Orange Sharks 94 Litre Marine Attempt!

orange shark

Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score

Bought my tank today and took some pics so i thought i'd start a journal. My tank is an interpet river reef 50 tank, with a built in sump type thing on the back. now heres some pics!






Sump type thing




Heater (dont intend to use the aquarium start thing)


Filter sponge


Activated carbon


Ceramic rings


Bio balls

thats it so far, going tobuy a koralia 1, skimmer, refractometer and salt in a few weeks hopefully.

bit of advice needed...what should i put in each compartment bearing in mind there is no light over it


orange shark
Filter sponge in a place that it's convenient to remove it... And the carbon wherever it will get some flow. Don't use the ceramic or bioballs, your LR will take care of that
second update (not much really)

Just bought an aqua medic refractometer from ebay for £18.50, and i am buying a koralia 1 and 25kg salt tommorow for £60!

orange shark
Had a change of plan today, instead of buying the koralia and the salt I decided to buy some aragonite sand at £18.99 for 30lbs which i thought was quite reasonable.

I picked up the refractometer today which i bought for £18.50 and was quite pleased with it!

This is a list of things i still need to buy:

Powerhead £20 found
Salt £40 - found
Live Rock - £120ish
Test Kit - £19 - found
Skimmer - £30ish found
Containers -£8 - found
Rowaphos -£???

feel free to add!
Ive just bought a koralia 1 off the internet

going to buy a skimmer tommorow!
ok, bought a JAD WG-308 protein skimmer today along with some phosguard, pics up later.

Only need salt, test kit and live rock now!
well done on you!! oh i wish i was you, i would love a marine, but i have too many tanks and not enuff time or money -or brains for that matter lol, anyway ill be watching this thread, im so pleased for you, and cant wait to see the results :)

shelagh xxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks shelagh :)

just an update, im getting the money for my live rock for my brithday which is less than 2 weeks away, all i need now is the test kit and the containers (aswell as the water!)

so maybe £140 for the live rock and bout £30 for containers and water aswell, plus £20 for the test kit! sets me at bout £210 so i should be able to set up by the end of the month!
koralia 1 came today, looks neat! Going to buy a test kit tommorow of ebay!

pics will be up at some point tommorow i promise, ive been busy lately ;)
i went to take the pictures and the camera was out of battery, the pics shall be 3 days late ;)
Bought salt today, cost £30 for 20kg which i thought was quite good, so far i've got:

Tank, stand, filter, heater etc. - £130
Skimmer - £30
Koralia 1 - £25
Rowaphos - £6
Sand - £18
Refractometer - £18
Salt - £30

so far i have spent a grand total of... £257 :D

I will get pics up when i find the camera charger (not that it will be that interesting ;))
marine spending sprees theres nothing better!

look forward to seeing the progress!

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