
New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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Edinburgh, Scotland UK
No of course I'm not being serious about that! :rofl: just me and my warped sense of humour! :angel:

Other than the blatantly obvious way of not having any baby fishies - ie don't keep different sexes of the same speicies together (although it's kinda hard to figure out the sexes with some breeds :huh: )
how do you avoid the breeding issue? coz I don't want any additions right now. I'm having enough hassle settling my newbies in as it is!

Any suggestions anyone?
um when you buy new fish ask the person there or the manager what sex they are and put male and female in diferent bags.
Actually I did ask for fish of the same sex but the lassie plonked them all in 2 bags and wasn't much help :grr:

C'mon guys please help here I know you probably get sick to death of newbies like myself bombarding you with questions and that you can only offer your own opinions/advice and everyones different but folk like myself have to start somewhere and we're really grateful for any help we recieve. :nod:

I've just ordered a fish-keeping guide but I won't get it for about another week so....I'm open to ideas.
if they are live bearers you can snip the little males penis off.
i cant read whatever you said because it is in yellow and the background is white.

please change youre text colour.
csr mel said:
i cant read whatever you said because it is in yellow and the background is white.

please change youre text colour.
highlight the words then u can see it

You already have the solution you are looking for. Your baby angel fish will more than likely eat all the baby fry before they have a chance to grow to juvee stage.

Just be careful that when the angel gets a bit bigger he don't make a meal out of your tetras.
Liliano said:
You already have the solution you are looking for. Your baby angel fish will more than likely eat all the baby fry before they have a chance to grow to juvee stage.

Just be careful that when the angel gets a bit bigger he don't make a meal out of your tetras.
Yeah I could see that happening my brother (who had the tank many years before me) had 3 big angelfish that used to terrorize the tank before they died.

Also at present the angel fish seems pretty shy keeps itself to itself and I'm planning to move the smaller fisher to my new 2ft 60L tank once it's set up properly so I can get another clown loach for the one already in my main tank so what happens then? can you remove eggs by sucking them up if any develop or would that be cruel?

On the contrary I've read reply posts along the lines of folk being cheesed off when others say I've just got fry what do I do???? And this is precisely what I'm trying to avoid. (why can't fishes practice safe sex :lol: )

please tell me crs mel wasn't being serious about cutting the wee guys dicks off....was she?
I'm sure she was joking

At the end of the day - you cannot stop the fish from breeding - its their nature. If you leave the fry in the tank to fend for themselves rather than raising them in a breeding trap/tank then they will get eaten or die if they are not competitive enough at feeding times, you may have 1 or 2 that survive, but the rest will die.

Although it seems cruel, this is exactly what happens when they are in the wild.
alot of breeders snip off the fish wee penis or gonopodium.

this is espically true when you buy slow quality pairs. breeders will frequently snip the penis off so that you cannot use the breeders strain to compete against him.

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