Converting 125l From Fw To "fish Only"


Fish Crazy
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
Swansea, UK
I'm thinking about converting my 125l FW setup to marine and I'd like some guidance on approximate costs to do so and on continual running (especially in comparison to FW).

Sump's are out of the question with the current setup too.

I've had a good read around and keep coming on conflicting information etc so some of your expertise would be greatly appreciated.

Also worth noting that my tap water is soft and slightly alkaline with nitrate readings of around 10 and is, unfortunatly, fed via led pipes. I had the water checked and they noted that there were traces of heavy metals present in the tap water but well below the "guidelines". My LFS advised me that this would not be an issue as the water conditioner could easily deal with that amount with the added safeguard of regular activated carbon changes in my filter.
For FO... your tap water would be fine... but if you want corals, I would not take the risk... would invest in an RO/DI system to purify your tap water... my two cents

Well spesh, Marine tanks can be as simple or as complex as you want. In the end, the limiting factor becomes the livestock chosen. As Ox mentioned, Fish Only tanks are not much different than freshwater systems with sea salt mix in them. Similar principles apply.

Fish only with live rock FOWLR are only slightly more complex as they have live rock to do the filtration. LR is expensive for sure, but is definitely the best filter out there (we can't beat nature yet ;)).

Lastly, full reef tanks with corals and other sensitive organisms can get pricey and complex. Even within reef tanks though, there are different levels of care required.

So given that generalization, what I like to tell people to do is to have a visit to some major online retailers like or and just see what's available out there in the marine world. See what livestock catches your eye and once you've done so, come back and we'll see what kind of a system/cost you'll deal with to get that. And don't forget to read member's journals for some idea of what they've gone through and what kind of tanks you can create here :)

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