Search results

  1. P

    Which Test Manufacturer

    Each to their own, but in my experience the API Master Test kit provides me with a comfortable enough balance of accuracy versus cost.   
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    Argos Children's Play Sand

    I used Toys'r'Us playsand and had no problems at all. Just gave it a very thorough rinse first.
  3. P


    Yep, I use old tank water for watering our hanging baskets; best baskets on our street and puts next doors potted flowers to shame! :nod:
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    Tank Background

    Most modern floor tiles are manufactured from porcelain and would be quite safe to use in an aquarium. Many of the latest porcelain tiles are almost indistinguishable from real, natural stone and would make a very convincing natural background. But like anything being used as tank decoration...
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    Breeding My Galaxy Rasbora's - Journal

    Pleased to hear that they are progressing well. Good job :good:
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    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala

    ok, image should be working now :D
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    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala

    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala £4 posted for three good stems This can be planted in the substrate or used as a floating plant. I have this as a floater in my aqaurium and it grows well.
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    Galaxy Rasboras

    If you haven't browsed through it already, take a look at the recent breeding journal by Ryefish. :good:
  9. P

    Looking For Great Floating Plants

    I've had good sucess with Hydrocotyle Leucocephala as a floating plant. (Bought from Scotty on here) Can be planted into substrate or left as floating. Working well for me. :good:
  10. P

    Fluval Roma 240L Aquarium * S O L D. T O. P A C M A N *

    Freddie, please contact me urgently. Further to your pm yesyerday, the tank has not arrived and I am unable to contact you on the mobile number you gave me; it either rings but nobody answers or it goes straight to a message saying that the number is not available.
  11. P

    Fluval Roma 240L Aquarium * S O L D. T O. P A C M A N *

    PM'd back. Just to confirm that tomorrow you will organise delivery to my address as arranged. £140 is coming at you via PayPal. Regards, Paul.
  12. P

    Fluval Roma 240L Aquarium * S O L D. T O. P A C M A N *

    Hi Fredd!e, I will take it for £95 + £40 postage. (I'm in Reading.) Do you accept PayPal? Let me know how you prefer payment and I will make necessary arrangements. B-)
  13. P

    Pressurised Co2 Kit

    How much..?
  14. P

    [Sold] Sagittaria Subulata / Dwarf Sag

    Arrived safely today. Thanks very much :good:
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    [Sold] Sagittaria Subulata / Dwarf Sag

    Funds on the way via Paypal. Have pm'd you postal address details. Regards, Paul.
  16. P

    [Sold] Sagittaria Subulata / Dwarf Sag

    Yes please, I will take a portion. Do you accept Paypal? Let me know and I will make arrangements to settle up and forward a postal address. Thanks. Paul.
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    Breeding My Galaxy Rasbora's - Journal

    Good to hear that things are continuing to go well for the young fry :good: Well done with the progress so far
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    Breeding My Galaxy Rasbora's - Journal

    Congratulations and well spotted! :good: So very nearly thrown out onto the lawn eh? Good luck with the rearing of the fry
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    Breeding My Galaxy Rasbora's - Journal

    Never mind, practice makes perfect..!
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    Breeding My Galaxy Rasbora's - Journal

    Will follow this with interest. Very best of luck with the breeding :good:
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    Black Slate

    The other places to try for black slate would be local stonemasons. Try googling for local stonemasons and give them a call. Good luck :good:
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    Tap Water Conditioner

    Thumbs up for Seachem Prime here too.
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    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala

    Plants arrived safely today and look very healthy. Now in the tank and here's hoping that they continue to thrive. Thanks very much. All the best. Paul.
  24. P

    Tmc Aqua Gro Co2 System

    My (limited) understanding of how it works is that the CO2 diffuses into the tank water via the surface area of the tank water within the diffuser unit itself. As the gas diffuses into the water, the pressure drops and the tank water rises within the diffuser. I believe that the lower the gas...
  25. P

    Tmc Aqua Gro Co2 System

    I've been using this for the past three months or so in conjunction with a daily dose of Flourish Excel without any major issues. The suckers are ok and I haven't had a problem with the CO2 not diffusing. Is the tube actually getting blocked? or is there any chance that the tubing is getting...
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    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala

    I would like a portion too please. I can pay via PayPal if you take it. Let me know. Thanks. Paul.
  27. P

    Softened Water?

    Thank you for your replys I was worried in case the water from the softener would have an adverse effect on the fish and plants. I think I might just stick to the tap water I have been using. Thanks again. : click inside this box to load the editor
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    Softened Water?

    I have always used unfiltered, unsoftened water from our outside tap for water changes. We live in a hard water area and have a water softener (block salt type) that treats the water supply inside the house and there is also a seperate, unsoftened but filtered water supply in the kitchen for...
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    Has Anyone Ever Used This ?

    No, I've not used it...yet. I saw this kit earlier this week in our local Maidenhead Aquatics and thought about buying it. Then had second thoughts and got to thinking that perhaps I should do a little more research on it before going any further. I will watch this thread with interest :good:
  30. P

    Anybody Know A Local Tank Maker - West Yorkshire?

    Try here: Poseidens Palace I've not used them, but was thinking about using them at some stage in the future. (Dreaming on a tank upgrade...) Paul.
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    How To Clean You Filter Meida!

    Well done, good job! I think it is informative & very useful. :good:
  32. P

    New To The Forum

    Welcome to forums Dan :hi:
  33. P


    Wow, that's a huge piece of slate you have there! I used pieces about 30x40cm and trimmed them to suit. I opted for a rustic, more textured, riven surface rather than dead smooth. I left a couple of very small gaps between the slate pieces to encourage plants like anubias and java ferns to...
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    I've used slate as the background to my tank, but split the slate down so that it was relatively thin. I siliconed it to the glass so that it was fixed securely and it seems fine. It didn't weigh too much so hasn't added a great deal to the overall weight of the tank.
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    Harlequin Rasbora.....

    I just got a small shoal of half a dozen this weekend and they look great. :good:
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    :( I hope it works out ok for you Matt. You may not think it a huge order, but £60 quid is a sizeable chunk of cash for most folks.
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    Celestial Pearl Danio Not Eating

    I do hope you have success in getting the eating problem sorted. Have you tried posting in the Tropical Emergencies section of the forums? You may get a better response. Good luck and hope it works out for you.
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    Seachem Ammonia Alert

    What's the low-down on the water companies flushing the pipes? How can it harm our fish?
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    Tank Leaking!

    Thank you for the replies, much appreciated. I have drained down the tank, cleared it out moved it outside and refilled with water to try to find the leak. Mike os, thank you for your offer. I do have some sealant (Soudal Fix All) that says it is environment friendly, no solvents, halogens...