What Are These Things?


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska, USA
When I set up a fry tank, I used this sponge filter. After the filter was running for a while, there was stuff in the sponge that looked like fish poop, but nothing in the tank could have made that poop. So I ignore it or a while. Now, the tank had nothing in it and a lot of the water evaporated. A few days ago I noticed these green things on the glass that look like poop, the whole tank is covered in them. I thought it might be algae, but I had never seen algae like that before. After some intense staring I notice some movement. There are these worm things moving around inside of the green things, that I now determine are tubes of some sort. The worms would sometimes stick their head out of the tube and go back in. I have no idea what these things are. They vary in size, but there weren't any over an inch. Also, I wouldn't be able to clean it out until our hoses unfreeze, not that I was gonna put anything in it.

I didn't think planaria built cocoons or what ever these this are. I tried to find them on the net, but I got nuthin'.

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