Celestial Pearl Danio Not Eating


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I have some cpd's that seem to ignore almost eveything that I've fed them.

I've tried micro pellets, crushed flakes, frozen bbs, frozen daphnia etc and they seem to ignore most of what I feed them.

They're in there with glowlight danios and zebras, but there is no aggression towards the cpd's during feeding, or at anytime. In fact, they school together sometimes.

The fish have not gotten skinnier, so I'm starting to think that they are foraging enough off the plants in the tank and sunken food. Could this be true?

Could they be eating stuff so small I can't see it? Anybody have experience with this?

the fish are still not eating, the food just floats by. One of the fish is looking deathly thin :sad: Maybe they don't like being with the other danios, but they don't get picked on, its wierd. Nobody has any experience with picky eating?

I think I'm going to put them in their own planted nano, I'm setting it up today and have media to help cycle the tank. Hopefully I can transfer them soon.
I do hope you have success in getting the eating problem sorted. Have you tried posting in the Tropical Emergencies section of the forums? You may get a better response.

Good luck and hope it works out for you.

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