Search results

  1. Myuu

    Enteric Redmouth Disease

    If what the fish has is enteric redmouth disease, then it probably is. It's a bacteria infection that's spread via feces, but I don't know if it was in there long enough to spread it. I only had it for about 10 hours before I euthed it. But I still can't find any information about this disease...
  2. Myuu

    Enteric Redmouth Disease

    Haven't had the chance yet, it's 5 am where I live. I probably won't have time to go tomorrow, but I'll have to see if I have time on monday. I got a couple other loaches along with that one and they seem fine, but I will be monitoring them very closely.
  3. Myuu

    Enteric Redmouth Disease

    I bought some dojo loaches from my lfs today and I had noticed something strange about one of them. It was acting very lethargic and its head looked like it was inflamed. The dojo loach is a gold color morph, btw. It also looked like its mouth was dissolving, and I have never seen something like...
  4. Myuu

    My 4Ft Bowed Front

    FYI, the white and green plant on the right-ish side is not a true aquatic plant. If you leave it in there it will eventually rot away. Take it out and put it in a pot with some soil. :)
  5. Myuu

    Battery Operated Syphons

    Just suck on the end of the tube. No shaking, no tricks. If you do it right you should never end up with a mouthful of water.
  6. Myuu

    Looking For Wood

    Oh. Well, any reason to post pics of my tank. *shrug* X3
  7. Myuu

    Looking For Wood

    What? I've ordered wood from that site and I live in the US. I think the guy that runs the site lives in California. o__o Here's proof!
  8. Myuu


    Were they wild caught or tank bred? I was at a lfs that I've never been to before and they had some lovely kuhlis and I was rearing to get some until I looked at the price; $17 each. I asked why they were so expensive and he said they were wild caught. I thought about it, I thought about how...
  9. Myuu

    Help With Canister Filter

    I don't believe my filter has a primer button. It's not a big filter, it's has a rating of 85 gph and I'm using it on a ten gallon. But I'll give it a couple days for it to work the air out, and if it doesn't that's okay. I have louder filters, lol. Thanks~ ;3
  10. Myuu

    Help With Canister Filter

    I just bought this filter and I've never had a canister filter before and I have some questions. A couple hours after I got it set up (which was.. fun, lol) I go to check on it, make sure it's not leaking, you know. Well, it was making a sound like there was air in the impeller about every 30...
  11. Myuu

    Bactierial Bloom?

    The removal of the mature filter media is definitely the cause of your bacteria bloom. Unfortunately, your tank is going to have to cycle again, although it'll probably go a little faster due to the smaller amounts of bacteria that were present in the tank. Did your spouse through all of the...
  12. Myuu

    What Is The Ph Level In Your Tank?

    Between 8.4 and 8.8, probably closer to 8.8. I then tested the tap water and was amazed to see that it was beyond the range of my test kit so it must be above 9.0. I've got really hard water.
  13. Myuu

    Help With Co2 Regulator

    So I just bought a pressurized CO2 system for one of my tanks and I'm trying to set it up. I bought this ( and I can't seem to get the CO2 to flow into the bubble counter. There's a hole on the left side of the regulator that...
  14. Myuu

    Amazonian Catfish Kids Are So Cool

    First off, you need to be more specific about the species of fish, there are probably thousands of catfish from the Amazon. I did some googling and the only fish that comes up as an 'amazonian catfish' that is common in the pet trade is the Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum)...
  15. Myuu


    I'm gonna disagree with you Minnt about the GBRs in higher pHs. If you can find local, tank-bred rams they would probably be okay. My area's pH is very similar and I have GBRs and they've even bred a couple times (not successfully though, tank mates ate the babies.) Though if you want something...
  16. Myuu

    Am I Over Stocked ?

    If anything, your tank is under-stocked. You should definitely get some more kuhli loaches as they're much happier in a group. If you're having algae problems it's probably related to the amount of light you have and the nutrients in the water. Do you have live plants? What kind of lighting do...
  17. Myuu

    Good Plants For Small Tanks

    I have a ten gallon with 36 watts of light on it. I was recently using flourish excel on it but I set up a DIY CO2 thing to see if the plants do any better on it. But all of the plants I have are stem plants and I want some plants with some bulk to them, like some swords but I'm having trouble...
  18. Myuu


    Do fish naturally know when it's day and night or do they go by when the lights turn on and off? I am setting up a tank in my bed room, but I'm never in it during the day when I would normally run lights for my other tanks. If I had the tank lights off during the day and on at night would it...
  19. Myuu

    New To The Hobby And A New 20G Tank

    The cloudiness could be a bacteria bloom. I'm not sure of anything else it could be, seeing as your substrate isn't sand. And the non-aquatic plants will survive for a little bit, but they'll eventually rot away. I'd remove them from your tank now, just so don't risk having them decompose...
  20. Myuu

    Decorate Or Not?

    They'd probably be okay if it's only for three hours. When I stripped my tank down it took a lot longer (plus I needed somewhere to keep the filter anyway) >__> Yeah, the cherry barb thing wasn't very fun. I discovered I smushed it when I was hosing out the tank in my yard, scraping all the...
  21. Myuu

    Plants In Tubes?

    If you do buy some, make sure they're actually aquatics plants. If I remember correctly, a lot of those plants are bog plants that aren't meant to be submerged 100% of the time. You'd have better luck buying plants on ebay or straight from your LFS.
  22. Myuu

    Dwarf Puffer Help

    Yeah, a spike in ammonia/nitrite probably isn't helping your DP much. DPs are pretty sensitive fish. Just keep up on the water changes and test the water everyday. I hope he makes a full recovery! And I'm glad to help! DPs are some of my favorite fish, I hope I can set up another tank for some...
  23. Myuu

    Dwarf Puffer Help

    I'm not sure what a feeder cone it, but my DP would come up to the top of the tank to be fed and I just used my fingers to put the worms in the water. Just how small are the snails? They need to be around the size of the DPs eyeball. When I fed my DPs snails, I'd grab a tiny ramshorn out of my...
  24. Myuu

    Decorate Or Not?

    Do you mean switch the substrate out with something else or add sand/gravel to a bare bottom tank? If it's empty adding substrate while the fish are in there probably wouldn't be any more stressful than moving them. If you want to remove them from the tank while you work on it, you can get a...
  25. Myuu

    Dwarf Puffer Help

    With DPs you need to feed them live or frozen foods. They will usually only go after the smaller snails (or at least mine did). Can you get to the petstore to buy some frozen bloodworms? Other than that he could be stressed. Do you have any plants in the tank? DPs are pretty shy and like a lot...
  26. Myuu

    Decorate Or Not?

    A tank that big with only fish in it would be boooooring. Get some big pieces of driftwood, have places for them to swim though, hide, etc. Although you might hae=ve some troubles in the plant department. Plants like CO2 rich water, but goldfish like oxygen rich water. I'm still experimenting...
  27. Myuu

    Water Change = Dead Fish

    The platies might have been goners and the stress of a water change could have put them over the edge. How big of a water change was it? Is the pH in the tank radically different from straight out of the tap?
  28. Myuu

    New Fluval Edge Tank

    IMO, I wouldn't feel comfortable keeping a shoal of black neon tetras in such a small tank. You really need 6+ fish to keep them comfortable and they get around 1.5 inches and a 6 gallon tank is way too small. As for the celestial pearl danios (galaxy rasboras), the biggest group you can get the...
  29. Myuu

    Plant Problem

    Are you adding any liquid ferts? Yellowing/browning of the leaves could mean a lot of things. Can you measure the nitrate levels in the tank? In a heavily planted tank the plants can use up all the nitrate that the fish produce and it may need to be added to the water. My amazon swords had...
  30. Myuu

    Need Stocking Help/ideas For New 20 Gal Tank

    I would definitely return the rainbow shark. A 20 gallon is way to small, you'd need around 50+ gallons for one rainbow shark. I would look into of dwarf cichlid species. One of my favorites is german blue rams, although they need a mature, stable tank and are sensitive to nitrates. Like the...
  31. Myuu

    "king" Bettas And Tankmates

    I've been planning on setting up a 10 gallon for my King betta (an upgrade from 5 gals) and I was originally going to add just a small shoal of pygmy cories, but I went to my LFS the other day and they had celestial pearl danios again and I really want some and I was wondering if anyone had...
  32. Myuu

    Broken Light

    No matter which way I turn it it won't turn on. :/ Do you think if I brought the light strip to a hardware store, they could help me replace the sockets?
  33. Myuu

    Broken Light

    I have a light strip that takes two light bulbs. The bulbs were long overdue to be changed. I went out and bought more bulbs and started to replace them. You know how you have to turn the bulbs to get them into the socket (I dunno what they're called)? Well I turned the bulb the wrong way, and...
  34. Myuu

    Have You Ever Found A Jumper?

    I was tearing down one of my tanks and I had put my fish in a bucket with the filter going. I don't remember what I was exactly doing, but I was kneeling on the floor. I took the tank outside to hose it out and as I was crouching on the ground I face was really close to my knee and I notice...
  35. Myuu

    Resuced A Betta

    I named him Creamsicle :3
  36. Myuu

    Resuced A Betta

    I do believe it's a pumpkin. Not a really good fish tank, whatever would be in there would be distorted by shape of the glass. And because it's really small >> I just moved him over to his 5 gal and I think he seems to like it. ;3
  37. Myuu

    Resuced A Betta

    About a month ago, I was at my friend's house and her mom asked me if I wanted a fish, a betta that her son didn't want any more (they know I like fish). I said sure 'cause I didn't have any bettas at the time and a few empty tanks. A couple days later my friend comes over to my house with this...
  38. Myuu

    Did I Get A Good Deal?

    I was picking my bike up from the bike shop, and I decided to stop at a garage sale. It looked like they had a lot of stuff, and I hoped that they had some kind of aquarium. And they did! A $45 price tag taped to what looked like a 30-ish gallon aquarium, which seemed like a lot for a garage...
  39. Myuu

    What Are These Things?

    I didn't think planaria built cocoons or what ever these this are. I tried to find them on the net, but I got nuthin'.
  40. Myuu

    What Are These Things?

    When I set up a fry tank, I used this sponge filter. After the filter was running for a while, there was stuff in the sponge that looked like fish poop, but nothing in the tank could have made that poop. So I ignore it or a while. Now, the tank had nothing in it and a lot of the water...