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  1. C

    Are These Fish Eggs? And If So, Whose Are They?

    We have tiger barbs, mollies and cory catfish in our tank, and we found some eggs. Whose are they? Mollies are livebearers. What about the others? And what do we do with them? Put them in the QT tank?
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    Ideas For New 25g Tank?

    We have just been given a 25 gallon tank. (We already have a gravelled 15g - see sig). We wanted to put some more extravagant fish in (ie siamese fighting fish or angel fish)...yes, these are extravagent for us lol We wanted to put sand in the bottom, but how easy is it to clean? Also, how...
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    Male Molly Harrasing Female

    The little fry we have in the QT tank has been in there about 5 weeks. He is about 1cm long. We did wonder when we could add him to the community tank? Not too bothered about the breeding as we are getting a bigger tank soon anyway :) I think a fry net may be in order, as its kinda constant...
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    Male Molly Harrasing Female

    But he isnt doing anything with his bits, just poking hers with his nose...she looks so upset :(
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    Male Molly Harrasing Female

    I have 1 male molly, and 2 female. The male keeps, i don't know how to describe it. He keeps putting his nose by her genitals lol He is chasing her round the tank. She already looks pregnant, and am scared she will die through stress :( What can I do to help her?
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    Well this is the same store that let us take home 6 tetras, when we told them we set our tank up that morning (we knew nothing about cycling then) *shrugs* I'm not saying all the staff are rubbish. A couple of them have been very helpful.
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    Hereford. I am guessing I should not have posted this. Was just suprised, that's all. Didn't think it could cause any problems.
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    Sorry, just saying what I heard. The lady buying the fish was mentioning fish, other than goldfish. Obviously if she WAS buying goldfish, and what you say is right, then I apologise.
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    Oh and she asked if she had to do anything to the water and he said "nah, bung some tap water in, needs no treatment"
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    Popped in there today to get some fry food. Lady infront bought a new 10g tank that comes with all the bits and bobs. She said to the chap behind the counter. Her - If I set it up when I get home, when can I start adding fish? Chappy - Pop in tomorrow, that should be long enough. :angry...
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    Worried About My Cory Catfish

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 PH 7.6 Nitrate 20 Water changes, we change and vac 20% every 1-2 days at the moment cuz we added a couple of mollys so obviously it would affect the water. Its a tough one cuz we didnt know how many fish we were allowed to start with, so only got the two. Now we only have...
  12. C

    Not Only Has My Cory Gone Quiet...

    That would make me overcrowded, then I would get told off lol I have one catfish now, should I get a couple more? They stay at the bottom anyway so would not really crowd the tank much.
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    Worried About My Cory Catfish

    Ah well, just found him dead :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:
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    Not Only Has My Cory Gone Quiet...

    I have 2, but they seemed happy enough, up until now. One is fine, swims with the other fishes and is really happy. The other used to do the same, but today he just wants to sit around and do nothing.
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    Not Only Has My Cory Gone Quiet...

    What does that mean? My molly had quite a thick poo coming out, and it was white. *sigh* this is such hard work!!!!!!
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    Worried About My Cory Catfish

    I just nudged him, and he did swim at quite a speed....just doesn't seem to do much else. He is normally like a hoover round the bottom of the tank.
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    Worried About My Cory Catfish

    He isn't very happy at all. He is in with another catfish, 4 mollies and some rummy nose tetras. He is just sat at the bottom, and every so often it looks like he is going to topple over, but he stops himself. The only fish we have added recently are 2 mollies, to equal out the male female...
  18. C

    Buying More Fish Today

    Yeah they are. I'm in Hereford and the shops is inside a garden center!
  19. C

    Buying More Fish Today

    They are albino corydoras...if that makes a difference.
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    Buying More Fish Today

    AW thats a shame cuz the corys look so happy in there. They are only tiny and they have been in there for a month or so now.
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    Buying More Fish Today

    Pets At Home told us 2 corydora catfish were enough, as we wanted a couple of bottom feeders. Maidenhead Aquatics actually let us take fish home when we set up the tank that morning. Why are lfs so willing to let people buy fish without having their tanks cycled first? If we knew then what we...
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    Buying More Fish Today

    I cycled with fish in it, so it already has 4 in there. The 2 corydoras, a molly and a tetra.
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    Buying More Fish Today

    Now my tank is cycled, I am off to the LFS today. I am going to get a couple more mollies, as my lone one is bored, and terrorising the other fish. Am also going to get a few more rummy nose to replace the ones that died. With a 15g tank, will that be my lot? This will be what is in there 3...
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    Thanks very much. Am off out to buy one this afternoon, if it ever stops raining!
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    Seeing as aquarium ornaments are quite expensive, and I wanted somewhere for the fish to hide, could I just buy a small terracotta pot, and lay it on it's side? Is terracotta ok in the water? Thanks.
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    Right, I Actually Think I Am Cycled!

    We lost a couple of fish along the way, but we have certainly learnt by our mistakes. We used ammo chips, and cycle to fix it....and lots of water changes :)
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    Nitrite Question

    Yup, we didnt have a vac at first, and wondered why the ammonia was so bloomin high. Bought one straight away, and it went from 8 (eep) to 1 in a matter of an hour.
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    Right, I Actually Think I Am Cycled!

    Sorry, I confuse myself lol These are the readings over the last couple of weeks.
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    Right, I Actually Think I Am Cycled!

    There is no ammonia present.... There has not been for a few days now.
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    Right, I Actually Think I Am Cycled!

    We had a few fish in it cuz we didnt know about fishless cycling. The nitrate was 20 yesterday..not sure why its showing nothing today.
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    Right, I Actually Think I Am Cycled!

    Does this look ok now? Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 PH 7.6 Nitrate 0 Am I there? Am I? Is this finally it? *bites nails* :rolleyes:
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    Nitrite Question

    We use the API Master Kit, with the test tubes. So I should test for nitrite in the tap water?
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    Nitrite Question

    The last two days!!
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    Nitrite Question

    Well we are nearly there. Ammonia has been 0 for a week now, nitrite is now at 0.25. How long will it take for it to get to 0? We have been doing daily water changes and gravel vaccing. Thanks :)
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    Compatible Mollies

    Yeah we know. Just waiting for the water to straighten out. Ammonia is ok, but Nitrite is 0.25 so waiting til it gets to 0
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    Compatible Mollies

    We had 3 black mollies, unfortunately two died. Now we are left with one male. If we got two female dalmation mollies, would he be happy with that, or would they have to be black ones? Thanks
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    When Can I Add The Baby Fish?

    My sig says what is in the tank already 2 black mollys 2 cory catfish 1 rummy nose tetra Thanks :)
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    When Can I Add The Baby Fish?

    I have a baby molly that I unexpectedly found in my main tank. Its now in a QT tank as it was teeny tiny. It's now about 4mm long. When can I add it back to the main tank? Ta :)
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    Levels Seem To Be Getting Straight Now

    Thanks everyone. Will keep you updated! Just done another water change. Least the fish look alot happier than they did before. Oh, we also have a baby molly in a seperate tank. We only saw it during a water change a couple of weeks back. We put it in a seperate tank so it would not get eaten...