Resuced A Betta


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
About a month ago, I was at my friend's house and her mom asked me if I wanted a fish, a betta that her son didn't want any more (they know I like fish). I said sure 'cause I didn't have any bettas at the time and a few empty tanks. A couple days later my friend comes over to my house with this:


(there's no fish in there now)

I take off the lid (couldn't see through the sides) and find a mostly motionless white thing sitting in the rocks. I moved him over to an empty 2.5 gallon hex w/ an ugf that I was keeping some snails in, and couple hours later and a little bit of food he's a lot livelier. I decide to name him Creamsicle :3 Here's some pics:


As you can see, his tail fin was nearly gone when I got him. I'm not sure why, because I didn't see any sores or fungus and it was mostly his tail. Maybe self-mutilation? Anyone wanna guess his fin type? The way it's growing doesn't look like a veil tail, but I've never watched a betta grow his tail back before.

Right now I setting up his permanent home. He'll be going in a 5-gal, heated with a hob filter, and I plan on planting it. Send healing thoughts ;3
Oh bless he is so pretty. Thank god you got to him in time, a few more weeks living like that and I think he would be dead. Lots of clean water and tlc and he should be fine...xx
Weldone on rehoming him, like the name it suits him :) Not sure on tail type definately not veiltail, perhaps halfmoon, rosetail? He is lovely and his previous home is disgusting! Absolutely appauling
Oh he's gorgeous! The poor thing being kept in that! Thank god they asked you if you wanted him! :good:

Definitely need more pictures when he's back to his full glory!
Oh wow, what a pretty little thing :) Thank god he got out of that other tank... is that supposed to be a pumpkin?
OMG thank good you found him!!! :eek:

He looks much better already! :wub:
Oh wow, what a pretty little thing :) Thank god he got out of that other tank... is that supposed to be a pumpkin?

I do believe it's a pumpkin. Not a really good fish tank, whatever would be in there would be distorted by shape of the glass. And because it's really small >>

I just moved him over to his 5 gal and I think he seems to like it. ;3
Oh wow, what a pretty little thing :) Thank god he got out of that other tank... is that supposed to be a pumpkin?

I do believe it's a pumpkin. Not a really good fish tank, whatever would be in there would be distorted by shape of the glass. And because it's really small >>

I just moved him over to his 5 gal and I think he seems to like it. ;3
Does he have a name? Hes lovely He should soon settle into the 5G :D
when i was a kid my parents had one of those glass pumpkins, but they put halloween candy in it, not fish!

still, as long as the fish has some swimming space, i think it's more about how you maintain it than what it actually is
wow, I'm shocked he's still alive. Very pretty fish. Enjoy him and post pictures and reports as he heals up :)
Poor Betta, the previous home for him was disgusting. :( I imagine he is very happy now! :D He is a very pretty boy.
hard to say what tail type until it grows back. defo not vt. maybe delta/super delta/ or maybe a halfmoon. have you seen him flare yet? if hte spread of his tail fin is 180 degrees it is a halfmoon. anything less and some sort of delta.
whatever he is he is purddy. keep us updated on his tail progress!

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