I Guess I Should Start To Think About What Fish.


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Southwest England
Hi all

I have finaly started getting the things i need to go saltwater, I have the tank being delivered very soon and i intend to get loads of live rock and corals. Obviously i will have the CUC and a couple of clown fish for the kids but other than that i am stuck with what fish to go for, any ideas would be great :good:

Oh i guess i should mention...the tank is 72" x 18" x 18"

Find some species you like then ask about them because with a good sized tank like that there are a lot
of species you can fit. Do you have any powerheads? the tank should have at least 10 times turn over per hour
on powerheads.
Find some species you like then ask about them because with a good sized tank like that there are a lot
of species you can fit. Do you have any powerheads? the tank should have at least 10 times turn over per hour
on powerheads.

I will have 3 powerheads, i would like the stranger more colourful fish looking fish but also fish that can mix well together, they also need to be not to delicate, this is will be my first saltwater tank.

84 UK gallons, 100 US gallons & 382L

Rabbit fish? butterfly fish? small tang?

Only thing is its not particually wide or deep so you cant have massive fish. You could go for a lot of smaller fish like wrasse etc and have it look like its teeming with life rather than a few big-ish ones.
84 UK gallons, 100 US gallons & 382L

Rabbit fish? butterfly fish? small tang?

Only thing is its not particually wide or deep so you cant have massive fish. You could go for a lot of smaller fish like wrasse etc and have it look like its teeming with life rather than a few big-ish ones.

Hello mate

Smaller fish, a tank full of life, i think that could be the way to go, not sure i have seen a rabbit fish, do you know of a selection of small fish i can keep together.

Just found these when I was looking for another species of cardinal... actually quite intriguing... might be a good choice, school of 5-10 maybe? Orange Stripe Cardinal

Along with any species of fairy wrasse and a large school of chromis, would make for a nice "Japenese Zen Garden" style tank... would look sweet.. and not seen too much now a days it seems, most in the hobby go for keeping fewer larger fish, but a reef setting is perfect for many school of different fish... can add as much color and brilliance as the different corals added to the tank.

Ox :good:
if your going to ask your LFS to get them in for you. They dont all do it but mine does. Then make sure you take them the latin name aswel as the common one to make 100% sure you get the fish your looking for
small wrasse, dottybacks, dwarf angels are all good colourful fairly peaceful, coral beauty is probably the "most" reefsafe one though ive found, flames and midnight angels to be quite safe although it all depends on the individual fish.

tangs zebrasoma and Ctenochaetus i wouldnt opt for a acanthurus since the tanks not very wide.

and draw inspiration from liveaquaria and places then do independant research :)

i would'nt opt for rabbitfish or butterfly fish for a reef tank some are fine but others will just destroy corals.

edit: perhaps a pair of dwarf angels would be nice, or a harem theres been good success with pairs or harems of Centropyge argi theres even been spawning reported in a small 30 gallon i think it was tank.

Flame ^



very nice fish, but they kind of remind me of discus, i think i might like something that looks abit different looking, i seen a post on here a week or so ago with a weird yellow fish that almost looked like it had human features :lol: serious, it was well weird, i can't recall the name, nor find the post but it was strange. Did you see the post? or know what i am talking about.
royal gramma
pajama/sixline wrasse
first marine tank has to have clownfish in right?
yellow tang
regal tang
finament flasher wrasse?
very nice fish, but they kind of remind me of discus, i think i might like something that looks abit different looking, i seen a post on here a week or so ago with a weird yellow fish that almost looked like it had human features :lol: serious, it was well weird, i can't recall the name, nor find the post but it was strange. Did you see the post? or know what i am talking about.

haha i keep discus and dont see a similarity, the dwarf angels certainly dont act like discus!

hmm different looking cant think of a weird yellow fish possibly a frogfish since they have limbs wel sort of limbs...

have you considered a lion fish a dwarf fuzzy would probably be the best bet totally safe with corals just need to watch out what fish you put with them. or a marine betta is also a stunning fish.

for inverts if you want weird look at arrow crabs they scare the daylights out of me :p

edit links:

marine betta

Dwarf zebra lionfish http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...&pcatid=230

Frogfish[/b] [URL="http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...3&pcatid=63"]http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...3&pcatid=63[/URL] - andy knows alot about these, i dont!

arrow crab [URL="http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...&pcatid=616"]http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...&pcatid=616[/URL] scary stuff....

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