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  1. N

    New And Terrified!

    Hiya and welcome to this great wonderful forum, it's the best :good: It's my first tank and I went with sand, I haven't found it to be a problem at all, not one bit. Just maintain it with a vac... Simple. When you purchase plants just make sure you get ones that will grow in sand, there are...
  2. N

    Carbon Filter

    I've actually been recommended by an experienced member of this forum that you should (well he did) replace the carbon with Ceramic Rings and you don't really need the carbon. If you suffer from cloudy water etc then yes, otherwise the ceramic rings will be a much better media to use as the...
  3. N

    Should I Wait Or Should I Go?

    I've just completed a successful fishless cycle and yours sounds like it's ready my friend. I managed to get the ammonia dropping to zero in under 10 hours, but I was putting in 5ppm (at least) of ammonia whilst I was cycling (I actually worked out the measurements wrong) -_- My...
  4. N

    I Have A Case To Solve And Need Help Please.

    Very strange. Well our lfs seems to be quite a good one really. Just spoken to the chap there where I bought the fish and he said that it looks like the died and the two Pearls had 'em for din-dins as they have not been eating much due to their shyness. He said that he would replace them too...
  5. N

    I Have A Case To Solve And Need Help Please.

    Hello all, I'm clueless as to what happened and could do with some help. Last Thursday I bought the following fish: 2 Bristlenose 3 Dutch Rams 2 Pearl Gouramis 2 Sunset Gouramis 10 Cardinal Tetras They have all been very happy settling in, well the Pearls are still very shy and very watchful...
  6. N

    Pearl Gourami's Scared Stiff!

    Okay will do, thanks again. Martin :good:
  7. N

    Pearl Gourami's Scared Stiff!

    Hi Miss W, We thought and hoped that was all it was, okay will do. They do get very jumpy at first eh. When the lights went off last night the female Sunset went bonkers!!! She knocked herself about silly, I think she even dazed herself a bit as after I saw her bash in to the glass and wood she...
  8. N

    Pearl Gourami's Scared Stiff!

    Hi all, We have just populated our tank with: a pair of Pearl Gouramis a pair of Sunset Gouramis a small shoal of Cardinal Neons a tri of Dutch Rams a pair of Bristlenose All seem really happy indeed apart from the Pearl Gouramis. They seem very shy to the degree that when we approached the...
  9. N

    Worms In Our New Tank

    Thank you Miss W, all your help has been much appreciated by myself and NIna (and I'm sure anyone else who has this issue can comes across this thread). Martin and Nina :good:
  10. N

    Worms In Our New Tank

    Great, we were thinking the same - thank you. I was on the phone to the lfs who gave me some advice on certain worms, basically saying that it sounded like a form of nematode worm which I think is just a generic name for many types of worms. So the plan is to do the 90% water change, section...
  11. N

    Desperate! Worms Delivered My Vallisneria Spiralis - Tiger

    Managed to sort out a course of action on this one now thanks :good: Yes with regards to the fish stock, the tank is perfectly 'fully' cycled with the best water composition :) Cheers Martin :good:
  12. N

    Worms In Our New Tank

    You have been a star Miss W, Funny but as you must have been typing that we were looking in to the tank and agreeing on the best action and it was pretty much near to what you recommend. We just didn't want to spend the first 6 months of our fish keeping life sorting out things like this and...
  13. N

    Worms In Our New Tank

    That is SUPERB, thank you very much Miss W. It is so frustrating as we have been so particular about everythin so far, the cycle, the set up, the fish the lot and then at the very last minute we get these little *******s :angry: :crazy: Okay, well I suppose we'll carry on and just keep a...
  14. N

    Desperate! Worms Delivered My Vallisneria Spiralis - Tiger

    Hello, Sorry I should have given the full list, it is: Bristlenose Catfish Cardinal Neon Pearl Gourami Sunset Gourami Kribensis Will this worm cause anym harm to the fish at all? Thank you Martin :good:
  15. N

    Desperate! Worms Delivered My Vallisneria Spiralis - Tiger

    Hello all, I had Vallisneria Spiralis delivered from and we have noticed that a 1" worm (pictured below) and at least one more 2mm worm are hanging around the roots. We've only just planted the tank and were planning on getting the fish tomorrow but we are very worried...
  16. N

    Worms In Our New Tank

    Hi, Just as I was reading the reply above my partner shouted 'found it, found it!'. Okay here is the big one, sorry for the large photos I just want to get this sorted as I'm sure you can understand: Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Please help - thank you.
  17. N

    Fishless Cycling

    I was going through the same my friend, best bet is to check your pH, if it drops too low (below 5.5 to 6.0) then the bacteria will stop developing and even die off :( I had that and I did a 25% water change and it kicked it all off again. Up until yesterday my Nitrite was not going below...
  18. N

    Worms In Our New Tank

    Good evening all, We have recently received plants from and my partner saw a worm about an inch long today swimming around just after the lights were switched on! Unfortunately she couldn't catch it and it got away, but this evening as we were both studying the...
  19. N

    What Should I Put In My Tank?

    Hiya Miss W, A bit of a late reply to this question I know but I've just checked my tank after installing the plant life yesterday and the Nitrie was at 1.5mg this morning and less than 0.1mg tonight :lol: Anyhoo, depending on the results tomorrow we maybe going to the supplier to pick up our...
  20. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    Excellent :good: I'm also thinking about setting up an inlet to the tank so that the water doesn't go in so fast and will give the heater time to warm the water a little as our tap water is freezing. I was thinking about making (if I can't buy one) an adaptor with say a 12mm in and 4 small...
  21. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    I was thinking the same to be honest. Do you have any links to the kind of pump you're talking about Miss Wiggle? Cheers Martin :good:
  22. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    Does anyone know of a good place in the UK to purchase one from. I've seen one site but can't believe how much more expensive it is over here than the states :crazy: :angry: By the way, I love that photo on that site. I mean how many people have a fish tank literally right next to the sink...
  23. N

    Helo I Have A...

    Hello Night Hawk and welcome to this great forum :good: I'm near the end of my fishless cycle, so I'll let you know in about a week :hyper: Martin
  24. N

    Fishless Cycling

    Strange, I've read up a lot and the difference seems to be the look (the Cardinal have a red mark the full length of their underneath), the size (they get to 2" where the Neons grow to 1.5"), the price (more fish for more money I guess) and that they were a little more hardy than the Neons - oh...
  25. N

    Please Help Me!

    Hi Mowat, Answers: 1. Would you buy this product? Y/N A. Yes 2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay? A. £5 - £10 3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other A. iPod Nano 4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath...
  26. N

    Almost Done Cycling Tank

    And saying that you don't trust the Add & Wait method is just plain crazy speak. The proof is in the thousands upon thousands of words written in this forum alone. Read my words: IT WORKS! :nod: Good luck Martin :good:
  27. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    I was thinking that it was a waste of tap water if that is running whilst you are draining the tank! I think it is meant for the very big tanks, I think that a 180 litres tank doesn't justify having this product. I'll stick with the vacuum hose and bucket :D Cheers Martin
  28. N

    Pictures Of My New Tank N Fish

    Feels great doesn't it. You're one step ahead of me. We're just getting to the end of our cycle, just waiting for the plants to turn up then it's off to the supplier :D Hope to read more of your fish posts in the near future. Martin :good: PS GREAT set up by the way, nice one :)
  29. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    I see, okay thanks for the advice. In that case, it looks like a good device. Martin :good:
  30. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    I see, I would have thought that the excess amount of the dechlorinate liquid would be too much for the fish no? I'll be using Aqua Plus, so it would be fine to put in the amount prior to the tap water going in then? If that is the case, then I think I'll end up with one :hey: Cheers Martin...
  31. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    Cool, so it's not me missing something then. I thought that was a bit crazy :crazy: Why go for an investment like that (which isn't that cheap) and put in water that will fight against the bacteria that you have spent so long building up? Not unless they have a wonderful setup like your water...
  32. N

    Still No Fish! Please Help

    I totally agree, this has been a god send. My results we great this morning too, looks like my ammonia bacteria can obliterate 3mg of ammonia over night, just added 4mg at 10:00 this morning, so I will check it again tonight same time. My Nitrite is still at 0.5mg so that a little frustrating...
  33. N

    Carbon In Filter

    Oh yeah, definitely remove the carbon :good: Martin
  34. N

    Ive Just Switched From Gravel To Sand How Do I Clean It ?

    I think I'm missing something out here. I think I have worked out how it operates, but when you twist the tap adaptor to let the water in again, is this not water straight from the tap? I mean it will be chlorinated right? -_- Martin
  35. N

    Carbon In Filter

    I think you'll find the white rings are the Ceramic Rings where the bacteria can thrive, I believe it also helps reduce ammonia and Nitrite. Not 100% sure but I think you'll find the black stuff is the Carbon, usually sold in a tub with mesh bags for you to pour into then load in to the filter...
  36. N

    Still No Fish! Please Help

    Sorry, yes that's what I mean :blush: Martin :good:
  37. N

    Fishless Cycle Advice

    Great, thanks very much rdd1952, Learnt a great deal tonight :good: Went for a journey around my lfs earlier and checked that they had all the fish I've decided on which was good as they were all in, so hopefuly all goes well. After adding far too much ammonia in over the past couple of weeks...
  38. N

    Fishless Cycle Advice

    Oh my god, what a bunch of money making bleep bleep bleeps!!! That is out of order! Well i will bear that in mind too and do the same, I like the idea about using fresh dechlorinated water, I was going to use old water that I would be throwing out. Your way is much better. What do you thhink...
  39. N

    Fishless Cycle Advice

    Excellent, wow easy one that one eh :good: In the book they state them as Fluval BioMax ceramic rings and to replace them every 3 months! Now I have been told that they do state to change them more often than necessary. But I know to make sure than when I do I only change one compartment at a...