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    Few Questions

    If your only wanting to start small , id go for the Orca 450 L , its only a 10gallon tank and has everything you need to start off with . All you would need to add would be saltwater , so you have a choice , either mix it up yourself or go to your local LFS , most of these mix up saltwater at...
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    Nitrate In Water

    Also most LFS sell ready made SW , my local one sells it for 20p per litre .
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    Yes it only has 2 LEDS .
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    Can Use My Freshwater Filter For Saltwater?

    SG levels need to be around 1.024 and not 1.002 as previously mentioned . I wouldnt bother with the filter as live rock is by far better .
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    Iv recently bought a orca TL450 marine tank and it comes with some blue moonlights , do these need to be on at night all the time after iv put the main lights off .
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    Keyholes Getting Broody And Aggressive

    If your struggling to getmore females you could try this company they will sex them for you .
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    I Need A Good Lfs

    Im not sure where in the southwest you are , but have you tried cheddar garden center , they have got quite a good selection there and if you ask to see the manager he is also very good at sexing the fish.
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    How Do You Tell Male And Female Angels Apart?

    you cant until they are ready to spawn
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    Buying Online Vs Lfs

    Going to the lfs i think is a better option at least there you can inspect what your buying , iv never bought posted out fish so cannot really comment on that except to say you cannot see what your buying .
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    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    Yepeee at last iv got some brichardi fry , i only noticed while i was doing a water change and a general clean of the tank . I guess now they have started they wont stop lol .
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    Quick Platy Question

    Adding some more would be fine , different colors wont make any difference . What size of tank do you have ?
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    Betta Buying

    They really are stunning :)
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    Quick Platy Question

    Hiya , I wouldnt have thought if this male is a different coulor it would make that much difference , why not get a few females this will help keep the other males occupied .
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    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    Hiya , Yes iv noticed 3 males being quite attentive , 1 in particular has given her a helping hand .
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    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    Hiya all , Last night and again tonight iv noticed what looks like one of the smaller females digging in the gravel , underneath a plantpot i put in a few weeks back , am i right in thinking she is making a nest site and is ready for breeding ? If so how long does this last for...