Dairey And Stupid Qustions

iam hopefully selling my tropical tank for £200 tomorrow so ill have £100 to put in to my marine as the missus has called the other £100.

if i do sell it iam wondering should i pu the extra few pound and buy the live rock and water for the tank or just buy the other equipment need. i have a fluvel pump i could put in for a bit of flow untill i get a good powerhead.

or do u think i should use the money to buy a refrctometer a powerhead, 125 litres of water and the 4 main salfert test kits which ive worked out i can get them all for £110 and just bid my time until i get enough up for the rock

what do u think
Only buy the rock when you see a bargain and have the ability to keep it - heat and powerhead :good:

But to keep the rock, you will need:

test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate at the least
water container for transporting water from lfs

So, I guess its a no brainer - get the hardware and leave the rock till later :good: make sure you look around for bargains, we love bargains here on the salty side :good: dont just go and buy from your lfs without looking around the Net.

Seffie x
these are for sale in my local paper

1 x Koralia 1 £15, 1 x Resun Waver 2000 wave maker £15

i have the money here for both of them would my tank benifit from these two powerheads of would that be two much flow for a 24g nano is there any point in buying both

if i only need 1 what would be the best
iam picking up the Resun Waver 2000 wave maker for £15 later on today the Koralia 1 was sold coiuld any one give me a quick replay of what they think of the Resun Waver 2000 is it any good and will it be strong enough for my tank i dont want to buy it if its no good
Eeek :crazy: hope you didnt buy it:


If Simon is still selling his Koralia 1 I would buy that :good:

Seffie x
just got ur msg went and bought the wave maker oh oh. the man give me a few little extras he give me the 3 pin plug to make it fit in the electric socket a free magnetic glass cleaner 2 nets 1n laRGE and 1n small a brand new gravel cleaner and a few little test plastic shringes for doing water checks. all for 15 so iam happy enough iam just worried will the wave maker be strong enough for my tank i aslo bought nitrate and nitrite salifert test kits from the lfs for 18 iam a few steps closer to starting the tank.

ps let me no is the wave maker good enough
whats the best position for the power head

is it at the bottem or top of the tank
should it be facing down onto the rock , straight at the rock or pointing straight up over the rock
and can it be at the back of the tank facing forward

iam geting closer to starting the tank so far ive bought

nano 24dx with a weak pump
nano skimmer
wavemaker 2000
coral sand
nitrite test kit salifert
nitrate test kit salifert
digital thermomiter
magnet glass cleaner
algae scraper
2 nets
gravel cleaner for water changes

ive also got a small tank 1ft by 1ft by 1ft and a spare heater that i was going to use to heat up the ready mixed water i will be buying from my lfs

next iam planing to order a refractometer online and buy amonia and ph test kits.
is there anything else i should buy before i get the water and live rock.
109 litres in your tank x 20 turnover = 2180 required

powerhead has 2000 litres per hour, so to start with it will be ok, but you will be better off later buying a bigger powerhead - you could then use the cheap powehead to mix your salty stuff :good:

At least he felt guilty enough to give you some extra bits :good:

Looks to me like your list is nearly complete - you will just need a water container and the two extra tests

Remember you can heat your first lot of water in your tank - it needs to have a powerhead and heat in it for 24 hrs before you put first your live rock and then the sand.

Place the powerhead at the back, pointing up and towards the front glass

Seffie x
hi iam just wondering ive read that when doing daily water top ups in the tank u can use bottled water is this true also i plugged the powerhead in that i bought just to see it working, the liitle prepeller in in is not turning as smothly as i thought it would.i plugged it in out of the water and it spins round but sort of slows a bit every couple of turns is this normal
still a bit short of money but today i managed to get the salifert ph and thhe salifert amonia test kits next up a water container and refractometer cant wait to sit foe hours watching rock
i down another test run to see the powerhead working and to to see if i can get the right temp in the tank. does this pic look like the tank is geting enough flow


is the powerhead positiond proper


and does this sand look ok


ive just got my live rock and sand in yesterday hr=eres a few pics any comments welcome good or bad.

a few corals came free with the rock i hope they survive the cycle





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