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  1. R

    Marina S15 Filter Sponge Question

    Holy sh1t thanks for that reply, it had so much info I had to read it twice to take it all in but I think I now know what to do, I'll do like you say and will replace the cartridges this time but where to get the foam? Just walk into my lfs and ask for pond stuff? Cut it to fit and run them...
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    My Shrimp Tank ....

    Have you any pictures of your set up ?
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    Marina S15 Filter Sponge Question

    I'm not sure if many are familiar with the Marina s15 but it has space for 3 cartridges to filter the water but I'm "meant" to change one of these every 3 to 6 weeks but I don't want to send the money so is there foam sponge I can buy to replace these? I was thinking of running them together...
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    Cabomba Rooting Question

    I bought 3 cabomba plants about 2 weeks ago and planted them in my tank but I have very little experience with real plants so may have been a little heavy handed as some of the "branches" looked as thou I snapped them off and they floated around the tank, some I removed but others were caught up...
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    Who Is Happy With Their Display Tank?

    Once my plants grow and fill out/look health I'll be 100%
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    My Shrimp Tank ....

    Ok there has been a bit of movement with this in many ways, first of I've been 'aloud to bring the tank downstairs to the dining room ( result ) and I got some new things for it. The wire and mesh arrived from the net and a member from the forum is sending me some moss, I got a coconut, cut it...
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    Where To Get Moss?

    i replied to your pm, cheers fella.
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    Cherries Going Great

    Have you pictures mate?
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    Where To Get Moss?

    Northern Ireland mate, how much have you got ?
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    Java Moss - Gone

    I want your moss, how would like paid ?
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    Where To Get Moss?

    I want to put some moss in my tank and have looked at dome on eBay but is there anywhere else to try? I thought maybe someone on here would have some? I tried my lfs and they had balls but I want a carpet and balls. Can you get seeds or what ? I know what I want it's just getting it I find...
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    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    This is so hard, I don't know if it's the camera, the time of day or what but the background is dark navy. In the pictures it's royal blue but I assure you it's dark lol. Empty ? Ya think? I was hoping once things start growing ( which they already have) they would full out and take up more...
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    Tank Of The Month - July 2011

    here's my entry,hope you like it ... it's a 60l and inside it is, 9 x neon tetras 12 x lambchop rashboras 4 x albino cories 3 oto's 1 x betta some cherry shrimp ( don't know how many cause i can't find them to count them. some grass but i don't know the name 1 x anubia 3 x cabomba
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    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    ok so i took onboard what was said and junked the fake plants and got some cabomba and swapped the background out for some dark (believe it or not it is dark) navy vinyl so this is whats going into the comp,
  15. R

    My Shrimp Tank ....

    and here's the room it's going into, were it sits it gets no direct sunlight but light all day,but incase i want to see i want to see them at night i'll use these cheap LED units, if they prove to be crap i'll buy a better LED unit. and here it is with the sand in it.
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    My Shrimp Tank ....

    sorry for the delay, i had mother-in-laws birthday to go to but i thought i was getting out of it. here's the pictures so far. here's the tank in my kitchen as it's just came out of the box. next i put the same dark navy vinyl i have put on the back of my main tank, i set the filter inside to...
  17. R

    My Shrimp Tank ....

    Yesterday I bought a p@h my first fish tank as a shrimp tank for my spare bedroom. I kept a few cherry shrimp in my main tank ( a 60l with neon tetras, harlequins, a betta and some cories and otos) but a few have gone missing and I don't thinknits fair if they are getting eaten some they are...
  18. R

    Tiny Tanks (Nano)

    I picked up one of p@h my first fish tanks yesterday and it's going to be my shrimp tank for my spare bedroom. I've got sand cleaned for it and java moss ordered but do I really need a heater if it's in a warm room and the waters about 19-20* ?
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    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    Ok so some changes have been made so updated pictures later and I need/want feedback, be as harsh as you like, I've big shoulders !!!!
  20. R

    Introducing My Best Mate Barry

    i thought i'd introduce myself and my betta barry, after the legendary irish boxer (or fighter) barry mcguigan. ok it's a very poor picture but you get the idea, when i get the time i'll break out the DSLR and do him some justice. he's the first betta i've keep and i've had him about 2/3 months...
  21. R

    Thinking Of Upping My Water Changes

    Right then, 10ls out wed and suns then and I'll monitor ammonia levels tues and sats to see whether or not it's working. Thanks for the speedy replies
  22. R

    Thinking Of Upping My Water Changes

    I used to change 20ls out of my 60l tank once a week but on the advice of this forum I've now changed this to 10l once a week but I've seen a climb in ammonia over the last few weeks so I'm thinking of changing again to 5ls every other day or 5l twice a week but with all this changing am I...
  23. R

    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    black background, mmm never thought of that,after i got the fake looking set up i have i got some dark navy vynil ( after reading something on the site ) and was going to swap to that but was going to stick with this for a while longer. and cheers for the thumbs up about the stocking, i think...
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    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    the tubes were a bit of an after thought, when i took the grass out of them to plant them i thought they might look ok on the other side, straight off the bat wifey said bad move, i agree they look s4ite. the rhizome of the anubia is free from the sand and i read today on the site about tieing...
  25. R

    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    bang on mate, ive been saying to my wife i want the fake plants out and put in something like 2 cryptocorynes or something like microsorum.
  26. R

    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    sorry i should have said the two plants of the right are fake, the grass at the back ( can someone id it please ) and the anubia are real (doh) and the current population is 1x betta 4x albino corys 9x neon tetras 12x lambchop rasboras 3x oto's 5 (maybe 6 ) cheery shrimp
  27. R

    I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm

    so my tank has been going for nearly two months and i'm trying to keep things ticking over and hassle free but the more i look at tanks on here the more i think mine doesn't really look it's best and i want to enter the sites tank of the month so please help me guys. whats people general...
  28. R

    Should I Use This Plant Fert ?

    Oh right cheers ianho, so SHOULD it help promise good health in my plants.
  29. R

    Should I Use This Plant Fert ?

    Cheers Kelly.
  30. R

    Should I Use This Plant Fert ?

    I fella I work with recently got rid of his 80l tank and he passed on some of the things he didn't need anymore, and jbl ferropol 24 was one of them. He said he used it every day for help his plants stay full and healthy but he had really bad algae and I'm unsure whether or not I want to use...
  31. R

    What Have I Done Wrong ?

    Cheers lads
  32. R

    What Have I Done Wrong ?

    Sorry I should have said, those figures were off yesterday's water. And after that I did my 20l change. Maybe it was natural, maybe I stressed him out.... Either way I'm still #71###ed off about it.
  33. R

    What Have I Done Wrong ?

    ok here's some more info. glass is cleaned once a week ,when i do the water change, with a magnet cleaner. when i put the new water in i use some 5l bottles i have, i put a 2.5ml shot of aquasafe in each one and use warm water from my mixer tap, cool it down with the cold tap until if feels...
  34. R

    What Have I Done Wrong ?

    I got a message from my wife this morning to say we'd lost one of our fish. My tank is 60l Stock is; 1 betta 10 now 9 neon tetras 12 rasboras 4 albino cories 8 shrimp but can only find 5 Water is changed once a week, 20l out Fish are feed once a day and all tests look normal, the tetras have...
  35. R

    How Do You Guys Blanch Cucumber

    Cheers guys, I'm such a dickhead. How did you do the carrots ?
  36. R

    How Do You Guys Blanch Cucumber

    So I have 8 cherry shrimp in my main tank and read they like a bit of cucumber once and a while and if I blanch it it'll be good to go, so I boil water, pop a slice in for 30secs then remove and bath in cold water! Am I doing something wrong?
  37. R

    I Think My Shrimps Up The Duff

    8 cherry shrimp
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    I Think My Shrimps Up The Duff

    So I have this one big fat shrimp with what looks like eggs in her tail and I'm not sure what to do, should I lift her and put her into a fry net or let her be to hide the legs in the tank ?
  39. R

    Do I Need Air ?

    Any of them for a tank about 60l and going cheap ?
  40. R

    Do I Need Air ?

    So air pumps like the aps are more for cosmetics that anything else