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  1. G

    Which meds should I keep in stock ?

    "Going to be stocking slowly, even after fishless cycle" One of the things about a fishless cycle is that you should fully stock your tank when it's finished. A fishless cycle, done properly, prepares the tank for a full load of fish. If you stock slowly, a lot of the good bacteria that has...
  2. G

    Upgrading to 4' tank

    How did the move go?
  3. G


    What kind of eel? Some of them grow to 24" inches and more.
  4. G

    Which meds should I keep in stock ?

    My advice - non - lots of people have a tendency to over medicate - they pour medications into the tank, most times when they are completely unecessary, and cause more problems than there really are. Buy medications if and when you need them.
  5. G

    Ammonia Levels

    Yes, you're right, the chlorine/chloramine will irrate the gills and kill the fish very quickly.
  6. G

    weird fish

    How can you not love this. He's my dragon, now about 10-11" long and as peaceful as can be.
  7. G

    Goldfish in a community tank?

    The main reason for not keeping goldfish and tropicals together is the temperature - goldfish live in cold water - tropicals in warmer water. Keeping goldfish in warm water will speed up their metabolism leading them to an earlier death. Their body structure is designed for cold water.
  8. G


    "All of the danios died overnight " I know this is a stupid question, but was there any dechlorinator in the tank?
  9. G

    Bog wood ??

    I use mopani wood and do more or less what CFC does, quick rinse down with hot water, cold shower to cool it off and into the tank. I have 2 large pieces in one of the tanks and the only place big enough to wash them was the bath !!!
  10. G

    The strange habits of my fire eel

    Thanks for the input - He's in a 100 gallon, non planted tank - sand and a couple of pieces of really big wood. As long as he eats I suppose I've got nothing to worry about.
  11. G

    The strange habits of my fire eel

    I have a fire eel - about 12-14" long, nice and plump even though he only eats twice a week but it drives me crazy. He lives under a large piece of wood, coming out at night only - in fact I very rarely get to see him. He has this habit of laying under the wood on his side with his mouth wide...
  12. G


    It's also been known for the female to ingest the fry she's holding in her mouth if she doesn't release them on time.
  13. G

    My 2 new loach species

    I bought oneabout two months ago and put it in my community tank - haven't seen it since :( but I'm sure it's still alive coz there's no body anywhere and nothing in my tank is capable of eating it (I hope)
  14. G

    peru order

    Paul - I also live in Essex - not far from you - I've got a big tank that would make a lovely home for them. Pleeeeeeeeze. They are absolutely amazing :wub:
  15. G

    Tank of the month

    I haven't voted but I have taken note of your suggestions and brought it to the attention of the rest of the mods. I'll give an answer as soon as I can.
  16. G

    Spot the eyes !

    Where's the other one?
  17. G

    Spot the eyes !

    Wow - they really are hidig, I think I see one, but I've no idea where the other is. :S
  18. G


    I've just looked up soapstone coz I've never heard of it before
  19. G

    Ammonia levels

    I understand, wish you luck with the fry.
  20. G

    snails suddenly appear!

    1 snail = 100's snails in the very near future. True, 1 or 2 is nice, just be careful that you don't get overrun with them.
  21. G

    Ammonia levels

    It's a shame that you didn't complete the fishless cycle. If you put fish in a tank that already has an ammonia reading, you are really putting your fish in a toxic tank. With fish the ammonia will rise even more until the tank is fully cycled. Is there any way we can persuade you to go back...
  22. G

    Gravel or Sand

    I didn't vote because IMO there's no straight answer to your question. A lot depends on what fish you keep - some prefer sand to gravel - a lot of the bottom feeders fare much better with sand, whereas top and middle swimmers aren't too fussy. Also personal preferance - personally I prefer a...
  23. G

    To use or not to use carbon

    tim_in_brighton I have a little Jewul Rekord 60, with the usual Jewul filter box in the corner. I take it the second-to-top filter is a carbon one, as it's gritty and black. Can I just remove it and replace it with some other filter element? I'd like to help boost my plant growth best I can...
  24. G

    External filter cleaning

    Do you just run the one filter on the tank? It is best to clean your filter in tank water that has been set aside for this purpose - I find that about 3 buckets is enough (about 30 litres) and in your size tank that shouldn't be a problem. If there are enough decorations in the tank, then...
  25. G

    I'm not really a begginer but.....

    If tiger barbs are kept singly then they are notorious fin nippers - they are best kept in schools of at least 6 or 7 - then they keep themselves happy. I doubt that it was the tiger barb that caused the demise of the cory - at 2 1/2 months I don't think that he was big enough to be such a...
  26. G

    I'm not really a begginer but.....

    Most fish eat fish - if your cory died then he would be eaten very quickly. How he died is a different story - what else is in your tank? Or it might have been a natural death - is your tank new or stable?
  27. G

    Changing gravel

    jimw13uk - as sand grains are much smaller than gravel, it would eventually fall inbetween the gravel and you'd end up with the gravel on top and the sand underneath.
  28. G

    To use or not to use carbon

    When I said impurities I didn't mean chemicals. Carbon will help to keep the water clear by trapping excesive bits and pieces (something that a good filter does anyway) If you medicate a tank, then carbon will neutralise the remaining medication when the course is finished. Carbon will remain...
  29. G


    Leaving the water for a day or two in a bucket will get rid of the chlorine - BUT it will not get rid of the chloramine and other harmfull (to fish) base metals that are present in the water.
  30. G

    Changing gravel

    "i would like to know this aswell, I don't know about you but I have an undergravel filter so I guess thats a bigger problem than with other filters since thats were the bacteria resides " I don't think that you can have sand with a UGF - the sand has a tendency to gather under the filter. The...
  31. G

    How many times a day to feed?

    I fast my community planted tank every now and then, but the fish have loads of plants to graze on. I tried once to fast my big tank with the oscar but he wasn't haveing any of that and started throwing sand at the glass until I came to feed them. (it's something that he does now when he wants...
  32. G

    To use or not to use carbon

    There's a lot of people that keep carbon in their filters and there's a lot that don't (including me). Just one thing though, if you do decide on carbon in your filter, then remember to change it regularly because old carbon will leach the impurities that it's caught back into the water after a...
  33. G

    Have you seen my fish?

    Small fish that die get eaten very very quickly by the remaining ones or they can easily end up as tasty snacks for larger fish or crabs.
  34. G

    electrical cables below water level

    Enjoy your new tank - I have a Rio 180 as my community planted tank.
  35. G


    I don't quite understand where the first reading of ammonia came from - did you add ammonia to start a fishless cycle?
  36. G

    Is 75 gallon too big?

    The bigger the better :nod: even so, it still won't be enough - expext to experience a wave of MTS very very soon. :D
  37. G

    How many times a day to feed?

    I feed once a day. My fish are still "sleeping" when I leave in the morning so they get fed when I return in the afternoon. In fact my fire eel only eats twice a week. He will only eat live food and I only go to the lfs twice a week to get it, so that's how many times he eats in a week. He's...
  38. G

    whats a good algae eater ?

    Depends what size tank and the occupants.
  39. G

    taking the plunge ...

    Congrats on the new tank - it's true - the bigger the tank the better. Not only can you keep a wider selection of fish, but larger tanks are also more "forgiving" for newbie mistakes.
  40. G

    Very large bichir

    You just happened to be there and just happened to have a camera at the ready and just happened to take some amazing pics of some amazing fish. I sit for hours with a camera at the ready and none of my fish appear at all. I put everything away and do something else and they all come out to...