
orange shark

Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
Hello all,

there are 2 questions i need to ask.

1) So my waters going in on saturday, can i add the salt straight to the tank as there wil be no live rock or fish in it yet

2) Im confused in how to add fish to my tank, I don't know how to drip it if thats what i have to do. (note, i dont plan on adding fish until all is done, i have done my research so i know what im doing, this is just a question so that i know what im doing when i get there!)

Thanks, orange shark
1. Yes

2. You don't have to drip. Have you kept freshwater fish before? If so, just do the same thing and take twice as long ;)
1 - Yes

2 - Drop aclimatisation is normally done using a length of airline with a clamp on it which you use to slowly drip water in to the bag / container holding the new fish / coral. By doing this slowly (i normally spend about 2 hours, but it really depends on the difference in SG between your tank and the SG they're used to - ask at the shop when you buy) and removing water from the bag / container periodically, you make the acclimatisation as smooth as possible as there are no sudden leaps. I think a lot people, certainly for hardier fish, just use the usual take 1 cup of water out and pour in a cup of tank water process, but dripping requires very little extra effort and is worth doing IMO.
1) thankyou

2) yes i have (borrriinngg) so i just add a bit of tank water every 15 mins or so for about 2 hours?

thanks Ski!

edit: didnt see your reply until after @ombomb, but thanks for the reply :good:
as @ombomb said, I am one of those who do the cup at a time deal instead of the drip. I just float the bags in the water and then every 10-15 put about a shots worth of water (depending on amount of water in bag)... depending on how hardy the fish or coral, can last 1-3 hrs (more depending on how much I spent and how paranoid I am)

Ox :good:

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