Neolamprologus Brichardi


New Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hiya all ,
Last night and again tonight iv noticed what looks like one of the smaller females digging in the gravel , underneath a plantpot i put in a few weeks back , am i right in thinking she is making a nest site and is ready for breeding ?
If so how long does this last for and when do i expect to see some eggs .
She might be digging a nest, but she could just be bored. Have any males been paying close attention to her?
She might be digging a nest, but she could just be bored. Have any males been paying close attention to her?
Hiya ,
Yes iv noticed 3 males being quite attentive , 1 in particular has given her a helping hand .
sounds like amore to me! :hyper:
Yepeee at last iv got some brichardi fry , i only noticed while i was doing a water change and a general clean of the tank .
I guess now they have started they wont stop lol .
sounds like amore to me! :hyper:
I guess now they have started they wont stop lol .

BOYYYY you got that right!!! got extra tanks? lfs that will buy them from you?
you are now officially in the brichardi business :lol: :lol: :lol:

Congrats - you can now expect a brood every 3 weeks...comprising around 25 fry each time. Dont expect them all to survive - I average around 3 per brood - all generations now assist with the upbringing and protection of the new fry. Last week I had approx 25 hatch - and for the first time I still have around the same number, normally after a week or so im down to around 10 - so I guess they are getting good at this.....!!!! Fun to watch though.
Congrats! My Pulchers have gone haywire. One pair spawned after one week and now another pair spawned. The first pair must have over 50 by now.

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