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  1. ox5477


    How is this weird? Change the chick noodle to Chicken flavored Ramen and this is what I lived on for prob 10 years of my life... now its just a treat :D You cant get salt and vinegar chips in Europe... that seems to make no sense.... salt and vinegar on fries as well are dilicious... fav...
  2. ox5477

    Stocking Suggestions/assistance 125 Gallon

    A QT/Hospital tank would an excellent idea.... never seems like an important idea until the day you need one.... bext to have a small filter (nig enough for whatever size QT tank you get) running on the 125 for the day when you may need the QT tank so you have media up and running. Also you...
  3. ox5477

    55 Us Gallon Reef

    Good stuff Chris. The one mushroom head is huge. Have you fragged your xenia at all? (thats xenia in the fourth pic right?) I got a small 6-7 head frag about 3 months ago and since then, it has grown quite huge and almost thinking about fragging it as it is invading my Kenya Tree's space Ox...
  4. ox5477

    Orange Sharks 94 Litre Marine Attempt!

    sounds like a feather duster to me For lighting, the corals will appreciate as much light as possible, but just like any other creature, a rest period is needed to regulate internal workings... I believe most reefers keep lights on for about 10 hours, but I dont think 12 will hurt anything...
  5. ox5477


    depends on the species, what species are you looking into? Ox
  6. ox5477

    Stocking Suggestions/assistance 125 Gallon

    I agree with Davo's suggestion to cut back on the number of cichlids. I dont know if you wanted all of them in there... but I would recommend it. And dont worry about size restrictions for the clown loaches, they will grow to their max size and live perfectly fine in that tank for life. If...
  7. ox5477

    Takifugu Ocellatus

    Most species are very easy to keep if a few basic requirements are met... even when the natural habitat and food source of these guys are met, they still decide they are going to stop eating or just roll over one day. Hopefully Marine and yourself have much better luck with these guys, but even...
  8. ox5477

    How Do You Blanch Veggies?

    For peas, you need to blanche them to remove the husk as the fish will not eat the husk... but for cuc's, just cut a slice and weight it down with a spoon and the fish will do the rest Ox :good:
  9. ox5477

    Calcium Supplements

    you can use these sidewalk salt for calcium suppliment ski? Thats crazy... do you just make a kalk solution with the salts and then drip the kalk solution in? Ox :good:
  10. ox5477

    Holy S---!

    haha, good point... Ox :good:
  11. ox5477

    Holy S---!

    Check out the Jaws of this shark... and you though Hollywood just had an over active imagination.... tsk tsk Alien Shark Ox :hyper:
  12. ox5477

    One Question

    Yes, chillers are very in-efficient can cost multiple hundreds of $$$. For minor cooling, a fan blowing across the surface of the water might be the best way to go... or a seperate air conditioned room at the desired temp.... if your interested in Takifugu's, there is a thread in the bracksih...
  13. ox5477

    My Female Jaguar Chiclid

    sorry bud... didnt look at the sig... my fault. Looks like a nice fish and if I had a multi hundred gallon tank to mix her with other large cichlids, I would of been interested as that is nice fish Ox :good:
  14. ox5477

    My Female Jaguar Chiclid

    ya, jags can be quite aggressive as some other members on TFF have learned. Is it in a 55G right now? It might appreciate an upgrade to a 75G US just to give some more depth in the tank for turning... just a suggestion Ox :good:
  15. ox5477

    Help Id

    well its petsmart... they arnt paid to know the fish... just to push them on unsuspecting customers... sad thing that it is Ox :good:
  16. ox5477

    Albino Tiger Oscar Variation

    I would say its due to the genes of the fish... some may have a darker background color and more vibrant orange coloration than others.... they arnt true albinos so they can have some color... true albino oscars are very rare in the trade from what I understand Ox :good:
  17. ox5477

    Giant Fossilised Clam

    I have a small bi-valve shell on one of my rocks... nothing in it and not quite fossilized, looks like whatever species it was died during transport of the LR... always fun when you get extra stuff on your lr Ox :good:
  18. ox5477

    Help Id

    ya, appears to be a GT Ox :good:
  19. ox5477

    150 Gallon Tank

    well all those fish sound good together... the thing I would advise first is that before you buy any catfish species is to research, research, and research....... many species can grow to suprising sizes and are carnivorous.... Get as many of the cichlids as you can as juveniles, maybe 1" or...
  20. ox5477

    Paul's Marine Journal

    if you can get a pic of the crab... would be good.... there are some good hitch-hikers and some not so goodies Lights on or off won't really hurt anything, but for ease, you could set up your timing method and get that perfected before you start adding your cuc and eventually fish/coral Ox :good:
  21. ox5477

    150 Gallon Tank

    Well.. we'll start with the equip... the two ac's will prob be enough filtration on paper, but if you get a number of large cichlids and cats, then your gonna prob need more filtration believe it or not. I run an FX5 external with two HOB's designed for 450gph on my 125G... normalyy a 4x water...
  22. ox5477

    My New 6ft Tank Has Arrived !

    guys, thread is almost two yrs old, and TBH.. havent seen "spooky" on TFF since i've been on Ox :good:
  23. ox5477


    nelly did have his jag "brutis" in with his o's until it started attacking them so they are now seperated.... wouldnt recommend it. I agree with the list sheilaf has posted Ox :good:
  24. ox5477

    Orange Sharks 94 Litre Marine Attempt!

    Yes, then you realize, "O Crap!! I have to pay bills...." haha :lol:
  25. ox5477


    as @ombomb said, I am one of those who do the cup at a time deal instead of the drip. I just float the bags in the water and then every 10-15 put about a shots worth of water (depending on amount of water in bag)... depending on how hardy the fish or coral, can last 1-3 hrs (more depending on...
  26. ox5477

    Takifugu Ocellatus

    Good stuff. If you can get some pics of the little bugger that would be ace! Ox :good:
  27. ox5477

    Gold Severums

    well Im glad you did the right thing. Alot of people wouldnt care enough about the fish to give them up. Hopefully somebody will give them good home. Ox :good:
  28. ox5477

    Marine Salt

    depends on how often u do wc's... recomendation is ~20% every two weeks... all depending on stocking (some fish/corals like perfect water so much easier to keep them happy with numerous wc's). Some set-ups can go without water changes for months as they predominatly inverts and corals so there...
  29. ox5477

    My 150us Gallon Tank.....

    Are those tin foils that are massive? Dont see striping on the tail so I would not falgtails? Whatever they are, they dwarf your balas ha! Ox :good:
  30. ox5477

    Paul's Marine Journal

    Now I'll be honest, not my idea... seen it done and it seems to be a very effective solution to bleed off extra flow from your pump if your overflow can't keep up. And as you said, it will give some of the water a second chance to go through the whole sump. When you say a three way fitting as...
  31. ox5477

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Looks like they've recovered quite well from their recent battles. Looking good Nelly Ox :good:
  32. ox5477

    Gold Severums

    well sevs can reach atleast 12", and since they are territorial, I would go for atleast a 90G US... and thats if all the fish get along... if one is extra aggressive or territorial, then your going to need a bigger tank. You need to get this tank ASAP as well... at 4" the one sev is prob...
  33. ox5477

    Paul's Marine Journal

    For flow, if you can get your downspout from the tank to flow into a bucket/container of known volume just time how long it takes to fill the bucket/container.... then you can transfer into gallons/hr...ltrs/hr.... whatever For restricting the flow going to the tank as well, do you have a T...
  34. ox5477

    My Small Reef

    standard 55G US Ox :good:
  35. ox5477

    My Small Reef

    Thanks guys, it isnt as hard as it seems... more intimidating than anything else.... it can be a bit pricey at times, but well worth it I think Ox :good:
  36. ox5477

    My Small Reef

    Thnk nelly... the link should work now Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Update, no FTS shot but some indy pics and a video: Pastel Hammer: Goby peeking out: Combo with goby peeking, cleaner shrimp and orange zoas: Adult pattern of engineer gobies: Video:
  38. ox5477

    My Small Reef

    Hope you enjoy: starts showing Percula Clown, Yellow Fairy Wrasse, then orange zoas, branching Pastel Hammer coral, then to the busiest section of the tank where theres the Pulsing Xenia, Kenya Tree and a few mushies. Then one of the Engineer Gobies peeking out... lot of personality in these...
  39. ox5477

    Need To Save £ Or $

    well there are cases of running an external canister with carbon and phos-x but to use the other stuff would actually prob be detrimental as they will pump out nitrate which = not good. as long as you dont use a filter sponge/bio-ceramics or other common filter media you should be fine. For...
  40. ox5477

    Oscar With What Cichlid?

    well in a 125UK Gallon tank you have more room as well... my fault for not indicating, but I meant 125US Gallons... as Im in america.... 125UK Gallons is actually 150US gallons... and i guess I should say I like to leave my tanks understocked if I can so my stocking is always towards the light...