding more corries would be good, with them been bottom dwellers and like to shoal.

Like i say, im not condoning overstocking, im just saying there is a balance to be achieved and is always good to know your limits.
i just want to add, im not saying madly over stock your tank, obviously, doing that would cause problem...

What im getting at is, if you can find a balance point of where you can maximize your stock and keep levels spot on within the time range of your water changes, then there is no reason why you cant go up to that level.

this why i say, check your stats after adding more fish every other day or summat, and if all reading well up to your next waterchange, you know your stock level is good, i cant know how much you feed your fish etc and this plays a part in the tank also, so the only way to get to your max level (or to know what it is) is by slowly adding..

Once you have achieved your satisfied level, and the levels of the ammonia, nitrite are fine, your good.

If you do happen to add say 2 fish, and the ammonia and nitrite rise even the slightest, you know its to much..

what i would do is not add more big fish, i would add smaller ones that are compatable with your current fish.

Adding more corries would be good, with them been bottom dwellers and like to shoal.

Like i say, im not condoning overstocking, im just saying there is a balance to be achieved and is always good to know your limits.

Ok lets say I ditch adding the larger fish. WHat other fish could I add in their place that would be as colorful?
My 55 gallon only has 11 fish all are small except from the common plecs will rehome when to big. I'm no exxpert used to have 10 guppies, 10 neons, 2 swordtails, (p.s these werne't all in at the same time) common plecs, 3 clown loaches, 2 silver sharks, loads of fry, 2 mollies, 2 dalmation mollies, siamese fighter and more. Quite bad aren't i? lol
My 55 gallon only has 11 fish all are small except from the common plecs will rehome when to big. I'm no exxpert used to have 10 guppies, 10 neons, 2 swordtails, (p.s these werne't all in at the same time) common plecs, 3 clown loaches, 2 silver sharks, loads of fry, 2 mollies, 2 dalmation mollies, siamese fighter and more. Quite bad aren't i? lol

Not a fan of livebearers, they are pretty but they are like bunnies that no one else wants.
I was thinking about adding schools of small fish instead of the larger ones. Zebra danios, harlequin rasbora, and tiger barbs caught my eye, cardinal tetra as well but I don't think they like similar water.

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