

Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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We have an Ocar and an African together in the same tank. I've been told to seperate em. So I shall..

This is my plan..

I am going to try and see if the lfs will take the african cichlid.

Then I want to re-do the tank we have.
How do I do this??
Would I have to get another tank to temp put the oscar and pleco in??
I don't want to drain out all the water..just a good amount. And redo the decoration stuff.
Could I put some water from the tank I have set up now into another tank then just put them in there so I can get the other tank set up? Prolly will only take me an hour or so to do the re decorating. So...would they be okay in it or would I have to put a filter on it and all that stuff??
Help please.

it's a 125g..could I get another Oscar to put in there?
Or what other fish could I put in there that would get along good with the Oscar?
No chance the oscar would leave clown loachs alone..is there? Cuase they're soo cute.

the loaches may be alright with the oscar.... it depends, Some Oscars are really docile but you never know... and because it is a 125G 2 oscars won't be a problem as long as it doesn't have a big stock already

as for the other tank, take some of te filter media and maybe even some of the substrate in a nylon from your established tank and hang it into you tank and it's good to go. this will provide the nitrifing bacteria you need so you can add some fish. in about a week it should be ok to take it out and let it run on it's own.
the loaches may be alright with the oscar.... it depends, Some Oscars are really docile but you never know... and because it is a 125G 2 oscars won't be a problem as long as it doesn't have a big stock already

as for the other tank, take some of te filter media and maybe even some of the substrate in a nylon from your established tank and hang it into you tank and it's good to go. this will provide the nitrifing bacteria you need so you can add some fish. in about a week it should be ok to take it out and let it run on it's own.

All I want is a temp tank to put em in while I re do the other tank. I would just want to use it for like an hour or two.
yeah then don't even worry about a filter if it's only a hour or so.... think of when you bag fish from the store, some can last 3-4 hours in a little bag so an hour in an open tank won't hurt a thing

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