Cramped or not?


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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Edinburgh, Scotland UK
Okey doke. Two things here - Previously I had posts up for what to do about the outbreak of whitespot/ich in my tank due to my newbies that got added... Treatment has been halted for the time being while I find out about this - I'm not sure about fish injuries so need to 'ask the audience' :rolleyes: (chris tarrant eat yer heart out)

While most signs of whitespot have cleared up I'm in two minds as to whether one of my two oldest (biggest too) tetras still have this or whether its summat else???
Obviously I can't tell it to stay still long enough so I can have a good look at it but it looks like the top of his (dorsal?) fin - the one next to his tail on top has a bit missing out of it as if it's been nipped but it's also where it looks like there's a whitespot? could this perhaps be say scartissue of somesort and not whitespot? I don't want to keep adding the med if thats not it.

Also while I'm not planning to add any more fish right now thats not to say I don't want somemore in the future but has anybody got any advice on other types of fish I can get? At present I have at last ascertained that I have a 100l tank measuring 4ft x1ft x1.1ft see recent picture below :D and keep fishwise in it -

2x 3spot gouramis
2x big neon tetras
2x baby neon tetras (one's dissapeared or been eaten - I think its in the filter gonna check asap)
1x baby clown loach
1x baby angelfish
1x male swordtail

I would like to get some more brightly coloured fish if possible that are going to be compatible with the present ones, also I found out with shock horror when visiting another aquatic shop just how big the clown loach might get! :crazy: as they had a display only tank just for them!!! Why oh why didn't the lassie in the P.A.H store tell me this???! Am I going to be able to get him/her/it a friend without them gobbling up the smaller fish? coz someone said they like to socialise with their own kind.... any others I need to get a friend for or am I ok?

Saw some fish in a marine/reef tank oh boy were the colours were amazing :hyper: though I realise I can't those kind of fish but are there any tropical ones similar in colour that I could look into getting?


P.S before I forget my clown loach keeps hiding vertically in between the suckers that hold the filter to the glass nearly all the time - the only thing I can see is his tail waggling about! :lol: Should I get some sort of cave ornament for it to hide in? I just worry about it getting stuck. also i have a tub if tropical fish flakes that I feed to them all do I have to get different food for it considering it's a bottom feeder?

Can anyone tell me what level feeders my other fish are mostly known to be?

Any recommendations on a good book for fishkeeping ie everything in it including all speices of tropical fish you can get and their requirements?


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I can't really tell you too much about your tetra, but I can tell you about the Clown Loach. They do much better in groups of 3 or more, and you will find they will come out and play more often when kept like this. They can grow up to about 12" in the aquarium, but are very slow growers, and I've never seen one bigger than about 9".
They will always do things like sleeping vertically in the filter clamps, or anything else to scare the crap out of you and make you think they are dead. Mine sleep upside down (don't believe me? Check here!!!!!!) and they take a while to adjust and settle in a new tank. Mine took about 2-3 months before they weren't scared of me. The only problem is that you have to watch that you haven't got any place that they can swim into the filter, as they can and will fit themselves into the smallest of gaps!!
They won't eat your other fish, even when fully grown, but they go crazy for bloodworm, so feed him some frozen or live stuff as a treat.
Anyway, here ends the Clown Loach lesson!!!! Hope you have fun with him, I would say get another 2, but I don't think you'll have room for them when they grow. Could be a perfect excuse to get a bigger tank!!!
Woah! :D Thats so mad cheers for your reply on my ickle loach I will get another mate for him (or her) I can always move em at a later date and get another tank!!!!!! ;) He really gave me a fright hiding like that, the little bugger! They're really cute though he's one of my favs so far.

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