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  1. ox5477

    Anything I Can Add?

  2. ox5477

    Urgent Gravel Question!

    well it prob gonna be better in the long run to either use sand or just go barebottom, the gravel/crushed coral will collect detritus and waste and just more of a PITA than you need IMO.... but as I said, just my opinion Ox :good:
  3. ox5477

    1st Marine Tank

    Im sorry, but I'm a little confused by your previous post... maybe I'm just dense... I believe what your saying is that your sump tank is 1.5" shorter in length then your proposed tank... hence the problem that the stand will have to be larger than the display tank causing what you may feel...
  4. ox5477

    Urgent Gravel Question!

    Ok, first off, few things to look at before we worry about the rock... when you say you mixed the salt... did you use the tap water? Did you use a calibrated measuring device to verify salinity or did you just dump in xx cups of salt into xx gallons of water to make 1.0xx salinty? The blue...
  5. ox5477

    Starting Out On Marine

    Also, an anemone is not really a starter creature..... they like mature tanks with very stable conditions... if only the anemone was in the tank and it died, you wouldn't really be nuking anything else no big loss I guess, but I wouldn't wanna clean up that mess if it did happen... I started...
  6. ox5477

    Is This The Same As Ro Water?

    RO water is when your removing all the hard minerals and the chemicals put into the water supply by the city.... basically, in it's purest form, only the H2O is left... in your method, all the hard minerals and chemicals still persist in the water
  7. ox5477

    Lighting For A 55 Us Gallon. Sw

    I have a 4 bulb set-up as ski suggests... keep softies and lps... recently purchased two sps and a clam... all on top of the stack right next to the light... thinking they will be ok for the time being, but for the future, I am looking into MH lighting to boost them and give an overall better...
  8. ox5477

    How Often Do Snails Eat Crabs?

    Thats why they are in there, to clean up the waste :good:
  9. ox5477

    My Fishes Are Acting Weird On My Tank.

    well that could be the issue, a little too immature to for those species and amount of fish.... Saltwater takes a little more time to set-up then fresh... so patience is the biggest key... Also, quarentining all fish and corals before entering into the main display is a very good idea... this...
  10. ox5477

    Starting My Own Reef Tank- The Tank Of My Dreams!

    Ya, for tall skimmy towers, pvc or acrylic rod are prob the best builders... but if the stack will have a good base, then marine epoxy would work just fine... it should be the green stuff (turns grey when mixed) you can get at most lfs's...
  11. ox5477

    The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

    I havent been to any local club meetings so as to the coral you are refering... no idea... but I love pics... and maybe in the future, a frag :shifty: Ox :good:
  12. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Well.. lost my aipstasia cherry tonight.... spotted my first ever aipstasia since I started keeping salt over a 15 months ago... been a good run, but it had to come to an end... anyways, gonna pick up some lemon juice after work tomorrow and take care of this before it starts spreading.... Ox
  13. ox5477

    Switching To Marine - Lots Of Questions Sorry

    You can use the internal if you want... but if you do, just run it with some live rock rubble... leaving in the sponges or other media that grows bacteria will only turn into a nitrate factory.. which isn't a huge deal now, but if you decided to get some corals one day (which will prob happen as...
  14. ox5477

    Hurricane Ike Aftermath Pictures

    No guarentees... this whole financial institution crash is hiding any neglect that they may be allowing in the natural disaster area.... in the eyes of the news anyways..
  15. ox5477

    How To Make Your Own Live Rock

    I stand corrected, maybe I'm just lazy... hence why its easier for me to just buy baserock... idk
  16. ox5477

    Converting 125l From Fw To "fish Only"

    For FO... your tap water would be fine... but if you want corals, I would not take the risk... would invest in an RO/DI system to purify your tap water... my two cents Ox
  17. ox5477

    How To Make Your Own Live Rock

    IMO... making your own is way too much work for the benefit... if you don't want to pay the premium buck (which of course none of us do) for LR from the lfs, then buy baserock... usually $1.99-2.99 a lb (sorry if you need metric... stubborn american here :shifty: ) and you can just cure it...
  18. ox5477

    N3Ont3Tra's 37G Reef Tank Journal

    Haha, what I was thinking... Holy Algae! The green hair def looks 100% better than my red slime algae I am fighting though. Fish look happy! Ox :good:
  19. ox5477

    Newbie To Forum

    +1 for both It would have been better to wait a month or so before adding fish and I would wait 3-5 months for the tank to "mature" before adding corals.... this is roughly what I did when starting out with my 30G... worked out for the best. But now that you have fish in there... just have to...
  20. ox5477

    1st Marine Tank

    Depending on the current structure of your home and whether there is a wall below this wall... that will say whether you need extra support.... but I'm go out on a limb and say you should fine as long as there is a wall below this one that is placed either on another wall below that or a...
  21. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Update pics: Some new shelf rock and phosban reactor for the tank to come... Then some update pics of some old favorites: ~~Then some new residents~~ Orange Malipora: Yellow Birdsnest: and a Gold Maxima: Ox :good:
  22. ox5477

    Newbie To Forum

    might wanna invest in a alkalinity test as well.... you dont have any corals as of yet... but with a low alk, your pH can swing pretty rapidly in just 24hrs if things like ambient temp increase creating a heat surge... also a large amount of evaporation can cause the salinty the rise and...
  23. ox5477

    Newbie To Forum

    Hi Molly, well you certainly did dive right in didnt you... let me ask first, is the feather duster the first thing that has died? When you bought the rock, was it fully cured? When you say the tank has been cycling for a couple of weeks, does that mean persay that the tank has been running...
  24. ox5477

    Feather Duster Excreting Hundreds Of...

    Well I have developed tons of little feather dusters over my tank over the last 3-4 months spreading out from a central location and haven't seen this so called spawning.... so as to if this is actually spawning... im not sure..... Ox :good:
  25. ox5477

    New Pics

    Cant get over how weird that Tig looks.... with its round white eyes... always looks like it just got suprised... :lol: Ox :good:
  26. ox5477

    1st Marine Tank

    What size you tank are you looking at right now? Wghat dimensions? If its gonna be under 90-100G, adding extra bracing isn't neccessarily needed, especially if there is a wall directly below where your putting the tank. It more depends on the footprint and total volume of the system... for...
  27. ox5477

    Anyone Dose Vodka?

    I thought thats what they meant by dosing vodka the first time i heard about this method barney! haha But, it sounds actually pretty cool, the ethanol in vodka is used by bacteria, along with Nitrate and O2 to create, CO2, water and N2 (Dinitrogen)... the N2 I guess diffuses into the air and...
  28. ox5477

    Anyone Dose Vodka?

    Search "Randy Holmes Farley Dosing Vodka" on Google and click the first search return... it will be a thread in which he has a multi page discussion about dosing vodka and sugar Ox :good:
  29. ox5477

    Hurricane Ike Aftermath Pictures

    Kinda weird, but some of those pictures look almost modern artsy... especially the very first pic.... but terrible thing that happened...
  30. ox5477

    The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

    Good thing we didnt have another freak heat-wave while you were gone.... who knows if your corals could have stood another boiling... Ox
  31. ox5477

    Diy Metal Halide Box

    I was gonna say, a aluminum sheet bend slightly behind each bulb will help immensly in focusing the light towards the tank.... The fan in the middle is good, might wanna try and get two more fans for each end as well... that one little fan I doubt will do the job.... Is this going inside of a...
  32. ox5477

    What Fish Is This?

    I would say a ram too... but maybe a blue acara that is extremely pale? How long had it been in your tank when picture was taken?
  33. ox5477

    Water Chemistry

    what brand test kits are u using and how old are they?
  34. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Strike that.... sump on hold for at least a month or so, purchasing a used 90G reefready tank with corner overflow from a local reefer getting out of the hobby... should get tank within next month or so (hopefully), depending on how soon he can get rid of his remaining corals. If you're in...
  35. ox5477

    Few Noobie Questions

    Aquascaping is not only for aestetics, it can help improve flow through the tank and thereby health of the animals in the tank (both fish and corals) 10G is a little small for most fish... but you could have a small clean up crew of a couple smal astrea or turbo snails and hermits with maybe a...
  36. ox5477

    Texas Cichlids

    Looks just ike a piece of cut egg crate used to difuse lighting Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    I Guess I Should Start To Think About What Fish.

    Just found these when I was looking for another species of cardinal... actually quite intriguing... might be a good choice, school of 5-10 maybe? Orange Stripe Cardinal Along with any species of fairy wrasse and a large school of chromis, would make for a nice "Japenese Zen Garden" style...
  38. ox5477

    Flow Rate Thur Refugium?

    o ya... shoulda known that... seen that thread bad gary :rolleyes: could always do the bucket test for volumetric flow... let the return line empty into a container of known volume and time how long it takes to fill... extrapolate to gallons/liters hour if you wish after Ox :good: