Hurricane Ike Aftermath Pictures


Rocking a crabshell for a hat.
Jan 22, 2006
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Houston, TX - USA
Not my pictures, but they deserved to be seen.

The pictures are mostly of Galveston and Bolivar, but there are one or two pictures of Kemah and one picture as far away as Corpus Christi. These pictures are just amazing. It's almost like night and day between where we are and them and we're only 30 minutes away. Wow, the more I see of what happened to others, the more I feel blessed for us in our area. Godspeed to all who are rebuilding their lives from this.

Oh and this fish picture is unbelievable. :eek:
I've read that under a certain law that those who have residences on the beach might not be allowed to rebuild and have 'their' land taken away and not even paid for. Something about not being able to own property within a certain limit of the shore and now that Ike hit, the shoreline has moved.

lol@fish pic
Kinda weird, but some of those pictures look almost modern artsy... especially the very first pic.... but terrible thing that happened...

hope your gov't dealing with it accordingly
and not use the tragedy for their own publicity..

hope your gov't dealing with it accordingly
and not use the tragedy for their own publicity..

No guarentees... this whole financial institution crash is hiding any neglect that they may be allowing in the natural disaster area.... in the eyes of the news anyways..

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