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  1. Jamie87

    What Do You Think Bout This One? We got these in at my work not so long ago. THere is little swimming room and right in the middle is where the airstone is...poor fishies get caught up in it and have no choice but be shot up to the top.
  2. Jamie87


    HOw much harder is a sand bottom tank then a gravel tank to take care of? And do live plants do pretty well in sand? Or do they do better with gravel?
  3. Jamie87

    Added With My Oscar

    Alrighty..thank you.
  4. Jamie87

    Need Advice

    wait... Okay...what I ment is would the clowns in the 125 with the pleco be too yeah..prolly then. Lets clear this up a bit.. And I have a 125gal with an Oscar, a pleco, and two tinfoil barbs. And I'm thinking of getting a 55gal. Thank you guys for your input. And my Oscar is...
  5. Jamie87

    Need Advice

    There is also a pleco in there..hes kinda eash..would that be bad. He's about 7/8 inches
  6. Jamie87

    Added With My Oscar

    So I asked a awhile back what I could put in with my Oscar..this is what I went with... Two red finned tinfoil Barbs And they are getting along good... My Oscar never bothers them and they don't bother him. Was this a good choice? I'm thinking of adding a pacu ... or is this bad?
  7. Jamie87

    Need Advice

    I think I want to get a 55gal or a 30gal tank and make it a freshwater tropical community tank...with sand on the bottom. Would I use play sand? Like go to a hardware store and buy play sand? Also I tend to really like a lot of the bottom catfish, cories, and having...
  8. Jamie87

    Red Claw Crab

    I believe they do like to come out of the water at times.
  9. Jamie87

    Snails! Argh!

    Um..I think squishing em is a bad idea...I work at petsmart and according to one of my managers when you squish em their eggs come out ... but idunno. I know koi eat em..but you prolly can't put a koi in your tank..and of course the clown loaches.
  10. Jamie87

    Tank Diveders&&oscars

    Yeah...I was thinking of going with some silver dollars. Thanks again everyone. YOu have this easier.
  11. Jamie87

    Tank Diveders&&oscars

    Thanks for you replies everyone...i'll take all your advice into concideration. Any ideas on what to add in? I have a 125 gal and really want to add some fish to it. I think i'm deff. gonna go and get 3 clown loachs tho..I just love em so much!
  12. Jamie87

    Tank Diveders&&oscars

    I have an Oscar whose mm..bout 7 inches or so and a pleco in a 125. I really want to put soemthing else in there but i'm haveing a hard time finding anything..any advice? He isn't really aggressive..he may go towrds the pleco or chase him a little..but I think he's just bored. Any ways..I...
  13. Jamie87

    Need Help With Stocking

  14. Jamie87

    Need Help With Stocking

    I wanna get a tank set up...thinking 55 gal at the most. I want a school of long finned red tetra minors. So maybe like 5 or 6. 1 dwarf gouami...herd two males together will fight. (right?) 1 leopard spotted corey catfish And I reeeeeeeeealy want a clown laoch... but you have to have more...
  15. Jamie87


    I work at petsmart :/ Yeah..I understand your uh..what's the word..maybe frustraion with this employee. I as well work in the fish department..."specialty" meaning I deal with all the animals. I've only been there for about three weeks so i'm still kinda new to a lot of the stuff. But i'm...
  16. Jamie87

    Oscar And...?

  17. Jamie87

    "special Needs" Fish?

    what's IMO mean?
  18. Jamie87

    New Tank//suggestions? =)

    jus woundering cause i'm thinking of getting a few dwarf gourami...would more then one male be okay? Maybe 2 or 3 or would they not really get along?
  19. Jamie87

    Stocking Plans?

    thanks for your help so far everyone... Any more opinions?
  20. Jamie87

    Stocking Plans?

    Alright..thank you. Yeah..I didn't really think much bout the heavy tank being on a wood dresser. It's a nice thick sturdy dresser..but it would still prolly start to get funky. Thank you bout everything. Um..i've read a bit on clown loaches and on a few websites it said at least a 20g..but I...
  21. Jamie87

    Stocking Plans?

    It jus hit me.. Maybe...if you guys think it would be okay... My parents ahve a 125g downstairs with jus an oscar and a pleco in it right now.. what if I got two clown loaches and when they get to big for the 29 or 30g tha i'll ahve I can put em in the 125g ...that way they wont be too small...
  22. Jamie87

    Stocking Plans?

    I wouldn't really mind a 55 gal and saving the money..the issue I have is the location for the tank. Cause I want it in my room (i'm 18 n still live with my parents) and I was gonna put it on my dresser but cause my wall slants I can't get too long of a tank. Yeah I was also thinkin maybe goin...
  23. Jamie87

    Stocking Plans?

    I know i've asked this before..jus wanna make sure I get everything right and the correct amount of fish in the correct tank size.. this is what I am thinking... 5 long finned red minor tetras 2 dwarf gouramis 3 clown laochs 1 striped raphael catfish What gal tank would I need for...
  24. Jamie87

    Oscar And...?

    Um...we have a Tetratec PF500 filter and a Penguin 170 bio wheel filter. The Oscar for the most part gets along with the pleco..once in awhile he'll chase him around a bit..but never really hurts him or anything. Before I get another fish i'm working on cleaning it out nicely and re doing the...
  25. Jamie87

    Oscar And...?

  26. Jamie87

    Worried About My Oscar Oscar did that for a few days. I was super worried bout him. He jus kinda floated didn't eat was wierd. Like he wanted to eat but he didn't..and then he laid on the bottom for like two days kinda half on his side and such. But he's a lot better now..he's just like his old...
  27. Jamie87

    Oscar And...?

    Okay. So I have a 125g tank with an oscar whose bout 6 maybe 7 inches long. and a pleco whose bout maybe 8 inches or less.. What could I put in there?? I was thinking maybe a severum? Or possibly another Oscar? Like an albino tiger Oscar. Since the Oscar we have is a tiger. Uh... But i'm...
  28. Jamie87


    I have an Oscar in whose bout 5" and a pleco whose prolly about 7" ..<maybe. Uh..I wanna get another that okay or over crowding then..? And I wanna get a clown loach..again..good or over crowding. Thanks.
  29. Jamie87


    All I want is a temp tank to put em in while I re do the other tank. I would just want to use it for like an hour or two.
  30. Jamie87

    Oscars! We have an Ocar and an African together in the same tank. I've been told to seperate em. So I shall.. This is my plan.. I am going to try and see if the lfs will take the african cichlid. Then I want to re-do the tank we have. How do I do this?? Would I have to get another tank...
  31. Jamie87

    Possible Stocking Plans

    I'm sorry..but I have no idea what IMO means.. and as for lfs I don't know..but I'm guessing it meas local fish store. Yeah, i've been thinking bout skipping out on the oscar. But I love em so much..just a large enough tank for one with other fishies would be so much..and take up too much...
  32. Jamie87

    Poor Fishys Came across this while looking for a fishtank.
  33. Jamie87

    Possible Stocking Plans

    mmm okay..reading some'd this be.. 1 Tiger Oscar 1 striped raphael catfish 4 clown loach A small pleco of some short. <<wouldn't know what to get tho>>ideas? in an 75g..maybe..maybe an 80g. But i'm not sure an 80 would fit right in the place I want to put the tank...
  34. Jamie87

    Possible Stocking Plans

    mmm.. how bout just one rainbow shark. So would this be at all possible... 1 Tiger Oscar 1 red rainbow sharks 1 striped raphael catfish 1 clown loach A pleco of some short. If so..what size tank would I need to get?
  35. Jamie87

    Possible Stocking Plans

    So..what if I got this.. 1 Tiger Oscar 2 red rainbow sharks 1 striped raphael catfish 1 clown loach A pleco of some short. In a 55g..I would hope. But I guess 70g is the most I would want to big would I need? will the rainbow sharks really kill eachother? I don't know.. I...
  36. Jamie87

    Possible Stocking Plans

    Oh yes..I also forgot..I would love to be able to put a tiger oscar in there..any chances of that being possible?
  37. Jamie87

    Possible Stocking Plans'm thinking of getting a tank of my own. Of course it wouldn't be for awhile cause i'm trying to do research and such. So far..these are the fish I like and would like to have in a tank..please tell me if it would work out, what wouldn't work..and all that info. 2 parrot cichlids...
  38. Jamie87

    Yellow Spots?

    Um..I don't really dad knows more. We have the tiger oscar the african cichlid a knife fish (no idea what kind) he hardly comes out and some kind of pleco. I don't really know. Recently i've been doing a lot of looking up fish stuff so I can learn everything I can.
  39. Jamie87

    Ladies In Red

    Can anyone tell me what kind of fish kubora666 has as his sig? THanks.. I'm new to fish. :blush:
  40. Jamie87

    Cichlid Parrot Fish?

    Hmm..I was just reading a bit about em. All this stuff bout em being dyed..that's not cool. I wouldn't want to suport that. got lots to think over. But still..any info/input would be nice. thanks!