Worried About My Cory Catfish


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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He isn't very happy at all. He is in with another catfish, 4 mollies and some rummy nose tetras.

He is just sat at the bottom, and every so often it looks like he is going to topple over, but he stops himself.


The only fish we have added recently are 2 mollies, to equal out the male female ratio.

I wish I knew why he wasn't happy. The other one is fine!!

Does his belly look bloated to you? I can't remember what it looked like before.

Please help me someone.
I just nudged him, and he did swim at quite a speed....just doesn't seem to do much else. He is normally like a hoover round the bottom of the tank.
probably not happy from lack of friends,

corys like to be in groups, have to have 5 or 6 of them really
Sorry for your loss.

How often do you do water changes? And what are your water readings?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7.6
Nitrate 20

Water changes, we change and vac 20% every 1-2 days at the moment cuz we added a couple of mollys so obviously it would affect the water.

Its a tough one cuz we didnt know how many fish we were allowed to start with, so only got the two. Now we only have 1, and he looks lonely now his mate has gone :(

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