I'm Considering Putting Forward My Tank For Totm


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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so my tank has been going for nearly two months and i'm trying to keep things ticking over and hassle free but the more i look at tanks on here the more i think mine doesn't really look it's best and i want to enter the sites tank of the month so please help me guys.

whats people general opinion of it so far and does anyone see something that could make the tank look a bit neater or what could smarten things up.




If it were me I'd remove the ceramic pipes, remove the plastic plants and fill it with live plants.
sorry i should have said the two plants of the right are fake, the grass at the back ( can someone id it please ) and the anubia are real (doh) and the current population is
1x betta
4x albino corys
9x neon tetras
12x lambchop rasboras
3x oto's
5 (maybe 6 ) cheery shrimp
I like it so far :good:

Maybe tie your anubias onto the bogwood,it wont do well in the sand.

It could do with a bit more,maybe bogwood or a slate cave,perhaps some more plants...i'm still trying to revamp mine :rolleyes: :lol:
bang on mate, ive been saying to my wife i want the fake plants out and put in something like 2 cryptocorynes or something like microsorum.
unless the roots of the anubis are out of the substrate it wont last long, tie it to the wood so its completely out of the water. unless it already is... its hard to tell from the pic but it looks like the roots/rhizomes are burried.

i would also remove the ceramic tubes and add a few rocks and maybe a twiggy bit of wood but looks good so far. dont be affraid to enter it in the competition as its only a bit of fun :good:
I agree with above looks like a nice start :) I would fill it out with a few more plants though. I like to stick to 2/3 species of plant that are easy to grow and stick to them. I have a few Sword plants and Hornwort in my tank atm and they go well together.

I would also swap the picture background to a plain black one, painted black is best if you can :) It really makes the fish pop and the plants will fill out the back really nice :)

Stocking sounds spectacular! Though maybe 1 or 2 more albino Corys :)

unless the roots of the anubis are out of the substrate it wont last long, tie it to the wood so its completely out of the water. unless it already is... its hard to tell from the pic but it looks like the roots/rhizomes are burried.

i would also remove the ceramic tubes and add a few rocks and maybe a twiggy bit of wood but looks good so far. dont be affraid to enter it in the competition as its only a bit of fun :good:

The roots of the anubia need to be out of the sand too? I thought just the rhizome.
It's fine to have the roots in the substrate, it's just the rhizome that shouldn't be covered.
the tubes were a bit of an after thought, when i took the grass out of them to plant them i thought they might look ok on the other side, straight off the bat wifey said bad move, i agree they look s4ite.

the rhizome of the anubia is free from the sand and i read today on the site about tieing them to wood, i'll keep an eye out for some more wood similar to my own, maybe a bit twiggy as suggested, i like the unknown grass so might invest in some of that...

cheers for the advice and chat guys.
black background, mmm never thought of that,after i got the fake looking set up i have i got some dark navy vynil ( after reading something on the site ) and was going to swap to that but was going to stick with this for a while longer.

and cheers for the thumbs up about the stocking, i think adding more is going to be too much but i would rather have a few more corys as i read they do better in bigger groups than what i have.
Ok so some changes have been made so updated pictures later and I need/want feedback, be as harsh as you like, I've big shoulders !!!!
Get it in the comp! Always good to have a decent number of entries to choose from, I'm sure the mods who run that part of the forum will appreciate your entry too!

ok so i took onboard what was said and junked the fake plants and got some cabomba and swapped the background out for some dark (believe it or not it is dark) navy vinyl so this is whats going into the comp,


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