How Much Bacteria In Gravel?


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dorset, UK
Hi all,

im changing my large sized gravel tomorrow to a much finer gravel (almost sand-like) but would like to know how this will affect my water stats?

how much of the friendly bacteria is kept in the gravel?

I'm changing because my baby cory's food goes straight through the gaps in the large gravel, and i have read lots about sand and chosen not to go down this route. The gravel i have found if very fine.

As the friendly bacteria need a constant flow of water to live there is very little in the gravel unless you have an undergravel filter. The vast majority is in the filter so a complete change of substrate shouldn't cause a change in stats (or if it does it will barely be noticed).

This information is based on information from forums & seems to be the opinion of the majority of fishkeepers.

Don't shoot me if you do have a problem :fun:
fantastic, looking forward to giving my cory's a new bed tomorrow, and using it as an excuse to re-landscape the tank! :)
One of the guys here changed from gravel to sand and had a big ammonia spike, some fish died, so I would keep a close eye on the ammonia, the bacteria live on any surface in the tank maybe feeding lightly for a bit would be a good idea. Hope all goes well
One of the guys here changed from gravel to sand and had a big ammonia spike, some fish died, so I would keep a close eye on the ammonia, the bacteria live on any surface in the tank maybe feeding lightly for a bit would be a good idea. Hope all goes well

lol true true

and it might be worth noting that water moves through gravel too. removing gravel can causes a mini cycle. depends on your filter too, if it has more capasity than your tank really needs. the problem will be reduced.
well, ive done it!

my corys look happier than ever, and i also fitted an air pump at the same time, so the Harlequins are busy playing in the bubbles! lol

My whole tank is actually full with bubbles on everything, due to the fact it was emptied and refilled. Im guessing these will clear.

Anyway, it looks great and im very pleased. Will just have to keep an eye on the ammonia and nitrite levels...
My whole tank is actually full with bubbles on everything, due to the fact it was emptied and refilled. Im guessing these will clear.

I set up my father-in-laws tank the other day and that had bubbles on everything but they soon went.

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