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  1. F

    A Pic, And A Question

    many thanks :)
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    A Pic, And A Question

    excellent... so warm the tank up a bit... say 80 degrees remove filter how often and how much water should I be cleaning with no filter?
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    A Pic, And A Question

    lamp is now on the tank to warm it up. What about the filter, is it essential?
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    A Pic, And A Question

    Here's a pic of my new xmas pressy: He's currently on his own in a 3 gallon tank with a few plants and a mini filter, no heater but the temp should be fine at 73 degrees. My question is.. the small filter is very loud and quite strong, is it possible to run the tank without the filter...
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    Eyeless Harlequin

    another one of the harlequins died today... he was fine this morning, but 3 hours later is dead with his eye missing! same as last time. now the ram was trying to eat his floating carcus, but would he have killed it in the first place?
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    Right, tank's been set up for 6 months now and its going great. however, i have recently had a bad algae problem. I usually switch the lights on for about 4 hours a day, and do a 25% water change every 10 days. all levels in the tank are fine. In there is 4 harlequins, 3 corys and a bolivian...
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    Eyeless Harlequin

    I came back from a 2 day break today to find 2 things. My mother had put my aquarium lights on, and have remained on for 48 hours so its covered in algae :angry: but, more seriously, one of my harlequins was flapping around the tank, with one of its eye's missing and blood in its place...
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    Bolivian Ram

    many thanks, puts my mind at rest. he's still colourful, just getting his bearings really... here he is! :good:
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    Bolivian Ram

    I've just bought a male bolivian ram (was displayed as a Red Ram) to add to my tank. Its in there with cory's and harlequins. he only went in a few hours ago, and is looking a little quiet, trying an failing to keep up with the cory's! should Bolivian Rams be kept in pairs, or will he be ok...
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    Lemon Tetras

    I need a mid level fish for my 20G. LFS has some lemon tetra in at the moment which are around 1inch long. i plan on getting 4 or 5 of them, but a few questions first: How big do they get? Will they play nicely with my harlequins (x6) and corys (x3)? Any other similar tetras i could consider...
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    Cory's Playing Together?

    well I have room for another 6, but I think i'll add another 3 or 4 then a couple of something different. I have a 20G tank and currently have 6 Harlequins and the 2 corys, tomrorow I am buying the other corys.
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    Cory's Playing Together?

    I have 2 peppered cory's in my newly cycled tank, have been in there for 1 week and they're very happy. I'm planning on getting them some more friends tomorrow, but was wondering if i need to get more peppered or can i get some other flavours? Was thinking about some albino to add a nice...
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    Air Pump Syphoning When Off?

    many thanks, just been and got one :)
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    Air Pump Syphoning When Off?

    available from LFS? sounds perfect, im suprised i didnt see it when i was buying the pump.
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    Air Pump Syphoning When Off?

    When i turn off my air pump the water gets syphoned back down the tube and into the pump. At the moment i'm curing this by disconnecting the tube, but surely there's a better way? many thanks.
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    How Much Bacteria In Gravel?

    well, ive done it! my corys look happier than ever, and i also fitted an air pump at the same time, so the Harlequins are busy playing in the bubbles! lol My whole tank is actually full with bubbles on everything, due to the fact it was emptied and refilled. Im guessing these will clear...
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    How Much Bacteria In Gravel?

    fantastic, looking forward to giving my cory's a new bed tomorrow, and using it as an excuse to re-landscape the tank! :)
  18. F

    How Much Bacteria In Gravel?

    Hi all, im changing my large sized gravel tomorrow to a much finer gravel (almost sand-like) but would like to know how this will affect my water stats? how much of the friendly bacteria is kept in the gravel? I'm changing because my baby cory's food goes straight through the gaps in the...
  19. F

    Feeding Corys

    hmm... well ive only just finished cycling the tank without fish, so changing to sand will be a step back in the cycling process. how would i go about changing the gravel to sand anyway, seeing as there's 8 fish in my tank?
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    Feeding Corys

    I bought some sinking pellets for my Corys, but they seem to be sellting in between the gravel at the bottom of my tank. The cory's are just babies, so cant eat the pellets in one go, and seem to be struggling to get them out the gravel. any ideas?
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    Peppered Cory Behaviour

    Got 2 peppered corys, and they both act very differently. one of them is addicted to swimming in the jet from my filter in the corner of the tank, doing backflips and spis in the current. The other likes swimming up and down the sides of the tanks, then resing at the bottom, and repeating...
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    Just Bought Some Fish!

    ooh ok thanks for that. Well i would like some more cory's and some middle-dwellers that are quite active. Will have to look around.
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    Just Bought Some Fish!

    thank you :D its funny after all this time to finally see fish in my tank!
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    Just Bought Some Fish!

    After 10 weeks cycling, my 20G was ready for fish! went down the LFS and bought: 6x Harlequins 2x Peppered Corys. planning on going back next week and getting 3 more corys and 2 baby clown loaches :) so my question: at the moment they are floating in their sealed bag in my tank water. In...
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    Finally, Im Cycled...

    i'll look into the black guppies, thanks!
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    Glowlight Or Black Neon Tetra?

    which is the hardiest? i will be adding them straight into the new tank after 9 weeks of cycling next week, so need a hardy little shoal to start with.
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    Finally, Im Cycled...

    fantastic, many thanks! are glowlight tetra hardier than neons then? these are the 2 ive been considering?
  28. F

    Finally, Im Cycled...

    6 Months for the neons? that seems ages! ok, so i'll rethink the mollies, i only liked them because they are black. So, confilicting views on when to add the fish... all in 1 go as per the fishless cycling thread, or slowly each week? thanks for the informative advice though, im a novice and...
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    Finally, Im Cycled...

    ok, well i can get someone to add 2ml of ammonia a day while im gone... if i start off by adding 6 black neons, will that be a good start? my concern was that they wont produce enough ammonia to keep the filter bacteria alive? Fish i'm putting in the tank: 6x Black Neons 4x Julli Corys 4x...
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    Finally, Im Cycled...

    After a painful 9 week cycling period, today my ammonia and nitrite levels were at 0. Now for the question... Im not going to be able to get to the fish store until next week as I'm out of the country, so can I just continue adding 4ppm of ammonia until then? Then simply do the large water...
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    Test Kit Help!

    dunno, my API test kit only tests for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and Ph. sorry...
  32. F

    Brown Water Because Of My Bogwood/ Water Changes ?

    Mine did this. i boiles mine for 1 day and added it to the tank. Made the water brown over a few weeks, and didnt clear until i took the wood out and scrubbed it with a brush. After rinsing all the brown came out and my water is now clear! :D
  33. F

    Test Kit Help!

    turn the colour cards over, and the instructions are on the back. I have the same test kit, and the cards tell you exactly the same as the instruction book, they're just in shorthand! instructions for the Freshwater test kit: Ammonia: 8 drops of bottle 1, 8 drops of bottle 2, shake and wait...
  34. F


    great thanks, i'll look into those fish. anyone else got any ideas? i want some colourful active fish to add to my list :)
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    Nearly at the end of a very long fishless cycle (6 weeks) so im thinking about stocking my 22G tank. I only want smallish fish, so that i could have more of them. I also want an acive tank, so not fish that play dead all day long... how does this sound? 6x Black Neons 4x Corys (not sure which...
  36. F

    How Long Should Nitrite Take To Show

    i waited 2 weeks before i saw any nitrites... im now waiting for them to drop down to 0. the high PH will be affected by the high ammonia levels in your water. Dont bother testing Ph during cycling as it will be all over the place. this guys having a similar problem by the looks of things ;)...
  37. F


    is it the purple one thats causing it? i would try and take the purple one out and try it, but there needs to be 2 in there to make it work!
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    Hi My Fluval Duo 600 tank came with a whiteish light, with a purple light behind it. They light the tank fine, but ive got a nice blue backdrop to my tank, and when the lights are on it looks more greeny/turquise. I havent got any real plants in the tank so plant lights arent needed, but i...
  39. F


    ah great thanks :) i just had a thought and did a nitrate test... and there were very few nitrates which also suggests an off the scale reading of Nitrite as none of it has been processed yet. Its been 4 weeks of cycling now... im getting bored!