Buying More Fish Today


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Now my tank is cycled, I am off to the LFS today.

I am going to get a couple more mollies, as my lone one is bored, and terrorising the other fish.

Am also going to get a few more rummy nose to replace the ones that died.

With a 15g tank, will that be my lot?

This will be what is in there

3 black mollies
5 rummy nose tetras
2 corydora catfish

Would 2 more smaller ones make me overstocked? or is that my limit?

thanks :)
That your tank is cycled doesn't mean you can throw 10 fish in this rather small tank all at once, because it's an extra load for your cycled fishless tank and could lead to deadly ammonia/nitrite peaks. Just make sure you add no more than 2 or 3 at once, wait a while, keep an eye on your parameters for a week or so and then add another 2. My experience is that a cycled tank doesn't equal "healthy tank". For a tank to really mature it takes many months. I don't know if you have a good smell, but I can smell the difference between a young tank and a tank that is matured (and I'm not kidding).And btw, forget about tetras, most of them are nothing but bullies especially in small tanks like yours. Try a small group of golden barbs; colorful, very peaceful, grow a descent length, pretty intelligent too.
I cycled with fish in it, so it already has 4 in there. The 2 corydoras, a molly and a tetra.
corys need to be in a group of atleast 6 so put in either 6 pgmy cories or add some more rummynoses wrong.

And if your tank is cycled you can add all your stock in as if you dont most of the bacteria will die off that you've made.
Pets At Home told us 2 corydora catfish were enough, as we wanted a couple of bottom feeders.

Maidenhead Aquatics actually let us take fish home when we set up the tank that morning.

Why are lfs so willing to let people buy fish without having their tanks cycled first? If we knew then what we know now, we would have NEVER bought the fish before we cycled the tank.

It took us 5-6 weeks to cycle the tank with fish in, and we lost a few along the way.

We wont be making this mistake again.
Dont trust chain stores such as pets at home. LFS's only care about making money, not about if you've cycled your tank first. Id take the two cories back and get some pgyms (is that how u spell it?)
AW thats a shame cuz the corys look so happy in there. They are only tiny and they have been in there for a month or so now.
They are albino corydoras...if that makes a difference.
Maidenhead Aquatics actually let us take fish home when we set up the tank that morning.

caz_m where are you based? i'm in marlow, just about to head up to Maidenhead Aquatics this afternoon to check out what they've got and see what its like..


EDIT: Just noticed maidenhead aquatics is a chain!
Yeah they are. I'm in Hereford and the shops is inside a garden center!
I discovered a maidenhead Aquatics a couple of days ago and bought some fish from there. They didn't seem to care what you put in a tank and didn't ask any questions but luckily I knew what I was there for. I do think that they'd let a newbie go in and buy about 20 fish for a new tank!
I personally think with the cory's you should keep them, and maybe get a couple more, it should be ok for your 15gal tank, that equals 60litres right?My dads got a 60litre tank at home and has about 5 corys in there, with about 15 other fish ranging from guppys to mollys and platys. Corys are so cute!! Ive got 2 in my 30litre tank, and my siamese betta loves them, once i even saw the male fighter on this plant resting as it does sometimes, and one of the corys went up to it, and starting hoovering its back, and the fighter didnt even twitch!i just wish i had a camera with me lol!!

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