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  1. S

    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    ive just done my second water test heres the results temp 25 ph 7.7 amonia <0-25 its the lowest the salifert test shows iam i right in thinking i have no amonia nitrate 5.0 nitrite 0.1 close to 0 salinity 1.025 should i perform my first big water change soon or just leave it another day or 2...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    thanks iam really happy with it iam noticing a lot of brown stuff on my sand and what looks hair algae over a lot of my rock and maybe sum red slime algae. i havent tested in a few days so iam going to test my water today. any comments on what i should do please.
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    just adding a few new pics and iam going to test my water again tommorow sorry all the pics are side wasys in the second pic i thinks is a ube worm does any one no what the third picture is its hard and stuck on its own bit of rock
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    Water Level

    i have a jbj dd 24g nano cube ive heard that when using the little plastic surface skimmer water tends to evaporate more in the back chambers. iam just wondering wat people are using to mark the water level in the back chambers so that they no how much fresh ro water to put in in top ups. i was...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    dont no yet mate to be honest iam def geting 2 clown fish but after that iam not realy sure iam open to suggestions. ive spotted a few bad things in the tank 4 or 5 AIPTASIA one is really big and as iam only new to marine i dont thik iam confident enough to sort them using any chemicals or what...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    ive just got my live rock and sand in yesterday hr=eres a few pics any comments welcome good or bad. a few corals came free with the rock i hope they survive the cycle
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    how do i add pics
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    Storing Salt Water

    is there no way to store salt water for a few weeks at a time as i wasnt planing to mix my own i was just going to buy 1 or 2 barrels a month from grovanor tropics for my weekly water changes. how long can u keep it for or do i have to add a powerhead to it
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    is a 100 watt heater strong enough for a 24g nano. i have the heater set at 28 degrees c and my tank is only heating at 25.6. i had it siting at 26.3 for a day or two and i should have just left it. is 25.6 a good temp to have when the lights are out or should i aim for 26 cheerrs
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    cheers mate
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    its the standard 4 bulb lighting that comes with the d and d nano 24g cube. will the increase and decrease in temp effect the fish
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    ive just been testing my tank out i filled it with water and turned the heater on. this morning the tank was siting at 26.3 degress for a few hours but when i turned the lights on the tempeture has slowly risen to 27.1 degress. is this normal
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    24 G Dd Nano Cube

    i was just reading up on the goby i like them they are nice little fish and definatly cant wait to see one interect with the shrimp.
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    what is the perfect temp for a fish only and live rock tank and what is the perfect tempature for a reef setup are is there a difference
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    24 G Dd Nano Cube

    hello i am definatly geting two clown fish but how many more fish could i add and could any one give me any suggestions of nice colourful and peaceful fish that would go in the nano
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    i down another test run to see the powerhead working and to to see if i can get the right temp in the tank. does this pic look like the tank is geting enough flow is the powerhead positiond proper...
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    iam going to add carbon bag but should i add sum rowa phos and sum carbon to the back chamber
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    Egg Crate

    ive read using egg crates are good for seting the rock on and then sum people are telling me that they are bad i dont no weather to get sum or not what do u think
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    still a bit short of money but today i managed to get the salifert ph and thhe salifert amonia test kits next up a water container and refractometer cant wait to sit foe hours watching rock
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    Air Pump

    i have an air pump in my tropical tank i was using to get oxygen into the water. its a tetratec 150l pump. iam am selling my tropical setup soon and was wondering should i keep this pump and if so what uses does it have for my 24gallon nano marine tank
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    is there any thing else i need to add to the tank in the chambers in the left chmaber i have a heater the middle chamber i have a skimmer the right chamber i have the pump is there any thing else i need to add to my shopping list i want to make sure i have everything before i buy the water...
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    how can i be sure if i have enough flow
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    i recently bought the wavemaker 2000 powerhead of another reefer. he told me it realy has a flow of about 1500. ive since been told on the forum that i will need another power head as this isint strong enough. its a 24 gallon tank and i understand how the flow is workeD out i that i need just...
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    would i need all of that food for 2 clowns and a clean up crew
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    iam just planing to have 2 clown fish and a clean up crew no corals for a while shoul i just buy the carbon any way morri
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    what types of food would u recomend iam planing to just keep 2 clowns in a 24 gallon with live rock i will not be adding corals or any other fish for a while but will have the clean up crew so what should i buy for the clowns and the cuc cheers
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    what do i need to put in the back chamber or do i just rely on the live rock as a filter
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    seen this on ebay for £6 ACTIVE CARBON 800ml AQUARIUM FILTER / MARINE TROPICAL do i need this for my nano tank i read i put some of this in one of the chambers of the tank and it helps keep the water clean iam planing a live rock and fish and cuc only tank and then maybe adding corals is the...
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    The Perfect Crew

    ill go have a look at these different cuc how many do u recomended i put in the tank at once or should i buy them seperate and add them a few weeks between each other
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    The Perfect Crew

    what would u say is the perfect clean up crew for a 24 gallon mano tank could sum one name them iam looking for the best mix that will thrive on different types of algea cheers
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    hi iam just wondering ive read that when doing daily water top ups in the tank u can use bottled water is this true also i plugged the powerhead in that i bought just to see it working, the liitle prepeller in in is not turning as smothly as i thought it would.i plugged it in out of the water...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    iam geting closer to starting the tank so far ive bought nano 24dx with a weak pump cabinet heater nano skimmer wavemaker 2000 coral sand nitrite test kit salifert nitrate test kit salifert digital thermomiter magnet glass cleaner algae scraper 2 nets gravel cleaner for water changes ive...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    whats the best position for the power head is it at the bottem or top of the tank should it be facing down onto the rock , straight at the rock or pointing straight up over the rock and can it be at the back of the tank facing forward cheers
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    just got ur msg went and bought the wave maker oh oh. the man give me a few little extras he give me the 3 pin plug to make it fit in the electric socket a free magnetic glass cleaner 2 nets 1n laRGE and 1n small a brand new gravel cleaner and a few little test plastic shringes for doing water...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    iam picking up the Resun Waver 2000 wave maker for £15 later on today the Koralia 1 was sold coiuld any one give me a quick replay of what they think of the Resun Waver 2000 is it any good and will it be strong enough for my tank i dont want to buy it if its no good
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    these are for sale in my local paper 1 x Koralia 1 £15, 1 x Resun Waver 2000 wave maker £15 i have the money here for both of them would my tank benifit from these two powerheads of would that be two much flow for a 24g nano is there any point in buying both if i only need 1 what would be...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    iam hopefully selling my tropical tank for £200 tomorrow so ill have £100 to put in to my marine as the missus has called the other £100. if i do sell it iam wondering should i pu the extra few pound and buy the live rock and water for the tank or just buy the other equipment need. i have a...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    iam a bit short of money at the minute but i took a trip to my local lfs and got a few wee things for £12 i got a bag of sand an algae scrapper and a digital thermometer i no its not much but its a start. this is going to be the slowest build ever but buying a bit at a time is better than...
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    thanks seffieuk ur a great help what do u think about the skimmer am i rite in lowering the water level in the back chambers using the little plastic skimeer piece to cover the intake grill its lowering the water level enough for me to keep the skimmers cup out of the water
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    Dairey And Stupid Qustions

    seen this cheap pump on ebay would 1n of these give good enough flow to my nano 24 gallon Aquarium 6W Marine Wave Maker Vibration Pump 3000L/H