Tank Diveders&&oscars


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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I have an Oscar whose mm..bout 7 inches or so and a pleco in a 125. I really want to put soemthing else in there but i'm haveing a hard time finding anything..any advice?

He isn't really aggressive..he may go towrds the pleco or chase him a little..but I think he's just bored.

Any ways..I found this one Oscar I like a lot..but he's only bout 3 maybe 4 inches...i'm thinking it wouldn't be safe trying to put the together.

If I got a tank diveder and put the little Oscar in a smaller section of the tank would that drive my Oscar crazy? Seeing him over there?

Also if I got a few clown loaches in there with him would he hurt them? I had a knife fish in there with him a while back and he never went after it or anyhting..but it hid a lot..would the loachs just hid a lot?

Anyone have any advice on what to put with him?

well with my oscar whose about the same size, whenever i add fish then he tries to eat them for a few hours then chills out a bit once he realises there here to stay.

i definately wouldnt get another oscar as they hate others of there own kind unless you get a pair and obviously thats quite tricky.

build a nice cave for the clowns to hide and theyll be a great addition.

hell probably go after them a bit but there really fast and if they have the cave theyll be fine.

once he realises he has to share his home hell be fine im sure.
well with my oscar whose about the same size, whenever i add fish then he tries to eat them for a few hours then chills out a bit once he realises there here to stay.

i definately wouldnt get another oscar as they hate others of there own kind unless you get a pair and obviously thats quite tricky.

build a nice cave for the clowns to hide and theyll be a great addition.

hell probably go after them a bit but there really fast and if they have the cave theyll be fine.

once he realises he has to share his home hell be fine im sure.

agreed, if you want more than 1 oscar you need to get a group of them from very young (2/3inches i reckon) wait until 2 pair off them re-home the rest
Thanks for you replies everyone...i'll take all your advice into concideration.

Any ideas on what to add in? I have a 125 gal and really want to add some fish to it.

I think i'm deff. gonna go and get 3 clown loachs tho..I just love em so much!
what about a gourmi. They have types that grow around 6inches dont they? those would make good tank mates. or even a red tailed shark.
It comes down to your preferences :D

But i guess anything thats fast swimming/passive, so that the oscar cant/wont go for it should be fine, and probably make small places where the oscar cant fit, so that smaller fish can hide?

Good luck! :good:
Yeah...I was thinking of going with some silver dollars. Thanks again everyone. YOu have this easier.
well with my oscar whose about the same size, whenever i add fish then he tries to eat them for a few hours then chills out a bit once he realises there here to stay.

i definately wouldnt get another oscar as they hate others of there own kind unless you get a pair and obviously thats quite tricky.

build a nice cave for the clowns to hide and theyll be a great addition.

hell probably go after them a bit but there really fast and if they have the cave theyll be fine.

once he realises he has to share his home hell be fine im sure.

agreed, if you want more than 1 oscar you need to get a group of them from very young (2/3inches i reckon) wait until 2 pair off them re-home the rest
i keep two green terrors in with my oscars and they get on great

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