Pictures Of My New Tank N Fish


New Member
Jun 1, 2007
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United Kingdom
Thanks to all those who posted to my two other threads so i decided to put my pictures on a new one but I don't seem to be able to do it! It says I need an image address but I can't get my FTP client to work so can't upload, how annoying. !

I took the male back and got a female, so now I have "Red" the male, "Scarlett n Rosie" the females.

All seems a happy place atm !

Ok, got it to work !


Enjoy, comments welcome !
Thanks to all those who posted to my two other threads so i decided to put my pictures on a new one but I don't seem to be able to do it! It says I need an image address but I can't get my FTP client to work so can't upload, how annoying. !

I took the male back and got a female, so now I have "Red" the male, "Scarlett n Rosie" the females.

All seems a happy place atm !

Ok, got it to work !


Enjoy, comments welcome !
beautiful tank mate. congratulations on that one :good:
Thanks to all those who posted to my two other threads so i decided to put my pictures on a new one but I don't seem to be able to do it! It says I need an image address but I can't get my FTP client to work so can't upload, how annoying. !

I took the male back and got a female, so now I have "Red" the male, "Scarlett n Rosie" the females.

All seems a happy place atm !

Ok, got it to work !


Enjoy, comments welcome !

Feels great doesn't it. You're one step ahead of me. We're just getting to the end of our cycle, just waiting for the plants to turn up then it's off to the supplier :D

Hope to read more of your fish posts in the near future.

Martin :good:
PS GREAT set up by the way, nice one :)
Tank looks well. how much of an overhang is there though as the overhang will cause stress...or correct me if im wrong with a 60litre tank
The overhang is about 1.5cm each side and I know it will cause stress but I estimated the torque and figured the glass can take it !. If I'm wrong, I get wet !


My calculations:

Density of water 0.001 kg/cm^3 (approx)
Overhang 1.5cm
Height 40cm
Depth 32cm

Therefore mass of overhang = 1.92kg

Average distance from edge = 1.5cm/2 = 0.75cm = 0.0075m

Torque = Gravity * Mass * Average Distance = 9.81 * 1.92 * 0.0075 = 0.14 Nm

Hey, stop snoring in the back !


I know it is on both sides, about the same amount each side, so the overall is a flexing of the base but I think (fingers crossed) that the massive downward force of the water over the center should compensate !
Exact same tank as me so its great to see what others are doing with the same "space". Looks really nice..... You have very similar plants and fish to me too!

There's some pics of mine in my photobucket in the link in my sig if ya wanna take a look!

I think the tetraart tanks look fantastic - really quite stylish....

PS I started exactly the same as you - 3 x platys (1 male two female), i've since added three guppies (one died from what i believe was an ulcer) and 3 x corys. But the platys have now bred. I now have two little fry swimming about about 6mm long who have just realised that they're big enough now not to be eaten so are venturing out into the "main" tank. Great to see them in there, but i definately have to be careful with stocking now if breeding is gonna take place frequently!
what do you 2 think about the tank i have 1 and i'm not keen on the filter what do you rekon i'll try and get a photo of mine enyway i'll might get another small filter to help it along what are your thoughts
Yes, I spotted ONE fry but have no idea where is came from, I can't find it now but it was about 8mm, maybe it is in the filter???

I am going to get some Guppies next month if all goes well with my Cycle...

Your tank also looks Great ! I like the Bell, my Shipwreck was my daughter's purchase (She's 3 years old) lol
ah looks alot more in the photograph. i doubt the 1.5cm would do much though. Were did you get the shipwreck from?
Do you know what the back right plant is? looks nice
The ship wreck was sold at the Aquatics shop for £10, it's plastic !

I have no idea what the plants are, I bought 5 for £5. The variegated one is nice but it is dying, I guess it doesn't like the tank.

I may move it to the front to get more light and maybe it doesn't like the moving water from the filter drop above it?
I couldn't decide on the bell, it was an impulse purchase when i bought the tank and i've since thought i should keep it natural, but i think it looks ok, and the fish seem to like it too, so for the moment it stays!

My fry seem to have found a nice hiding place under a bit of wood i have, so have been protected there. I do worry about some of them swimming into the heater/filter box..... but what can ya do eh?!

Rsands - I have the same plant on the right (but its to the back left on mine), but i don't know what it is! I was told on here it wasn't a true aquatic plant and would be dead in two weeks...... but 3-4 months later and they're still fine! Leaves don't look as healthy though i have to admit....

edmn - I haven't had any other experience with another tank so its hard to say how good it is. I realise the filter is the minimum for a tank this size, but its doing its job and the water is nice and clear.

I'm really happy to have started a tank as i've wanted to do it for years and i'm pretty happy with the tetraart - although its hard to judge not having had a different one!!

I may move it to the front to get more light and maybe it doesn't like the moving water from the filter drop above it?

The filter flow definately seems to have an effect. I have the same plant that you have at the front left (with the reddish leaves) - I have two bunches of them, one on the left and one on the right (under the filter flow). The one on the left has now reached the water surface, but the one on the right are much shorter and as they were planted at the same time i can only assume that the flow is stunting them..
this is with naf blue gravel
whole tank its got more plants now
and my sisters fighter that in the tank she's named it pixel
How do you put yer pics on the pages? Oh, and can you shrink them? You almost killed my PC trying to load em !

Very good pics btw. ;) I found putting a background on mine made all the difference to it's appearance and the fish like to go to the back so maybe they prefer the dark green area?
soz about killin ya pc yeah ive thort about gettin a background but when i look at me tank i cant see all the shaddows and now ive big plants in it at da back so ya cant see the wall realy enyway glad ya like me picks i put on photo bucket and the copied the url code and posted so wa la it worked
Yeah a background seems to make a huge difference - its looks like a "scene" rather than a box of glass. I've also read that the fish feel "safer" with a background because it feels like an area to retreat to.

Glad ya changed the blue gravel.... :D I've also read that "shocking" coloured gravel isn't too great for the fish either - too bright and unnatural.

But being new to the fish-keeping its hard to try and amass all the information and decide exactly what is right or not!

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