Male Molly Harrasing Female


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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I have 1 male molly, and 2 female. The male keeps, i don't know how to describe it. He keeps putting his nose by her genitals lol He is chasing her round the tank. She already looks pregnant, and am scared she will die through stress :(

What can I do to help her?
But he isnt doing anything with his bits, just poking hers with his nose...she looks so upset :(
He's just doing what males do,if he were a dog a swift visit to the vets would be in order.
You could put in a fry net to seperate him from them for a while,might make him worse though lol
If it's one pregnant female he's chasing and not the other you could move her for a while into the other tank(in your sig) and net the baby you have if it's still to small.May turn his attenton to the other more which may in turn even it out when all reunited again.
Putting in more decor/plants if you haven't already so the females have a place to hide.
If you aren't keen on having them breed then rehome the females and just keep/buy males for your tank in future.Keeping females isn't good for live bearers as you may buy them pregnant.
The little fry we have in the QT tank has been in there about 5 weeks. He is about 1cm long. We did wonder when we could add him to the community tank?

Not too bothered about the breeding as we are getting a bigger tank soon anyway :)

I think a fry net may be in order, as its kinda constant. We had another female, and she died through no reason, and was pregnant, so I think that may have been stress too :(

Would moving her upset her so much that she loses her fry? (She does defo look pregnant)
Fry can be put in the main tank when they won't fit into the other fishes mouths,by this i mean it's tail as well.Netting them for a while in the main tank will let you gauge the reaction of the other occupants.If they try and get at them aggresively in the net they think it's their next meal.If they show an interest and don't bounce off the net trying to get in at them then they are probably ready.

Depends how far on tbh.If she's close then putting them in breeder boxes/nets can do more harm than good.Moving her to a well setup tank with as equal water conditions as the main tank on her own shouldn't be to detrimental to her or the fry.Provide plenty of hiding places for her and also for her fry,clump of java moss is good.If it's as bad as you say for her atm then it can't be any worse.

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