Possible Stocking Plans


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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Okay..so..i'm thinking of getting a tank of my own. Of course it wouldn't be for awhile cause i'm trying to do research and such.

So far..these are the fish I like and would like to have in a tank..please tell me if it would work out, what wouldn't work..and all that info.

2 parrot cichlids (would like more but don't think I can with out getting a much bigger tank.)
3 red rainbow sharks
1 striped raphael catfish
5 blue gourami
1 Zebra cichlid (maybe)
maybe a pleco of some short.

Okay..so for this stock would a 55g tank be okay..or maybe like a 70g?

I tried the 1inch per gal thing. so...I dunno if that's how the rule works.

I would like a butterflyfish but I haven't ever seen one around here.

Any ways..

Your advice/tips/ideas/..anything would be extremly helpful! Thanks!
Oh yes..I also forgot..I would love to be able to put a tiger oscar in there..any chances of that being possible?
African butterfly rox! Awesome flyers.:good: But they're territorial. Mine killed two gouramis that were the same size as him. Keep your tank well covered.
So..what if I got this..

1 Tiger Oscar
2 red rainbow sharks
1 striped raphael catfish
1 clown loach
A pleco of some short.

In a 55g..I would hope. But I guess 70g is the most I would want to go..how big would I need?

will the rainbow sharks really kill eachother?

I don't know..

I guess for now I just want to know which fish I could get with having an Oscar..

Maybe something with some color.

Rainbow sharks - You can keep 1 on there own or keep a group of a least six (you would need a huge huge tank). If you keep more than 1 and less than six they strongest will pick on the weaker ones and make there life hell - leading probably to death. 1 Rainbow shark will require at least 50 gallons.
Rainbow sharks - You can keep 1 on there own or keep a group of a least six (you would need a huge huge tank). If you keep more than 1 and less than six they strongest will pick on the weaker ones and make there life hell - leading probably to death. 1 Rainbow shark will require at least 50 gallons.

okay..so how bout just one rainbow shark.
So would this be at all possible...

1 Tiger Oscar
1 red rainbow sharks
1 striped raphael catfish
1 clown loach
A pleco of some short.

If so..what size tank would I need to get?
mmm okay..reading some stuff..how'd this be..

1 Tiger Oscar
1 striped raphael catfish
4 clown loach
A small pleco of some short. <<wouldn't know what to get tho>>ideas?

in an 75g..maybe..maybe an 80g. But i'm not sure an 80 would fit right in the place I want to put the tank...
The oscar might pick on the other fish. The clowns will eventually get 14" (will take a very very very long time though) so 4 in a 75 gallon would be too cramped I would think. I think I would just go with a single oscar and a large pleco, IMO, but that would be a pretty boring tank :/
Maybe skip out on the oscar and get a different large cichlid thats more peaceful?
The oscar might pick on the other fish. The clowns will eventually get 14" (will take a very very very long time though) so 4 in a 75 gallon would be too cramped I would think. I think I would just go with a single oscar and a large pleco, IMO, but that would be a pretty boring tank :/
Maybe skip out on the oscar and get a different large cichlid thats more peaceful?

I'm sorry..but I have no idea what IMO means.. and as for lfs I don't know..but I'm guessing it meas local fish store.

Yeah, i've been thinking bout skipping out on the oscar. But I love em so much..just a large enough tank for one with other fishies would be so much..and take up too much room for in my bedroom.

Thanks everyone tho..

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