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  1. K


    No probs we all gotta start somewhere. :D
  2. K


    Hi - no of course it won't. :crazy: You should automatically get into a habit of this as it represents the time length of light they'd get in their natural enviroment. If you leave the lights on all the time your plants will grow like wildfire and you'll get more algae than normal plus your...
  3. K

    is it ich??

    It could just be scar tissue from a wound/small injury but check out articles on Apiosoma and Meterosporis in relation to the angelfish and if you're sure its not from an injury then isolate it on the safe side. How long you had it?
  4. K

    How to get rid of fish...

    That's a pretty good idea :thumbs: Its not really sensible or fair to release it into a wild albiet natural enviroment when its been in an aquarium. Chances of survival are pretty slim bit like trying to release captive bred animals back into the wild its a long and delicate process.
  5. K

    where to get...

    Well I'm not sure for the US but if you follow the link below there's a site over here in the uk P+P wouldn't only be a few quid bout say $6-8
  6. K

    Do fishes pass 'wind'?

    !!! what can I say :rofl: I have tears in my eyes and my cheeks are hurting! :lol:
  7. K

    MTS sufferer gone mad

    Oh god tell me about it! :rolleyes: I just got the smaller one that's being cycled a few weeks ago and already a friend of mine is trying to get me to buy another friends tank inc. fish off them (he's moving to a small flat and doesn't have the space for the tank) but I can't afford it...
  8. K

    Do fishes pass 'wind'?

    Farting fish scooting along the tank Phhrrrt.... :rofl: oh man! can't say I've seen it yet myself but what if they burp and fart at the same time??? :blink: :lol:
  9. K

    Will a gourami eat a full grown dead or sick guppy

    Heh oh noooo they won't! :no: My oldest tetras are about 12cm long and seem to protect the last remaining ickle one by rounding it up while they move about the tank but to be honest the two I have are pretty peaceful they swim about and mingle with the others without being chasing/going for...
  10. Small_G.JPG


  11. K

    Black Spot CURE

    Black spot is a condition caused by the presense in the skin or fins of larval digenetic flukes belonging to a number of species i.e - a parasite which has two hosts at different stages of its life cycle harmless on a snail then is passed to a fish where it develops into black spot) It's...
  12. K

    HELP gouramis sick

    Is that stuff on the mouth or above? It looks like mouth fungus (checked a disease book) but get other opinions to be sure. How'd you figure out how to attatch the photo? I've tried and can't do it.
  13. K

    Will a gourami eat a full grown dead or sick guppy

    Ooh boy... okey I didn't know about gouramis eating other fish.... I got 2 blue (3 spot they're called for some reason) gouramis male and female (I think) along with some other fish awhile ago and since then two of my baby neons out of 5 dissapeared without a trace is this what is likely to have...
  14. K

    90 gallon on e-bay

    What are you on about???? :huh:
  15. K

    90 gallon on e-bay

    Hi to be honest with you I'm not sure coz its dollars you're buying in and we have the old pounds and pence in the UK! You can pay anything up to £150-£200 about $450 dollars - I think (I only know canadian not american dollars) for a decent 4ft long tank with everything over here but again it...
  16. K

    MTS sufferer gone mad

    Excusssse me :*) whats MTS? is it Multiple Tank Syndrome.... :P never heard of it before!!!!
  17. K

    90 gallon on e-bay

    NOOOOO! Well it's entirely up to you but personally I wouldn't I've heard alot of horror stories about the make Perfecto, the tanks have broken and the fish go everywhere... :crazy: very stressfull for all involved and I'm pretty sure there's a post somewhere on the emergency forum about...
  18. K

    do most lfs take fish back

    Well mine take fish back but there's a time gap after so long nah and it's usually only if they're dead or completely unsuitable to the tank i.e a purchased mistake just ask but on a more positive note why not get some company for him and buy some other tetras? They're hardy wee fish and quite...
  19. K

    Will different kinds of Danios school together?

    Should do they're both generally good community fish although zebra danios have occasionally been linked to fin nipping but then we all have days when we feel like going for someone! :P
  20. K

    Interesting article

    I know ridiculous isn't it! :blink: They should try getting other countries to follow suit!
  21. K

    How 'clean' are live foods

    Blood worms are basically larvae midgies and midgies do bite believe me I live in Scotland there's millions of the little critters! if any excess are not eaten they can later develop into midges and leave the tank to come after you!!!!! They're not dangerous though just annoying.
  22. K

    fat fish

    are they swimming lopsided or anything?
  23. K

    fat fish

    what kind of fish are they?
  24. K

    Interesting article

    I Have To Have A Rant!!! Hmm... interesting I have to agree with that article. I had goldfish myself when I was about 5/6yr old but came to wonder why they all died after I'd brought them home from a show bar a black boggle eyed fish (think it was a black moor - my brains rusty) and a...
  25. K

    Bala jumps out again..

    Really sorry to hear about your bala 2 of my brothers fish did the same thing best thing you can do is weight the lid down. It's almost as if they have a suicide pact(!) ;) A suggestion for otherfish might be Danios/swordtails/golden barbs your best bet is to go to ur preferred aquatic store...
  26. K


    Ah 136L :huh: to be honest I don't know the equation for working out volume and although I gave the measurements when I first came on this forum I kept getting different answers from everybody so I emailed Dragonslair who told me that it was 100l so I just went with that, it sounded right coz...
  27. K


    :whistle: Sorry I read it wrong! :rolleyes: The tanks measurements are .... 48x12x14.5 and thats uk litres not american I'm trying to post a pic of my tank but I can't find the file attatchment option at the bottom of the post it's dissapeared!!! :/ Anyone know how to get it back on? i...
  28. K


    It's a 4ft long 100litre tank!!!! so I think my clown loach should be ok and I'm only planning on getting one more. I'm pretty sure you don't need to get 8-12 loaches in a tank for them to be happy! besides that wasn't really the question I was asking.... it was the what other kind of fish I...
  29. K


    Anybody know what kind of fish I could get that will be compatiable with my current ones? I'm definately getting another clown loach as tigger (yes I named it!) is all on his owneeo at the mo and rather shy :sad: . I'll be moving my smaller fish - tetras and possibly swordtail to a smaller...
  30. K


    Eww poor wee guys you'd think that would be a complex and dangerous thing to do to a fish considering the size of some...chipolata anyone? :o Cheers for that guys guess I'm just going to let nature take its course...survival of the fittest.
  31. K

    Are real plants hard to look after?

    Just to add don't put your hands in the tank if you have any cuts/scratches of any sorts coz it can lead to infections if there's any problems developing within the tank, get someone else to do it for you or wear gloves. I'm not trying to scare you and its not likely you'll come across it I...
  32. K


    Yeah I could see that happening my brother (who had the tank many years before me) had 3 big angelfish that used to terrorize the tank before they died. Also at present the angel fish seems pretty shy keeps itself to itself and I'm planning to move the smaller fisher to my new 2ft 60L tank once...
  33. K


    Besides if you are being serious (which I don't think you are) knowing me I'd probably chop the fish in half(!)
  34. K


    Whaaaat! :crazy: You're nuts, I'm not cutting nae fishies wee dick off! You gotta be kidding right.
  35. K


    Actually I did ask for fish of the same sex but the lassie plonked them all in 2 bags and wasn't much help :grr: C'mon guys please help here I know you probably get sick to death of newbies like myself bombarding you with questions and that you can only offer your own opinions/advice and...
  36. K

    Free hikari fish food

    Sounds good but umm...what is this stuff just tropical fish flakes? :unsure: :*) Can you get it in Scotland???
  37. K


    Hardy har har! :rolleyes: You're so funny(!) :lol: :rofl: No seriously though any ideas? Nice tank by the way :cool: ?
  38. K


    No of course I'm not being serious about that! :rofl: just me and my warped sense of humour! :angel: Other than the blatantly obvious way of not having any baby fishies - ie don't keep different sexes of the same speicies together (although it's kinda hard to figure out the sexes with some...
  39. K

    Cramped or not?

    Woah! :D Thats so mad cheers for your reply on my ickle loach I will get another mate for him (or her) I can always move em at a later date and get another tank!!!!!! ;) He really gave me a fright hiding like that, the little bugger! They're really cute though he's one of my favs so far.
  40. K

    PLastic or ReAl?

    At present I have bought 3 plastic plants..will they be sufficient or should I get real ones? :dunno: I worry about getting bugs/critters off them onto my fish as the poor guys have been through enough already (see previous posts) Kitt