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  1. Blough

    Can We Cover Up The Fish Bowl ?

    I agree with everything you guys above me have said, and would like to point out that at my LFS the tiny bowl shaped aquariums cost about as much as a ten-gallon rectangle aquarium. I would just like to point out that I bought a ten-gallon tank for $13, and the small fish bowls were more...
  2. Blough

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to the forum, what kind of fish are you looking at getting?
  3. Blough

    What Do I Do?

    How long has it been since he stopped eating?
  4. Blough

    Betta Exposed To Melafix

    I agree with Asteria, I don't see much you can do here other than that. Being in a betta cup can be stressful to her, and its hard to keep the water clean. When the water is cold it can actually weaken the betta's immune system, which seems counter productive.
  5. Blough

    Divided Tank For Bettas

    I would never buy fish from Walmart. Their costumer service is so bad, how do you think they treat the fish, who can't complain to their manager? I've heard horror stories about Walmart fish selling practices, and will never endorse that by buying fish from them. I would suggest buying your...
  6. Blough

    Help Out Of Bad Advice

    I would consider returning the danios, (if that is possible) and then doing a fishless cycle. Fish in a "fish in" cycle suffer, and that is why we generally don't suggest it.
  7. Blough

    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    The way I remember is that the last two are in reverse alphabetical order.
  8. Blough

    Lack Of Bubble Nests

    My betta doesn't make a bubble nest, I believe its just because, as Nick said, some bettas just don't do that. If Rocky seems otherwise healthy and happy I wouldn't worry.
  9. Blough

    Well, She's Gone Now...

    You did the right thing for your fish. good job, and sorry you had to give one up.
  10. Blough

    Guppies Dying/sick.

    Never mind then, I guess I don't know everything. LOL. Good luck, I hope your fishes survive.
  11. Blough

    2Nd Time Around

    Welcome, and good luck with your tank!
  12. Blough

    Guppies Dying/sick.

    Okay, how much was this tank cycled? The fact that you have ammonia at 0.25 ppm in there could be the problem. I don't know how much ammonia guppies can take, but the fact that you have any means this tank may not be fully cycled. I suggest a water change right now.
  13. Blough

    What To Say

    I have the same problem, except its a teacher at school. The goldfish actually live in the classroom, and there are two of them in a ten-gallon aquarium. I think I'm going to start asking about the fish. When it comes up, what should I tell him is the minimum tank size for two giant goldfish?
  14. Blough

    Brought 2 Gourami Asked For Male And Female?

    My parents once bought two male hamsters from the LFS and ended up with babies. They don't always know what they're doing.
  15. Blough

    Allow Myself To Introduce... Myself.

    Welcome to the forum. I believe the main concern is the pleco, what kind of pleco is it? If it is a common pleco I agree with Jeremy, because they need very large tanks. If it isn't, I've heard that some kinds of pleco don't get as big, but I've never had one or seriously looked into one so I...
  16. Blough

    Catfish Died...what's Best For The Other?

    So sorry about your fish. :(
  17. Blough

    Help Finding The Culprit.

    Can you ask the person who was feeding the fish while you were away if she started looking like that gradually or if it was sudden?
  18. Blough

    Peacock Bass Just Died

    I'm don't have anything to add, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about your fish. Fish death is the bad part of the hobby.
  19. Blough

    Adding Fish

    I still wouldn't go for the angelfish if I were you.
  20. Blough

    Returning Old Man

    That is a lot of tanks, I'm impressed. I could never find the time to tend to that many!
  21. Blough

    Gravel And Frogs

    I use sand in my frog tank. I've heard that with African Dwarf Frogs (which is the kind I have) they will try to eat gravel and choke on it. What kind of frogs do you have?
  22. Blough

    Has She(?) Over Eaten Or Carrying Eggs?

    I agree with fasting her, and I have heard people suggest feeding her an unshelled pea when your done with the fasting. I have never tried this, so take it for what its worth.
  23. Blough

    Fat Platy

    I wouldn't clean out the algea, not with a pleco living in there. Plecos like to eat the algea.
  24. Blough

    Hello From Idaho

    Welcome to the forum.
  25. Blough

    New To The Forums For Fish!

    Welcome. I don't know the answer to your question, but to find the answer I recommend you start a new topic in Tropical Discussion area of the website, and ask there. This is just where you say 'hi.'
  26. Blough

    Adding Fish

    Another thing, you said that you don't have enough room but you said it would be fine because the other fish are bottom swimmers? When talking about how much "room" there is in a tank it isn't all about personal space for each fish. The bio-load should be taken into account. You need to consider...
  27. Blough

    Adding Fish

    I wouldn't add angelfish, it just doesn't seem like you have the room. Angelfish can grow to about six inches and it doesn't look like you have room for that much in your tank. I agree with Byron that you shouldn't consider getting more fish until you've solved current issues in your tank.
  28. Blough

    Shower As Tank Refiller ?

    I think that you can put chlorinated water in your tank for water changes as long as you immediately put chlorine remover into the tank. I've always been able to do it just fine.
  29. Blough


    Welcome to the forum!
  30. Blough


     Hello, I'm fourteen as well.  Welcome to the forum, and good luck with your fish. 
  31. Blough

    What Should Betta Sleep On?

    I just got home from buying him a silk plant at petsmart. I got one with soft leaves.
  32. Blough

    What Should Betta Sleep On?

    Thank you for your advice. I'm going to see if my local fish store has them next time I'm over there. I can't buy those exact fake plants, because they won't ship to the US.
  33. Blough

    Not Sure If This Is A Julii Catfish

    Wait, those aren't Juliis? My catfish look like that, and I always assumed that they were julii, because that is what they were called at the fish store. Now that I think about it, I realize that what the fish store said they were doesn't mean a whole lot. Edit: Looking on that website you...
  34. Blough

    Albino Catfish

    (I'm quoting where you said "I had 2 before one died. but if it is a cory one, then should I buy another if I have space for it?") I really haven't got the hang of quoting things yet, sometimes it works but this time it isn't working. If you've had recent deaths I wouldn't put more fish in there...
  35. Blough

    What Should Betta Sleep On?

    The tank is on the opposite side of the room from a south-facing window that has blinds covering it most of the time. That is why I can't have plants. Thanks for your advice, I will certainly take it into account.
  36. Blough

    What Should Betta Sleep On?

    I have a betta fish in a ten gallon aquarium, and I'm fairly certain he sleeps on the sand at the bottom. Plants are really not an option in my tank. What is the second best thing to get for a betta to sleep on?
  37. Blough

    Why Are People So... ?

    You know, most of the meat that people eat in this day in age wasn't exactly killed cruelly, but the way that the animals are raised for meat is cruel. I don't understand when people are not willing to eat animals that where raised on a farm with plenty of room to graze, and died quick and...
  38. Blough

    True Or False?

    I'm afraid fish's growth can be stunted, and then the fish dies. I used to have goldfish when I was little, and they lived in a ten-gallon tank. They only lived a few months, and I believed the myth that goldfish have a very short lifespan. In one of my classrooms at school the teacher mistreats...
  39. Blough

    Hugo Is Changing Colors

    Are you absolutely certain that whoever was taking care of your house and feeding Hugo while you where in Japan didn't switch out your fish with a completely different betta just to see if you would notice? LOL