Safe Way To Slowly Change Ph


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
I currently have gouramis and panda corys in my tank. I want to keep discus and blue rams as well. This will of course need the ph to be dropped from my current 7.5. I plan to add RO water to get the PH set for all fish. How long will it take and what tap to RO ratio will I need to do this safely? I have yet to plant it because I don't want the plants in the hard water.
I currently have gouramis and panda corys in my tank. I want to keep discus and blue rams as well. This will of course need the ph to be dropped from my current 7.5. I plan to add RO water to get the PH set for all fish. How long will it take and what tap to RO ratio will I need to do this safely? I have yet to plant it because I don't want the plants in the hard water.

7.5 is fine for both fish as long as you aren't planning on breeding and selling Discus.
7.5 should be fine with discus. Just drip acclimate your discus to your tank. If you really want to drop your ph slowly and safely, just drop a piece of driftwood in there or add some peat to your filter.
I bought a cheap German Ram about 4-5 months ago at my LFS (was about an inch long at the time), and put it in my tank of pH 8.3 and very high kH. It certainly didn't keel over an die. After about a month, I did end up cutting my tap 50/50 with distilled hoping to encourage better coloration (now at a pH ~7.8), and it's now just shy of 2 inches and displays very rich yellows and blacks. The blue and reds did not develop very well, but it's hard to tell what sort of stock it came from in the first place! Never the's bright, spunky, and quite happy.

Granted, 4-5 months may not prove a whole lot, but am trying to say that the "wrong" pH isn't going to necessarily cause your fish harm. Good clean water is far more important.
7.5 should be fine with discus. Just drip acclimate your discus to your tank. If you really want to drop your ph slowly and safely, just drop a piece of driftwood in there or add some peat to your filter.

gonna add maybe 3.

Ph is fine

if you add 3 you are more than likely going to have problems, 6 minimum or a pair

Why is 6 the magic number? I planned on 4. What else likes higher heat range that won't become a snack?
7.5 should be fine with discus. Just drip acclimate your discus to your tank. If you really want to drop your ph slowly and safely, just drop a piece of driftwood in there or add some peat to your filter.

gonna add maybe 3.

Ph is fine

if you add 3 you are more than likely going to have problems, 6 minimum or a pair

Why is 6 the magic number? I planned on 4. What else likes higher heat range that won't become a snack?

6 isn't really the magic number. 4+ Discus should be fine. 5+ is preferable, as the more Discus there are, the better the aggression between them is spread out.

It also depends on how big the tank is. Minimum you want is a 50g for Discus keeping.

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