

Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2010
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what is the perfect temp for a fish only and live rock tank and

what is the perfect tempature for a reef setup

are is there a difference
No real difference between temperatures for both set-ups. I consider 78 to be a pretty good temperature to aim for, but some aim higher and others lower.
Yeah I usually have mine around 78f too. If you find out the temp of the store where you are getting the fish and live rock (assuming you use the same shop all the time) set it to what they have it so its not much of a change for the fish.
ive just been testing my tank out i filled it with water and turned the heater on. this morning the tank was siting at 26.3 degress for a few hours but when i turned the lights on the tempeture has slowly risen to 27.1 degress. is this normal
it is fairly usual to see an increase during your lighting period. 27 degrees is fine. what lighting are you using?
its the standard 4 bulb lighting that comes with the d and d nano 24g cube. will the increase and decrease in temp effect the fish
You don’t want to forget that at the higher end of the temp ranges the inhabitants metabolic rates rise as temperature rises and this can also increase both their growth rate and waste production which in my opinion cannot be a good thing in a nano tank. Also one other thing to remember is the solubility of dissolved gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide change with temperature. oxygen in particular can be a concern because it is less soluble at higher temperature.
Just some think for you to think over hope it’s of some help john,o
is a 100 watt heater strong enough for a 24g nano. i have the heater set at 28 degrees c and my tank is only heating at 25.6. i had it siting at 26.3 for a day or two and i should have just left it. is 25.6 a good temp to have when the lights are out or should i aim for 26

The fact that your heater is set at 28c and the tank is only at 25.6c suggests to me that your heater will be on 24/7 trying to raise the temp to the set 28c, so there for I would say NO its not big enough,
what size heater do you have for mixing water changes? Could you not use that one as the 100 watts, one would be perfect for pre heating water changes.
As for temp then yes 25.c is ok :good: , your keeping Fish only aren’t you if this is the case then a lower temp is properly better anyways to be honest as FOWLR tanks normally have less turn over {flow} so there is less gas exchange, so the lower temp helps with oxygenating the water ect

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