Adding Fish


Dec 29, 2015
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i kinda want to add 2 angel fish to my 20 gallon tank, but i dont think i have enough room in my tank as is.
tank occupants
4 neon tetras
2 blackfin tetras
4 danios
1 albino catfish
2 black mystery snails
i figured i dont have enough "room' persay when i know those fish are medium dweeling fish, and my other fish seem to be bottom dwellers yet i dont know why
Angels would be good with only 1 in a 29. and any more than that in 55+ You look pretty full but I would get 2 more neons to complete the school of 6+. 
If I may, I would suggest BaylorPerez that you slow down.  You have within the past few days started several threads about issues in your aquarium, and a few of us have pointed out some serious issues.  Before even considering more fish, it would be best to get the problems solved, don't you think?
Aside from that, you have no space for angelfish, as Ryan noted.  Angelfish attain 6 inches in length, with a vertical fin span of 8+ inches.  It would be cruel to confine one to a 20g permanently, even more so with these other fish pestering it.  Research, research, research is the key to success.  Prevent is better than trying to cure.
I think you have room for more but be aware that neons are more or less a natural prey for angels in the wild.
I wouldn't add angelfish, it just doesn't seem like you have the room. Angelfish can grow to about six inches and it doesn't look like you have room for that much in your tank. I agree with Byron that you shouldn't consider getting more fish until you've solved current issues in your tank.
I would agree. Both about the slowing down. I know its hard once the bug gets hold of you. But it is better for the fish, and saves you a lot of frustration and heartache.
And as for the Angels. I have two in 20 gallon high tanks, but that is only a temporary fix as I had to clean up a 29. They are lovely fish, but rather tall finned and need a taller tank. As well, they do tend to snack on smaller fish.
Another thing, you said that you don't have enough room but you said it would be fine because the other fish are bottom swimmers?
When talking about how much "room" there is in a tank it isn't all about personal space for each fish. The bio-load should be taken into account. You need to consider if the filter is good enough for that many fish, and there are other factors that I know exist, but you're going to have to get that information from someone more experienced than me.
with my filter its a quietflow 40gal filter. instead of using a 20 gal filter i decided to use a 40 gal to help with my blooms that i seem to be having. or used to now that my filter is better suited and the cycle seems to be getting fixed
Angelfish for that size of an aquarium is not ideal. (As mentioned above). 
Not sure what problems you've been having lately, regarding cycling issues, but I can take a pretty wild guess of what's going on.
Once your problems have depleted, I would save that room for more tetra and cories, but have the patience to fix your current problems, and after those problems are resolved, wait it out some more just to make sure everything is in check. And when I say wait, I mean wait weeks. Patience, thorough research and understanding are key. Your tank already sounds pretty full, but those shoaling fish (all of them) are most likely stressed because of the lack of same species members. 
Listen to your fellow hobbyists, we've made the mistakes so you don't have to. 
i keep 4 of each species, besides my corys as i was told having 2 in my 20gal tank was enough for any leftover food. as i have 20gal tank having 6 corys would be pushing my tank ecosystem.
as well as my tank had this many fish in for now
4 neon tetras
2 blackfin tetras
5 danios(one is a baby)
and 2 black mystery snails
Having two cories is enough to cover the ground for uneaten food, however, cories are a shoaling fish and should at least be in groups of five or six.
I would say rehome the mystery snails if anything, those are probably the biggest addition to the bioload. That or rehome the cories, as the snails would be able to catch any uneaten food on the ground floor and clean the glass.

It's up to you, but rehoming some of the fish would be a good idea, as I mentioned before, all of the fish are shoaling species. It helps the fish feel safe and secure in groups of their species. Otherwise, they'll most likely be stressed out that their numbers are small.
I've managed to up my albino cories to four so far (more are on the way soon) and they seem a lot happier than they were before with just two.
Cories should not be expected to diet on leftover food.  They have their own dietary needs and should be fed sinking catfish pellets.
I would suggest cutting down on the flake food you add if there's a lot left over and catering for the catfish.  My community tanks get a mix of food daily:  flake, catfish pellets and algae wafers. 
my snails dont even come down from the side of my tanks

i mean its hard to say why they dont come down even when i put the wafers in. i do see my catfish nibbling on the wafers every so often probally because of the food besides it(sinking fish pellets). I had ran out of fish pellets and i just grabbed the first thing i saw from my cabinet of fish supplys and it was fish flakes.
And for my corys as ive posted before one has died off and i was told to not get another one.
so should i go get another one to 2
BaylorPerez said:
my snails dont even come down from the side of my tanks

i mean its hard to say why they dont come down even when i put the wafers in. i do see my catfish nibbling on the wafers every so often probally because of the food besides it(sinking fish pellets). I had ran out of fish pellets and i just grabbed the first thing i saw from my cabinet of fish supplys and it was fish flakes.
And for my corys as ive posted before one has died off and i was told to not get another one.
so should i go get another one to 2
Cory should be in groups no less than five of the species.  However, once again, please wait until all the issues are resolved.  There are also issues with the upper fish numbers too, as other members have noted in this thread.

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