Quick Platy Question


New Member
Apr 12, 2007
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In my tank I currently have 4 male Platy. 3 of them seem happy to hang around each other and whenever the 4th comes near they chase him off. I was considering getting a few more in the hope that the 4th one will be able to blend into the crowd more and be accepted (or possibly form a little group of his own).

My question is, does it matter what color variation the new Platy are. Do they have to be the same as the original ones or will Platy treat all others the same not matter what their coloring is?

I know its probably a silly question as if they cross breed with different colorings then they probably interact, but I just wanted to double check ;)

In my tank I currently have 4 male Platy. 3 of them seem happy to hang around each other and whenever the 4th comes near they chase him off. I was considering getting a few more in the hope that the 4th one will be able to blend into the crowd more and be accepted (or possibly form a little group of his own).

My question is, does it matter what color variation the new Platy are. Do they have to be the same as the original ones or will Platy treat all others the same not matter what their coloring is?

I know its probably a silly question as if they cross breed with different colorings then they probably interact, but I just wanted to double check ;)

Hiya ,
I wouldnt have thought if this male is a different coulor it would make that much difference , why not get a few females this will help keep the other males occupied .
Hiya ,
I wouldnt have thought if this male is a different coulor it would make that much difference , why not get a few females this will help keep the other males occupied .
The original 4 are all the same color, I was referring to any new ones possibly being different. While adding females may work I dont especially want a Fry explosion and they seem happy enough with just males ;)

Hiya ,
I wouldnt have thought if this male is a different coulor it would make that much difference , why not get a few females this will help keep the other males occupied .
The original 4 are all the same color, I was referring to any new ones possibly being different. While adding females may work I dont especially want a Fry explosion and they seem happy enough with just males ;)

Adding some more would be fine , different colors wont make any difference .
What size of tank do you have ?

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