Spot the eyes !


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
A few weeks ago I got a couple of Flounders. They are really lovely when out and about, but they sure are hard to keep track of and check if they're doing ok - as you can see ! :lol:

Wow - they really are hidig, I think I see one, but I've no idea where the other is. :S
Sorry, I'm no whizz in Photo Editor / Photo Draw etc. so this is the best I can do !

Eyes hiding :)

Full pic - exposed :p
they're the sea kind of flounder right? Never seen them in an aquarium before so cool.

did acidently step on one in the sea once though lol :crazy:
Nope. This is the freshwater "Achirus Achirus".
Great little fish there!
I bet they are real characters and watching them grow will be fantastic!
gadazobe said:
Where's the other one?
hiding :rofl: I have a very tough time checking them on a daily basis, as I've only had them for about 3 weeks now. Just yesterday I thought the one was a gonner. I did a sand clean and checked the whole tank with a fine toothcomb (well not quite but almost) - and he could not be found. Only hours later for them both to sit happily on the glass. Little rascals ! :lol:

Great little fish there!
I bet they are real characters and watching them grow will be fantastic!
Thanks navarre. Yes they are lovely little chaps and fingers crossed they grow up nicely !
Well I believe no more than 6" - but to be honest they are not even 1" at the mo, so yes they are tiny. Here's hoping they grow nicely on all the live and frozen food I feed them ! :flex:

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