New Tank//suggestions? =)


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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So I purchased a brand spankin new 20 gallon tank a while ago. It's cycling right now so I have some time to think about what I would like to put in it. For sure I am putting a school (5) of blue tetras, because I think they are absolutely gorgeous, and 3 cories because they are my favorite. =) I was thinking of putting a few male guppies in also, because I am partial to guppies since they were my first type of fish, and they have such funny personalities, in my opinion. But I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions? This is, obviously, going to be a freshwater community tank. So any suggestions or thoughts would be nice. Thanks guys. =)
Sounds good to me but i think it would be nice to have a main/centerpeice fish but i cant think of one ATM for a 20g/

A pair of dwarf gouramis? I love those fish, but every time i get them they die after a few other fish do this, so it must just be the type of water or something :( .
Yeah i also read that dwarf gouramis are prone to have some sort of illness when bought, but honey gouramis dont have this problem as much, so you could get them instead. :good:
Hmmm...thanks for that info! :) At least now i know theres not something wrong with my water. Unfortunatly i dont think my tank has pace for a pair of gouramis. All i have room for is maybe a couple of small tetras/danios or some shrimp.
How about a M/F pair of Bolivian Rams for a centerpiece or just a M on his own? Then maybe another school of harlequin rasboras, or something along those lines :)
I had a pair of dwarf gouramis in my 27.5 uk gallon tank, the male bullied the female to death, i was told they are better as 1M/2F or 3F, although if you have a well planted tank that is not too high temperature then you might be ok.
i think i'm going to go with one male dwarf gourami. thanks guys! =)
butttt. are bolivian rams agressive at all? i think im going to do a little research on them. thanks for all the ideas again!
They can be slightly aggressive when spawning, otherwise they will be fine. Or you could keep just 1 male then you shouldn't have any problems. :)
jus woundering cause i'm thinking of getting a few dwarf gourami...would more then one male be okay? Maybe 2 or 3 or would they not really get along?
Multiple males are not a good idea, unless you have a large enough tank and plenty of females to go around. By themselves they would contantly fight over territory. Unless you have a very large tank so they can get away from each other.

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