Should I Use This Plant Fert ?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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I fella I work with recently got rid of his 80l tank and he passed on some of the things he didn't need anymore, and jbl ferropol 24 was one of them.

He said he used it every day for help his plants stay full and healthy but he had really bad algae and I'm unsure whether or not I want to use it if it's going to do the same to my tank or if it had any effect on the algae itself or is it actually going to make a difference to the plants at all.

At the minute I have a 60l with an anubia and some long grass ( to be fair I'm not 100% what it is a neither was the bloke in shop ). but I want to add more grass and maybe a bushy plant too.
Will it make any difference to the plants if I use it or the algae ??

Cheers guys
This is just my personal experience. I'm currently using the last bit in a bottle of JBL ferropol 24 and I don't think I'll be using it again. I have a horrible algae bloom and I can't get rid of it and it didn't even cross my mind that the fert wasn't helping until I read this topic. But anyway, I personally don't feel that it made a jot of difference to the quality or health of my plants, they seem the exact same as before I started adding it. Give it a try for a while and see if it helps you, it may work better for you.
Ferts WILL not bring on algae. Nitrate and phosphate will not cause algae. Light and Ammonia cause algae.

Ferrapol 24 is only a micro fertiliser, and just provides that. They just give you a smaller 24 hour dose.
Oh right cheers ianho, so SHOULD it help promise good health in my plants.

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